

Holy City, city gate.

After rejecting the help from her family, Ariel rented the fastest carriage in the border city of the empire and arrived at the gate of the holy city without stopping.

As soon as she arrived here, she found the atmosphere unusual.

The city gate, which was originally open to believers from all over the world, has now set up strict checkpoints. Teams of knights in shining armor patrol back and forth with solemn expressions.

The faint light floated over the city, exuding a holy atmosphere.

One after another, luxurious carriages with colorful flags fluttering formed a long queue in front of the gate of the holy city. Just by scanning those flags, Ariel recognized many famous forces and families.

"It's so lively..."

Ariel grabbed a believer who was constantly worshipping in the direction of the Holy City and asked:

"What happened in the Holy City? Why are there so many people?"

"Huh? You don't know?"

The believer looked at a country bumpkin with disdain and said coldly:

"Tomorrow is the succession ceremony of Her Highness the Saint!"

"...I see."

Ariel immediately realized that she had forgotten about this because she was too anxious to come to the Holy City to see Leah.

After the Saint Ceremony that she missed, it was naturally the succession ceremony of the new Saint.

For such an important matter, all countries and forces must send more people on top of the Saint Ceremony Observers sent before to show their importance.

Thinking of this, Ariel couldn't help but gaze deeply at the Holy City that was so close.

The more times like this, the more sad Leah must be.

Sorry, Leah, it's all my fault, but don't be afraid, I'm here!

"Identity certificate."


At the gate, Ariel stared at the knight in front of her blankly, hesitating:

"What...what identity certificate? To enter the Holy City, don't you just need a passport?"

"It was like this before, but now it's a special period."

The knight explained:

"For the safety of the succession ceremony of Her Highness the Saint, to prevent dangerous elements from sneaking into the city, if you can't prove which country, family, or force you come from, and have a registered real identity, you can't enter the city. Haven't you seen that many believers can only worship outside the Holy City?"

"Wait, wait, I'm from the Leopold Empire, but I'm the first heir of the well-known Bugard family in the empire, Ariel Bugard!"

Ariel hurriedly said:

"Not many people dare to forge such a noble identity!"


The knight didn't say anything nonsense, but just spread his hands silently.


Ariel was stunned, touched herself blankly, and then shook her head.

How could there be such a thing?

She was supposed to go into the city with the academy team, so she didn't need the so-called ID. In addition, she rarely relied on her family when she went out. She even refused the family's carriage before, and she didn't even bring a family emblem.

And generally, she didn't need that kind of thing. Who knew that the Holy City would suddenly check so strictly!

"If you don't have it, please leave first. The people behind are still waiting."

The knight waved his hand impatiently at Ariel, signaling her to leave quickly.


Ariel thought for a moment, and suddenly a light bulb flashed, and said:

"The Leopold Empire Embassy! And the academy! They can all prove my identity. As long as you let me in, I can get my ID."

"If you want to go in, take out your ID first."

"But if I want to get my ID, I have to go in first!"

"Then give me your ID!"

"I told you, I have to go in before I have an ID!"

"Take your ID first, then you can go in!"

"I want to go in!" Ariel roared.

"No! I must have an ID!"

With a clang, the knight also drew out half of his sword with his eyes blazing.

"Damn it!"

Ariel gritted her teeth and felt deeply desperate about the rigidity of these Holy City Knights.

But she couldn't force her way in. The city in front of her was the gathering place of the highest combat power of mankind. Even if her strength had just improved a lot recently, forcing her way in would definitely be a dead end.

"It seems that I have to think of other ways."

Ariel's eyes flickered.

The road is dead, but people are alive.

How could her road to reunion with Leah end just because of this little setback?

25. Implicate

"Merchant from the independent city of Elielze?"

The knight in silver armor checked the ID in his hand and carefully compared the picture on it with the fat middle-aged man in front of him.

"Berkeley Heller?"

"Yes, yes, I am the president of the Berkeley Chamber of Commerce. The Holy City ordered a batch of goods, and I came here specifically to deliver them."

The middle-aged man smiled, nodded and bowed, and was extremely respectful to the knight. When his sleeves fluttered inadvertently, several large-denomination banknotes had already entered the knight's palm.

The knight frowned slightly, as if he was unhappy, but the banknotes disappeared when he turned his palm. He slapped the ID card on Berkeley.

He looked past him and looked at the convoy behind.


"Goods, didn't I just say that the goods that the Holy City wants are some daily necessities, and there will definitely be no dangerous goods." Berkeley rubbed his fat hands and said.

The knight seemed not to hear Berkeley's words. He had a stern face and asked his subordinates to check the carriages one by one.

The carriage was searched thoroughly, even the bottom of the carriage and the belly of the horse were not spared. The knight found that they were indeed daily necessities similar to cloth and clothing, and they were all worthless things.

After the inspection, the knight's attention fell on the entourage beside the carriage.


"Hey... they are all from the Chamber of Commerce. If you want proof of identity, I can provide you with the employment certificate from the Chamber of Commerce. Every one of them is a good citizen that I recruit, and there is absolutely no criminal record."

"No, just register in the name of your chamber of commerce later...wait."

The knight suddenly frowned, his eyes sharpened, and he looked at the short figure hiding in the hood at the end of the team:

"Why is this person covering his face?"


Berkeley looked a little unnatural and said with a smile:

"She is not suitable for seeing people. Sir Knight, could you please..."

As he spoke, Berkeley stuffed a few large-denomination bills without leaving a trace.

"Excuse me? I'm just one person. Sir Knight..."

"Get away!"

But this time, the knight pushed Berkeley away and walked up to the short figure.

"Take off your hat."

"Lord Knight, I..."

The short figure shrank his head, and his thin body under the wide robe couldn't help trembling, and he looked a little pitiful.

"Pick it!"

The knight stared directly at the short figure, silently grasped the hilt of the sword, and made a gesture behind him with his other hand, and several subordinates began to surround him without leaving any trace.

"Don't make me say it a third time!"


In this cold atmosphere and murderous intent, the short figure screamed, but he had no choice but to stretch out his hand and slowly lift the hood.

Seeing this, Berkeley frowned and let out a long sigh.

When the knight saw the face under the hood, his serious expression suddenly froze, and the hand holding the sword trembled slightly.

Because it turned out to be an extremely ferocious face.

Half of her face is as fair as a girl's, while the other face is as if the fresh and tender skin has been torn apart, and is red. The wrinkles extend like cracked earth to the neck next to the ears. In comparison, nine The face of a ten-year-old old woman can be said to be as beautiful as a fairy.

"She's my little girl."

Berkeley took out his handkerchief and wiped the tears from his eyes:

"A year ago, he became like this in a fire, with extensive burns. He usually doesn't dare to see people.

In fact, most of my visit to the Holy City this time was to take her to treat the injuries on her face. I heard that when Her Royal Highness the Saint ascends the throne, the goddess will specially send blessings, so I came to try it and scared the knight. My lord, I'm so sorry. "


The knight was silent for a moment, then reached out and gently put the hood back on the poor little girl.

"I was rude, I'm sorry, please leave."

"Thank you, Lord Knight!"

Berkeley was overjoyed and directed the convoy to enter the city quickly.


The knight suddenly stopped Berkeley. He turned around uneasily, only to find that the knight had handed back all the large-denomination bills.

"Lord Knight, what are you..."

"Before going to pay homage to Her Majesty the Holy Lady, let's take her to a medical clinic first. There are several doctors in the Holy City who have excellent medical skills and should be able to cure her."

"Thank you... thank you!"

Berkeley was stunned for a moment, and then he was moved to tears:

"Your kindness will be remembered forever!"

The knight nodded expressionlessly, not taking these thanks to heart.

Half an hour later, on a certain street in the Holy City.

"It's safe."

Berkeley looked around with a stern look, making sure that no one else was behind him, then smiled and waved to the short figure at the end.

"As you said, it's done."

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