"Well, it's not bad."

The short figure took off his hood, revealing a ferocious face that would make normal people recoil.

But as she gently tore it off behind the ear, a piece of facial skin that fit perfectly was torn off, revealing a fair and delicate girl's face.

The short figure is naturally Ariel.

After determining that she could not enter the city through the main entrance openly, she chose another method, which was to spend money to sneak into the Berkeley Chamber of Commerce and let the people from the chamber of commerce bring her in.

Although the process was a bit thrilling, the result was as expected and she successfully entered the Holy City.

"Hmph, I didn't expect that rigid knight to have a warm side."

Thinking back to the scene just now, Ariel still felt a pang of conscience for her deception.

But under the joy of meeting Liya, this dull pain was quickly forgotten by her.

"This is the final payment we agreed on."

Ariel proudly threw a lot of money to Berkeley.

In the past, she would not have been so willing, but after visiting the ancient ruins, she had completely changed.

If nothing else, you have money!

Berkeley counted the banknotes and smiled happily:

"The amount is correct. I wish you a happy life. By the way, I can also provide guide services for the Holy City. You see..."

"No need, I'm in the Holy City, there will be people to receive me."

Ariel puffed up her chest and showed a proud smile like someone above me. She quickly said goodbye to the people in the Chamber of Commerce and merged into the main street of the Holy City without making any further stops.

The sun was just right at the moment and people were coming and going. Ariel felt more and more comfortable as she looked at everything that seemed to be rendered extremely holy by the golden light.

She could feel that she was getting closer and closer to Liya.

After Ariel left, the atmosphere in the already gloomy alley suddenly became weird.

An attendant from the Chamber of Commerce suddenly walked up to Berkeley, wiped his neck, and said gloomily:

"Boss, don't you deal with that person just now?"

"No, this is a holy city. It's too easy to kill people at will and leave traces."

In the shadows, Berkeley's originally amiable face suddenly turned cold, exuding a faint bloodthirsty aura. He was completely different from the slightly wealthy middle-aged businessman before.

"And we have to thank her. Without her, it might not be so easy to enter the city. Who knew that the censorship in the Holy City would suddenly be so strict? We would not be able to complete your procedures!"

Berkeley shouted to everyone in a low voice:

"At this important moment, don't create extraneous matters and act according to the plan."


The order was given and everything began to proceed in an orderly manner.

With a pained cry that was deliberately concealed, the horses of the cavalry fell in a pool of blood, and the accompanying attendants skillfully cut open the horses' bellies with the daggers they carried.

The space magic device hidden in the horse's belly was taken out, and with a flash of light, a large number of alchemical weapons almost piled up into a hill. Among them were even contraband items on the banned lists of various countries. They were so powerful that they were absolutely not allowed to appear in the Holy Land. Forbidden things in the city!

Especially during this sensitive time!

"Tomorrow is the time when the witch of the church takes the throne. We will never allow the hypocritical goddess to deceive the people again. We will definitely declare the truth to the world!"

Berkeley's eyes were red and he scanned everyone majestically:

"We have been preparing for this moment for a long time, and this time, there is absolutely no room for error!"


The attendants picked up the alchemy weapons on the ground, and their bodies began to exude a fierce aura that definitely did not belong to the caravan attendants.

Soon, under strict planning, this humble caravan was fully armed to the teeth. With the power they possess at the moment, even in this tightly guarded holy city, it is enough to set off a huge wave!


Berkeley gave the order coldly, with blazing fire already burning in his eyes.

The team began to move, rushing towards...




The next moment, there was a sound like bubbles bursting in the sun.

With everyone's eyes widening in horror, this team that was about to inflict bone-crushing pain on the Holy City suddenly fell to the ground one by one before they even had time to walk out of the alley, like wheat being cut down.

Berkeley's expression changed drastically. He held the alchemy sword that was half a man's height, and his body suddenly expanded. His muscles like a horned dragon squeezed through his clothes, and hair like steel needles covered his body.



With a sharp sword sound.

The silver-white sword swept out from the shadows and climbed lightly on Berkeley's shoulder.

He spurted out blood with a pop, and quickly deflated like a punctured balloon.

"Is this... the ban of the Great Barrier?"

Berkeley looked horrified, looking blankly at the figures surrounding the alley, and then at the familiar knight in shining armor not far away.

"Is it you? Why?"

Being qualified to mobilize the Great Barrier, he is by no means a low-ranking person among the knights of the Holy City.

But such a big shot would actually guard the gate himself?

"Ha... Of course we have known for a long time that someone was planning to assassinate Her Highness the Saint, so we are all prepared." The knight sneered.

"Then how did you find us, I..."

"How to find it?"

The knight raised his eyebrows slightly and said sarcastically:

"Didn't you bring me here?"


Berkeley was stunned for a moment, then his face turned ferocious:

"Those bills, you!"

Berkeley tried hard to mobilize the remaining strength and wanted to launch a counterattack, but before he could even lift the weapon in his hand, he felt the huge force suppressing him and unable to move.

And the knight just stood there.

There is no corner in the holy city where sunlight can be found, and the strong smell of blood permeates the air, making it nauseating.

Some come from horses whose bellies have been disemboweled, and naturally there are also those from humans.

And such an assassination operation against the church saint was so easily and completely wiped out that it was not even a wave.

No, maybe not completely.

"Sir Sir, please finish the task with a lower number. There is one less person."

"There is one less?"

The knight in silver armor glanced at the murderers who were either being executed or captured without mercy, and his brows furrowed unconsciously.

The ferocious face of that strange little girl appeared in his mind.

Among the thugs disguised as caravans, the most suspicious little girl disappeared as soon as she entered the city...

It’s no wonder there’s no ghost!

"But... do you really think you can escape? This is the Holy City!"

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Siel's lips, and he shouted to his subordinates in a deep voice:

"Pass my order to search the whole city and find the guy in disguise. We must eliminate all uneasy factors before Her Royal Highness the Saint's succession ceremony tomorrow!"


26. