Liya successfully escaped from the dangerous forest a month ago and went to the safe and warm Holy City.

It is said that he is still with that damned Moon Campbell!

"Then...then I..."

Ariel shook her head, putting aside the image of Liya walking away from her, and murmured with a dull face:

"Then what is the purpose of all my hard work over the past month?"

22. Family

The campfire is bright in the warm tent.

Ariel sipped the coffee brought by the maid, looking dazed.

Although she felt that the fatigue from sleeping in the open air for the past month had dissipated a lot in the warm tent and the sweet milk coffee, she still felt that somewhere in her heart was empty.

The feeling... was like a punch on cotton.

Or maybe you try your best to confess to the person you like, but suddenly find that the other person not only wears a ring on their ring finger, but also has a child.

I'm full of blood and have nowhere to vent it!

"No, no, how can I think so?"

Ariel shook her head vigorously to drive all those messy thoughts out of her mind.

It's a good thing that Liya escaped from the forest safely!

It’s a good thing that you should feel happy about!

Although she heard from Count Eller that Liya and that annoying Mu En rode in the same carriage to the Holy City, which made her feel a little sour in her heart, the so-called riding together should only mean riding in the same motorcade.

Wasn't it like this before? There is a lot to think about when traveling in a motorcade.

In her own memory, Liya had no interaction with that annoying Moon Campbell at all. They didn't even exchange a few words. Even though that Moon Campbell was a famous playboy, in just one month, she was still in the Holy City. What can he do on Liya's home court?

I still think too much.

Ariel smiled self-deprecatingly and quickly calmed down.

The idea of ​​a hero saving the beauty in front of Liya failed, which indeed made her a little disappointed and melancholy.

But it's not a big deal. With her deep relationship with Liya, if she wants to let the friendship deteriorate, she believes it is just as difficult as piercing a layer of membrane.

Just losing a small opportunity would not make her too disappointed.

Childhood sweethearts, deep feelings, everything comes naturally, the last step is final, the advantage is mine!

Ariel curled up the corners of her unruly mouth, and her eyes shone with a glimmer of confidence again.

"Thank you Earl Ayler for your help."

Ariel put down her coffee and said politely to Earl Ayler who was sitting at the head of the long table:

"The Bugard family will remember this kindness."

Although Ariel has always disliked this kind of rules and regulations among nobles, she is now the first heir of the Bugard family, so she still needs to know some politeness.

"No, you don't have to thank me."

Earl Ayler did not accept Ariel's thanks, and did not even raise his head from the official document in front of him.

"I'm just following Master Mu'en's order."

"Moon Campbell?"

Ariel was stunned for a moment, wondering what that guy wanted to do... Then she quickly realized:

"Did the academy ask him to help?"

"I don't know about this. I'm just a soldier who obeys orders."

Earl Ayler shook his head and didn't care.

"Then it was also his order to let those ordinary people go into the forest to search?"

Ariel then asked casually.

But perhaps this sentence touched something, Earl Ayler suddenly raised his head and glanced at Ariel expressionlessly.

For a moment, the atmosphere turned cold.

"Did...did I say something wrong?"

"No, a natural disaster appeared in the forest a month ago. Although it did not cause any disaster, Master Mu En is not the kind of unruly person who doesn't care about the lives of ordinary people."

Earl Ayler recalled that he met a month ago, that gentle young man who was completely different from the rumors. He paused and said:

"He just asked us to wait for you outside. The one who really made me have to give this order... was you."


Ariel looked confused.


What the hell?

At that time, I was still struggling with those iron knots in the ruins. When will she be able to send messages outside the ruins?

"Sorry, that's not the right statement."

Earl Ayle looked at Ariel and said meaningfully:

"What I should be talking about is...the Boogard family behind you."

"My Lord Earl."

After Ariel left, a maid suddenly walked into the tent and presented a beautiful treasure box.

