The lake is not big, but the water is very clear.

There are no trees blocking the lake, so you can see the bright stars reflected on the lake.

The soldier didn't have any special feelings, because he was really tired of looking at these dry stars, and they were not as beautiful as the white breasts of the sluts in the city who needed money.

In all kinds of rogue ways, the soldiers could only watch the bubbles rising from the mouth of the pot.


Suddenly, a crow flew over his head, startling him and almost falling into the lake.

"Damn, dead bird!"

The soldier yelled angrily: "Believe it or not, I will take your hair off and use it as supper tonight!"

The crow was like a black lightning, quickly disappearing into the night.

When the soldier lowered his head, he found that because of his scare just now, the kettle had already fallen out of his hands and sank into the lake.

"Damn it."

The soldier then cursed angrily.

When traveling in this kind of forest, which can be extremely hot and humid during the day, water sources are also extremely important, so the water bottle must not be lost.

The soldier quickly leaned down and reached for the kettle.

In order to stretch his hand long enough, he even put his head into the lake water.

The water in the lake was cold and clear, and through the starlight in the sky, the soldier could clearly see the rapidly sinking kettle.

But when his hand was about to touch the kettle, he discovered that there seemed to be more than just kettles in the lake.

A twisted black shadow was squirming not far from the kettle, and it expanded rapidly.

No! That's not an expansion!

That's the black shadow, approaching quickly!

The soldier suddenly raised his head, but at that same moment, a black shadow broke through the water!

The soldier's face was horrified, and the terrifying true appearance of the black shadow was reflected in his eyes.

It turned out to be...a huge tentacle as thick as a bucket!

"Demon... magical beast!"

The soldier exclaimed, but his body froze for a moment, seemingly out of fear, and he could only watch as the tentacles rushed towards him quickly!

"Idiot, now is not the time for you to be in a daze!"

The sharp shouts woke up the soldiers, and the experienced captain rushed forward, slashing the sword in his hand towards the tentacles.

The tentacles were covered with scales, but there was only a small gap opened by the sword.

Fortunately, the tentacles were still rolling in pain, and the captain took the opportunity to pull the soldier away from him.

But before the two of them could breathe a sigh of relief, they saw big waves in the lake, and a huge black image emerged from the water like a hill!

This is actually a huge octopus!

The colorful skin of the octopus is extremely bright under the starlight, and more tentacles poke out from the bottom of the water. The small protruding eyes on both sides stare at the two people on the shore indifferently and bloodthirsty.

"Why...why, didn't it say there are no monsters in this forest?"

The soldier turned pale.

"No, this is not a monster."

The captain looked solemn and said:

"It has no magic power fluctuations on it, it's just a larger beast!"

"Then let's..."

"What about us, even if it's just a beast, it's not something we can deal with!"

The captain suddenly pounced, pressed the soldier's head and turned around to run away.

At the same time, the thick arms and legs passed by where the soldier was just now and directly bombarded a huge rock into pieces!

The soldier was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat instantly, and he didn't care so much. Although his physical strength was already stretched after a day of trekking, he still tried his best to squeeze out all his potential.

"If I had known better, I wouldn't have spent all the money on prostitution. It would have been better to eat meat twice more."

For the first time, the soldier felt regretful about his decadent first half of life.

"Go to hell, now is not the time to cry for you! If you want to cry, wait till you go back, then go and cry on a woman's belly!"

The captain slapped the soldier on the back, gritted his teeth, and took out a spherical metal product from his arms.

Empire standard three-shaped alchemy bomb!

The number of precious gadgets distributed above was not large, and as a captain, he was only eligible to receive one.

But I can’t control that much now.

Without much hesitation, the captain activated the alchemy bomb and threw it directly towards the giant octopus behind him.


A deafening loud noise resounded through the forest, the fire illuminated the sky, and countless crows flew in the distance. The huge impact and high temperature made both of them feel pain in their backs.

The octopus is engulfed in flames.

But before the captain had time to show his joy, he saw that the octopus that was facing the bomb started to move again.

The tentacles were twisting in the flames, like a wildly dancing python!

The bomb only broke off one of its arms, and even that arm was still growing buds and recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. The octopus's huge body swelled as if filled with water!

The captain couldn't tell how much actual damage the explosion caused to the octopus, but he knew that his behavior just now had completely angered the monster!

