
In an instant.

The earth and rocks were chopped open.

The ground was cut open.

The octopus was chopped open.

Everything in front of the sword was cut open.

But this time, the octopus couldn't even roar, as fierce flames burned and enveloped the octopus.

The stench of burning smell spread quickly, and the octopus struggled wildly, but everything was in vain.

No matter how strong his recovery power was, he could not withstand the powerful slash and the scorching flames.

It can only be turned into ashes at will by a more terrifying force.


Seeing that a monster that was extremely powerful and calculated to require an army of at least a hundred people to deal with was killed so easily, the captain and the soldiers both trembled at the same time, almost urinating from fear again, and looked at the person who was being chopped away in horror. The slender figure among the earth and rocks.

The star-like light spots rose and fell with the figure's breathing, and a powerful aura emerged on her thin body. At this moment, the figure seemed to be the center of the world, and even her heartbeat made everything move with it. Shake up.

They thought of the previous rumors and secretly thought that this was the terrifying existence in the forest?

But that terrifying existence didn't seem to pay attention to the meaning of the two ants. He just raised his head, his long hair flying, and looked up at the sky with a look of sadness:

"Is this... what the fourth level feels like? Breaking through the fourth level in just one month, this speed is shocking. Unprecedented? Maybe, it can only be said that it is an ancient relic, and the harvest is quite fruitful."

"But... even if I cleared the entire ruins, I didn't see you. Liya, you are not in the ruins at all. Where are you?"

21.The truth

Ariel looked up at the invisible sky that was covered by dense branches and leaves, letting the evening wind ruffle her hair, and her mood was full of melancholy.

A month ago, she followed Liya's traces and entered the unknown ruins.

I wanted to be the hero who saved the girl, but I didn't expect that the hero could not be achieved. Instead, I was trapped in various crises and shackles.

That ruins was more dangerous than she imagined. For an ordinary third-level person, entering it alone would be almost a death wish.

Fortunately, she is not an ordinary third level, so she will not be given away for free, but she is always dancing on the tip of the knife, has experienced many tests and difficulties, and has been on the verge of life and death several times.

It took her a whole month to finally clear the ruins.

However, the ruins were cleared, but she found no trace of Liya from beginning to end.

"Liya, you are not in the ruins at all. Where are you?"

Ariel once again called out her true feelings to the night sky, even though she knew that this call was in vain.

"Oh... think of the better, Ariel."

The teacher’s sigh sounded in my mind:

"Although we didn't find that little girl Liya, your strength has indeed made great progress."

"But Liya..."

"That little girl isn't that easy to get into trouble."

Ariel pursed her lips, and the sadness and anger in her eyes dissipated a little.

Indeed, the ruins are terrifying.

But the harvest brought by the crisis is equally rich.

In just one month, her level has risen to a large level. In the words of the teacher, this is an unprecedented speed.

You must know that a month ago, she had just been promoted to the third level.

And compared with the powerful thing she got at the end of the ruins, even her rapidly improving state seemed a bit insignificant.

Now, if she were to face the brilliant magician from a month ago again, even if the teacher didn't take action, the outcome might be uncertain.

This trip to the ruins caused her to undergo an almost all-round transformation, and her strength increased dramatically.


Liya still couldn't help but recall the girl's delicate and pretty face, and she became restless when she thought that she might be suffering somewhere in this terrible world right now:

"Even if I get such a powerful power, if I can't save Liya, what's the use? No, I will continue to look for her!"

Ariel looked determined, ready to go deep into this dangerous forest again.

Leah might still be in the forest and she couldn't give up.

Although he had missed that ruin before, he still believed that there was a fateful bond between her and Liya!

Liya, I will definitely find you!

"Sir... sir?"

But just as Ariel was about to take action, she heard a voice not far away.


Ariel lowered her head when she heard the call. Only then did she finally notice the soldier and captain in front of her.

The two of them knelt on the ground, still trembling, thinking that they had seen the legendary "terrible existence"...

