
If I go to the Holy City now, even if I take the fastest carriage, it will take at least three days to see her...

Three days is not long, but for Leah who has been waiting for a whole month, it will definitely be more difficult to wait.

She must be very worried about me...

Hey, wait.

A light suddenly flashed in Ariel's head.

Although it will take at least three days to see her, I can talk to her, understand her current situation, tell her that I am not only safe now, but also very strong, and give her warm comfort... right now!

Ariel's eyes lit up, and she immediately took out the... sound transmission stone!

I couldn't use the sound transmission stone before because Leah's sound transmission stone was lost during the space transmission, and then I entered the ruins again.

But now a month has passed, Leah must have bought a new sound transmission stone, so I can communicate directly like this!

"It's just that the distance of the sound transmission stone is related to the quality. The sound transmission stone that Liya used before doesn't seem to be able to receive such a long distance... Alas, I can only hope that the new one she bought is of higher quality."

With a nervous mood, Ariel dialed the familiar frequency.



Knock knock knock.

The door was knocked.

"Hello, Your Highness the Saint, your loyal believer, come to see you."

"Huh? It's so late, and I don't know which believers will come..."

Liya opened the door in confusion, and then saw...

Mu En, who lowered his voice and had a smirk on his face, was outside the door.


Liya widened her eyes in surprise, and quickly pulled Mu En into the room. After looking around outside cautiously, she closed the door.

"Why are you here? This is deep inside the church. Outsiders are not allowed to enter. If the nun sees us, she will definitely..."

"Don't worry, I'm not an outsider now."

Mu En took out the badge with a smile and shook it in front of Leah:

"Now I am an honorary Templar Knight on the church's list. From now on, we are a family."

"Honorary Templar Knight?"

Liya blinked her big watery eyes and kept scanning the badge. After confirming that there was indeed a church mark on it, she said excitedly:

"This was sent to you by His Majesty the Pope, which means..."

"Hehe, didn't I say that we are a family now."

Mu En hugged Leah's slender waist and lowered his head to bite her sweet cherry lips.

"Who, who is a family with you..."

Liya said shyly: "What happened, why don't you tell the truth."

So Mu En bit Leah's slightly red ear again and told her everything about his previous conversation with the Pope.

Of course, Mu En did not say anything about the speculation about the goddess, because after all, she was the goddess that Liya believed in. Suspicion of the goddess would make her unhappy.

"Bad guy..."

After listening to Mu En's story, Liya gently knocked on Mu En's chest and pouted:

"Now you are happy. There is a saint lady as your underground lover. This is an unprecedented treatment, and it is convenient for you to provoke other girls."

"How could it be."

Mu En looked at Liya's cute eyes, cute nose, cute lips, and cute face tenderly, and hugged her tighter:

"I can't wait to show you off to the whole world now, my little Liya, you are so cute, can I kiss you again?"

"No... um..."

The words of resistance were so weak, and the delicate struggle almost melted in the hot and domineering kiss instantly.

The warm candlelight swayed, reflecting two shadows that were close together and dependent on each other.

"What are you doing? Are you busy?"

After the passionate kiss, Mu En gently pinned a strand of messy hair behind the girl's ear.

"Hmph, you know I'm busy now."

Liya twisted Mu En's waist, and at the moment he felt pain, she slid out of his arms like a mermaid and came to the desk beside him.

The perky buttocks swayed under the tight nightgown, which was particularly seductive.

Mu En also followed and saw the golden papers on the desk.

"This is..."

"The holy words, the text copied with holy light, will float into the sky with my recitation on the day of my succession ceremony, so that all the believers in the holy city can see it, which can be regarded as a kind of miracle for me, the new saint."

"I see."

Mu En nodded, and then hugged Li Ya's waist again.

"I told you I'm going to copy this now."

Liya glared at Mu En angrily and said angrily:

"Let go."

"No need, you continue."

Mu En leaned forward and whispered in her ear:

"You copy this, I copy you."


Liya tilted her head, showing a cute expression of confusion.

Mu En shook his head and smiled: "It's okay, it's just the slang of my hometown, don't worry about it."


Liya turned her head and prepared to continue copying the holy words.

But as soon as she picked up the pen, her little hand trembled and she couldn't copy it anymore.

Because the bad guy had already put his salty hands into the hem of her nightgown.


"What's wrong, I won't disturb you."

"The holy words need to mobilize the power of holy light, you can't be distracted... um."

"You don't have to be distracted, come on, concentrate."

"... Um... How can I concentrate like this..."

The sensitive Liya finally couldn't help but let out sweet sounds from her pink lips. She even lowered her waist and raised her peach in response to the bad guy's movements.

Gradually and unconsciously, I fell into it.

The candlelight was dim and bright, beating constantly, and the two shadows also jumped.

Bang, bang, bang.

Also beating is the desk, and the silent golden paper that needs to be raised to the sky in the attention of all believers to become a miracle descended by the saint, but may be accidentally stained with a drop or two of holy liquid.

"Bad guy..."

The fierce battle was in full swing, and when they were about to reach the clouds, Liya worked hard to regain some clarity.

She knew that if she continued to play like this, although it was indeed exciting, all her efforts tonight might be in vain.

So she suddenly turned around and took the initiative to push the bad guy onto the bed.

She bit Mu En's strong chest and shoulders and said softly:

"Quick...quick victory."

"I can't control this."

Mu En blinked, and Xianzhu's hand subconsciously touched the towering white mountain, and said with a evil smile:

"It's up to you."

"Um...I...how can I..."

"Are you up there?"


Liya's face turned red with embarrassment.

How could that action be done in front of Mu En...

"What's wrong? Haven't you done it before?"


"Really? Don't tell me, when I was unconscious, you weren't..."

"Well...you are indeed a bad person."

Mu En looked like she was going to torture her all night long if she didn't do as she was told. In the end, she couldn't defeat the bad guy, so Liya sat astride Mu En obediently.

This isn't the first time, so I'm pretty skilled at it.

After that, as the bed frame shook, Mu En experienced for the first time what it means to have mountains standing still, big waves rolling, and the earth shaking.

As it became more and more consistent and deepened, Mu En also gradually became involved, until...


"Hmm? What's the sound?"

"Okay...it seems to be my sound transmission stone."

"Leave it alone."


"Didi didi didi."

"Didi didi didi."


"Tsk, who is this? I'm so annoyed."

"I...let me see..."

Under the candlelight, the two inverted D-shaped figures finally came to a halt, and then a sweat-soaked jade hand reached out from the edge of the bed. After groping for a long time among the clothes flying everywhere, they finally found the sound transmission stone.

Liya felt it for a moment, and then her pretty face, which was immersed in pleasure, suddenly became much clearer.

"This...this frequency is Ariel!"

"Oh...Ariel, let her wait...wait, Ariel?"

Mu En, who was about to take the opportunity to cause trouble, was stunned. He and Liya looked at each other for a while, and their faces turned pale.

He looked at himself and then at Liya.

Finally looking at the sound transmission stone in Liya's hand, she suddenly understood the current situation.

On the other side of the sound transmission stone is the protagonist of the original book, the Chosen One with monstrous fighting power, Ariel.

Here is her childhood sweetheart, one of the heroines she is trying to win over.

And underneath this childhood sweetheart, he, the yellow-haired villain appointed by the book, was lying naked.

This scene...how does it feel...so awesome.

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