"Let's go!"

The captain pushed the soldier who was about to look back and continued to run away. Taking advantage of the octopus being delayed by the bomb, the two quickly got into the forest.

"Quickly... throw away the weapon and run away!"

Neither of them had a very high status, and they were not even qualified to wear real armor. They only had soft armor sewn from animal skins and a military-standard long sword.

But judging from the attack just now, this standard long sword could not hurt the octopus at all, but was only a burden.

Normally a long sword is nothing, but at this moment their physical strength is almost exhausted!

Neither of them hesitated much, threw away their weapons and continued to run away.




The sound of bombardment continued behind him.

This forest was different from ordinary forests. The trees were extremely tall, but because of this, the distance between them was not dense, and it could not stop the octopus from moving.

The octopus twisted its tentacles, and it was not slow at all on land. Its tentacles swept over the trees, leaving shocking scars on the skin of the trees at this stage!

The two of them had no intention of lamenting about this matter, but they just wanted to use all their strength.

But the speed was not as fast as the huge monster after all. If it continued like this, it would be caught up sooner or later.

What should I do... Is it the end?

The captain's mind turned rapidly, but there was nothing he could do.

What he learned in the army for several years was not enough for him to deal with such a terrible monster.


In the despair that was approaching, the soldier's eyes suddenly lit up, and he pointed to a place not far away, panting and saying:

"Captain... Captain... Look there..."


The captain glanced at it, and his heart was suddenly ecstatic.

Because there was a cave just in front of him, in the place covered with bushes!

The cave was only one person high, and with the size of an octopus, it was definitely impossible to get in.

Besides, after the captain's knife just now, he clearly knew that this monster was definitely not the kind of mollusk that could shrink its body to a very small size.

I don't know what kind of cave it is, but I have never heard of bears in this forest, and no matter what, it is better than the monster chasing behind.

Just hope that it is deep enough.

"Let's go in!"

The captain gritted his teeth and rushed to the cave with his soldiers.

But, when the cave was less than ten meters away from them, and hope was just in front of them...


The giant python-like tentacles passed them and slammed into the cave.

As the earth and rocks flew, the two could only watch in despair as the cave that carried their only way out was completely collapsed.

"It's over..."

Both of them stopped walking, because there was no place to escape.

The giant octopus also stopped, revealing a human-like sarcasm in its protruding eyes on both sides.

It seemed that its previous behavior was just a trick on the prey in front of it.

And now, the trick is over.

"Damn it..."

At the last moment of his life, the captain looked at the soldier beside him who was so scared that he burst into tears, and couldn't help sighing in anger.

I clearly agreed to help this kid find a wife, but I didn't expect...I still broke the promise in the end.

As a captain, I am really incompetent...

What a pity...

The sound of whistling wind sounded.

The black shadow pounced on the captain at a speed that was almost impossible to catch with the naked eye. He did not struggle in vain again, but silently protected the soldier in his arms and prayed to the goddess of faith in his heart.

Because he knew that in the face of impending death, all struggles were meaningless...

"Ah, what's going on."

But at this time, perhaps the goddess heard his prayer, another voice suddenly sounded, and the death that could not be disobeyed was forced to stop.

The captain widened his eyes in shock.

In front of him, the octopus's movements stopped abruptly, and the small eyes on both sides of its huge head looked towards the collapsed cave with great vigilance.

The voice came from there:

"I finally came out, but I was welcomed so warmly?"

"It really makes people... not happy."

As the voice became increasingly cold, the octopus stretched out to smash the cave, and the tentacles that had not yet been retracted suddenly... broke.

Yes, it broke.

It just broke suddenly...just like that.

The extremely fierce sword light made the night bright for a moment, and suddenly fell on the tentacles. In an instant, blood and flesh splattered, and the foul-smelling mucus sprayed everywhere.

The octopus's limbs twitched and twisted violently, making a piercing hissing sound.

At this moment, anger completely filled its underdeveloped brain, even making it forget the threat it had just felt.

However, before it even had time to launch an attack, it saw a huge sword protruding from the collapsed soil and rocks.

The sword was flowing with a lava-like red color, and it was aimed at the octopus and slashed lightly.

It looked like a child swinging a toy, without any strength.

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