Fortunately, the captain was more courageous. Seeing that there was no movement for a long time, he raised his head and secretly looked at it for a while. He felt that this "terrible existence" had no thoughts of cannibalism, so he shouted tentatively.

Ordinary people?

His eyes glanced at the two of them suspiciously, and Ariel's eyebrows furrowed slightly, showing a hint of confusion.

It's strange, this is the Forest of Death, which is a restricted area of ​​the empire. Apart from bugs and crows, there aren't many living creatures. How could there be people here, or ordinary people without any fighting spirit or magical energy?

"Who are you?"

Ariel asked.


Seeing that Ariel, this "terrible existence", actually took the initiative to ask them questions and had no intention of eating them, the captain couldn't help but be overjoyed. He kicked the trembling soldier next to him and said quickly:

"We are soldiers of the empire."


Ariel glanced at the leather armor on their bodies.

"Yes, we are the border guards under Earl Eller, the code name of the army is Hammer, we..."

"Wait, wait, I'm not interested in the detailed information of your army."

Ariel stopped the captain from talking and asked, "What I want to know is... why are you here? This is not a place for border guards."

"Yes... that's right."

The captain looked at the soldier and said frankly:

"We entered this forest to find someone."


"A little girl named Ariel."

The captain gestured:

"Height is about 1.5 to 1.6 meters, age 18, thin, and characterized by flat chest."

As he said, the captain also exclaimed:

"Speaking of which, that little girl looks very similar to you, adult."

Ariel: "..."

What do you mean by very similar? I'm talking about her!

What else is the characteristic of flat chest? When did flat chest become a characteristic? Apologize to all girls under the age of ten in the world!

And she doesn't have flat chest, it's just that the bulge is not obvious!


Ariel suddenly reacted.

The point of this sentence is not the unfounded flat chest, but... someone is looking for her!


The Academy?

Yes, after all, she "disappeared" on the way to the Holy City with the Academy, and it is only natural for the Academy to send people to look for her.

Thinking of this, Ariel's eyes lit up.

If they are looking for her, they will definitely look for Leah, which means...

"Then have you found the little girl named Leah? You should also have the task of finding her!"

Ariel asked anxiously.

She did not completely hope that these people could find Leah, but even if they did not find her, at least they could narrow down the scope in this huge forest...

But what Ariel did not expect was that the two people in front of her actually showed a blank expression when facing her question.


The captain frowned: "Sorry... Sir, we have never heard of this name."


Ariel was stunned.

"No... What do you mean by never heard of it? Leah, Leah Angel, a beautiful girl about my age, with slightly bigger breasts than mine, she should have also been lost in this forest."

Even if Leah might have been found halfway or gone out, as the searcher, she should have known her. How could she not have even heard of her name?

"I'm sorry, sir."

The captain shook his head and said seriously:

"We didn't receive any orders for the Miss Leah Angel you mentioned. From beginning to end, we were only looking for Miss Ariel."


Looking at the captain and the soldiers who were not false at all, Ariel's mouth opened unconsciously.

She didn't think that the school had forgotten to look for Leah, so...

Ariel suddenly had a guess that made her burst into tears...



"Yes, Master Muen and Miss Leah had successfully walked out of the forest a month ago."

Following the captain, Leah soon met Earl Eler who was stationed outside the forest.

From the mouth of the military-clad Earl Eler, she got the news that petrified her instantly without any surprise:

"For this month, we have been waiting... or looking for only you, Miss Ariel, alone."

"Huh? Looking for... only me... alone?"

Ariel staggered back a few steps, and at this moment, countless images emerged in her mind.

There was a picture of herself approaching the unknown ruins without hesitation in order to find Leah.

There was a picture of herself fighting between the terrible mechanical puppets, blood spurting, but without the slightest fear.

There was a picture of herself on the verge of life and death, and when she thought of the lonely Leah, she burst out with endless strength.


Now, these images are shattered.

Because, the Leah she wanted to save, did not exist from the beginning.

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