"Hello... hello? Is this Ariel?"

The familiar voice that sounded from the sound transmission stone made Ariel on the other side ecstatic.

It worked, it really worked!

"Liya, it's me!"

Ariel clutched the sound transmission stone, "I am Ariel."

"Ah...Ariel...you finally managed to escape from the forest...it's so good...um..."

"Yes, I came out! A lot has happened in the whole month, you... huh?"

The childhood sweetheart she longed for connected to the sound transmission stone. Ariel had endless things to say, but she suppressed those words for the time being.

Because she suddenly realized that Liya's voice across from her was a little weird?

"Liya? What are you...what are you doing now? Why do you feel that your voice is a little strange and your breathing is rapid."

"Ah...I...I'm exercising."


Ariel looked up at the sky with a strange expression:

"so late?"

"No... that's right. I heard that exercising before going to bed is more effective than... I've gained weight recently, so..."

"Really, I've been telling Liya not to eat so many little cakes, but you just don't listen. This big cow like you must have become fat again."

Ariel made some helpless yet funny jokes, then continued to ask with her little waist in her hands:

"So, what kind of exercise are you doing, and why are you so tired?"

"I...I'm...I'm squatting..."

On the other side of the sound transmission stone, Liya's voice seemed a little more urgent and she said:

"Yes, squats..."

24. You have to prove

"I...I'm squatting..."

In the remote sound transmission stone communication, Liya's slightly vague voice came out.


Ariel touched her chin seriously and nodded:

"So, this is indeed a very suitable exercise for weight loss. There are no restrictions on the venue. You can do it at any time. The most important thing is that it is very helpful for slimming legs and shaping thighs."

"No...that's right, my thighs...well...have become a bit thick recently."

"But I think the biggest thing that you, a nasty big cow, need to lose is not your thighs."

Glancing unwillingly at a certain part of her body, Ariel scratched it with her five fingers and said viciously:

"Instead of doing squats, you should..."


Liya's voice suddenly rose, with an inexplicable charm, interrupting Ariel's words.

"What...what happened? What happened?" Ariel asked anxiously.

"No...no, just...just accidentally, my little toe hit the leg of the table, yes, it hit the corner of the table. It's okay now. Ariel, keep talking, I...I'm listening."

There was a crunching sound from the opposite side, followed by the sound of hard slapping. It sounded like a naughty kid who accidentally bumped into him was angrily fighting back at the culprit, the table leg.

Humph, Liya can be very childish sometimes. Ariel thought funny.

"Really, you will hurt yourself if you exercise. You are too stupid."

Ariel joked:

"I say, instead of doing squats, you should do push-ups."


"That's right, you should slim down the parts that a big cow like you needs to lose the most."

"I told you... I'm not... a big... big cow... um... no!"

Liya denied it twice in succession, and then Ariel heard the puffing sound again.

Well, I still hate myself for saying that to her.

A sweet smile appeared on Ariel's lips. She seemed to see Liya in front of her, angrily wanting to fight back because of her deliberate "teasing".

"Liya, how are you doing recently?" Ariel couldn't help but ask.

"Okay...of course, I'm fine."

There was nothing in his tone. Was he trying to hold on?

"That's good, listen to me, this time in the ruins, I am..."

"Hey... bad~"


"It hurts. I mean it hurts. The little toe I touched just now is still hurting."

"But don't you have the Holy Light Technique?"

Ariel said strangely.

"Holy...Holy Light Technique? Yes, I have it...but I can't use it now. If I use it now, wouldn't the training just now be...in vain?"

"Ah... yes."

While the Holy Light spell heals wounds, it will also clear away fatigue.

And fatigue is the best exercise for the body.

But Liya worked out very hard this time, and she is still panting now, and there is no sign of weakening after chatting for a while. Is she chatting with me and keeping exercising at the same time?

"Then, Liya, I..."

"Ah... no... I can't do it anymore..."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"No... Ariel... I... I have something to do now, can we talk about it later?" Liya said suddenly.


"Come to the Holy City to find me... I... um... I really can't do it anymore..."


After leaving a sentence that had no beginning and no end, but the ending tone seemed to be particularly high and sweet, the sound transmission stone had already hung up.

Ariel was left with a dazed look on her face, blinking blankly.

"You are so worried. Could it be that... is there really something urgent?"

Ariel was slightly worried.

But she quickly put away this worry.

The night was still dark and it was still early in the morning, but after a brief conversation with Liya, her mood became completely cheerful.

I believe the same is true for Liya.

No matter what difficulties you have, I can help you solve them when the time comes!

Liya raised her head, her eyes following the mountains in the distance shrouded in night, and suddenly she clenched her fist hard.

So there's not much to say.

Let’s go to the Holy City!

Under Mu En's constant mischief, Liya finally reached the beautiful clouds, and every inch of her delicate body was trembling with happiness.

Then he leaned feebly into Mu En's arms, so fragile that he seemed to have lost all his bones.

"Liya is such a little pervert. In this situation..."

Mu En, who also felt extremely comfortable, gently stroked Liya's long hair that was damp with sweat, and teased with a smile.

"Hmph...you are the pervert..."

Liya nuzzled into Mu En's arms and hummed:

"It's not because you are a bad person. People are obviously talking to Ariel, but you insist on being evil!"

"But you seem to like it."

"No, no."

"Hey, you don't admit it with your mouth, but your body is very honest. You just..."

"Just! No! Yes!"

Liya bit Mu En's shoulder angrily and said coquettishly:

"Aren't you afraid that Ariel will find out if you are like this?"


Mu En, who was still immersed in this excitement just now, suddenly became excited.

For some reason, her neck suddenly felt cold, and Mu En inexplicably thought of Ariel's big, thick and long sword.

Just in case, he quickly held up Liya's delicate little face and said seriously:

"Dear Liya, if Ariel wants to kill me in the future, you must help me."

"Huh? Why does Ariel want to chop you?" Liya tilted her head.

I still ask why, it’s just because you are in my arms now!

I'm Ariel and I'm sharpening my knives right now!

Of course, she probably doesn't know anything yet.

"Anyway... you will definitely help me, right? We have agreed before."


Liya thought of the agreements she had made with Mu En on the way to the Holy City, and the corners of her mouth curled up unconsciously.

I remember that at the beginning, I really thought he was a bad person.


Humph, he is indeed a bad person.

"Hmph, let's see how you behave."

"Then I have to behave."

Mu En suddenly turned over and pressed Liya underneath him.

"You...what do you want to do?"

Liya blinked and asked with an extremely innocent expression.

"do what?"

Mu En chuckled mischievously:

"Xiao Liya has finished her squats, and now of course I have to do push-ups."

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