"This is what the Lord left behind. He said it was a thank you gift he promised to you."

Earl Ayler glanced coldly and said, "Take it back, I don't need it."

"But that adult..."


Eller sighed and rubbed his tired brows:

"Then you go and sell the things, distribute them to the soldiers, and let them buy bars. They have worked hard these days."


"Those maggots are really..."

After the maid left, with the still bright candlelight, Earl Ayler lowered his head to look at the letter he had read many times in his hand, with a rare sneer on his serious face:

"Normally, I don't even care about my own flesh and blood, but once I smell the smell of flesh, my movements are as slippery as a wild dog."

"Miss Ariel, I finally see you."

Ariel just walked out of the tent when she happened to bump into a well-dressed old man.

The old man looks quite old, but his hair is meticulously combed, and his hair is so shiny that he can look into the mirror.

He seemed to have been waiting here for a long time. When he saw Ariel, his eyes turned red instantly.


Ariel avoided the hand that wanted to reach out in disgust. After seeing the appearance of the old man in front of her, she frowned slightly:

"You are... the guy who has been following my elder brother, right? Why are you here?"

"Of course it's because I'm worried about Miss Ariel."

Not caring about Ariel's visible disgust, the old man took out his handkerchief and wiped the corners of his eyes:

"After learning that Miss Ariel was missing, your brother had trouble sleeping and eating. He specially sent me to urge those untouchables to search for you seriously. Seeing that you are safe and sound, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

"Having trouble sleeping and eating? Why do these words sound so ridiculous to me? Doesn't he want me to die the most?"

Ariel stared at the old man suspiciously:

"Did I beat that guy stupid? Do you need me to find a doctor for him? I happen to know a few good ones who are good at treating people. For my sake, I can give him a 120% discount. ”


The old man's mouth twitched, then he smiled sincerely and said:

"Miss Ariel, what you are saying is that we are all one family, why should we be so divided? There were indeed some misunderstandings before, but your brother is really worried about you this time, otherwise he would not have sent me here specially."

"Cut the nonsense."

Ariel squinted her eyes, faced the old dog licking her face, and said with an unkind expression:

"If you have anything to say, just tell me, my patience is limited."

"It's okay! It's okay. It's really okay this time. I'm just checking on you this time. You don't have to be too vigilant."

As the old man said this, he rubbed his hands, suddenly leaned over, and asked respectfully:

"Then Miss she going to the Holy City to look for Miss Liya? If you don't mind, I can prepare a carriage for you..."

"No need, get out!"

"Okay, I'll get out, I'll get out, I'll get out now."

But before leaving, the old man approached Ariel with an incomprehensible expression:

"The family thinks highly of you, Miss Ariel, and I hope you can always maintain a deep friendship with Miss Liya..."

23. Contact

"What the hell?"

Looking at the direction in which the old man disappeared, Ariel was confused.

My cheap brother sent his confidant butler here just to find her and make sure she was okay?

Would the guy who was so beaten by him that he couldn't get out of bed for half a month and lost his position as heir be so kind?

"And what does that sentence mean?"

Do you want your friendship with Liya to remain strong?


Just friendship?

Are they cursing themselves?

"Bah, bah, bah, you really don't have any good intentions, friendship? I am the woman who wants to be loved by Liya!"

After reconfirming her ambition, Ariel couldn't help but raise her head again and look at the sky in the deep night.

Without the obstruction of tree branches and leaves, the vast sky was fully included in her eyes, and the stars were twinkling, bright and charming.

Liya...could she be looking at the same sky at this moment?

"Oh, I really want to know how Liya is doing now."

Liya went to the Holy City, thinking that she might as well attend the important holy ceremony.

But I have been stuck in the ruins for this month. Without my help, Liya is alone to go through the cruel ritual and trial...

Ariel bit her lip, blaming herself a little.

Now Liya must be in need of comfort. She needs someone who can make her open her heart, make her feel warm, and support her by her side.

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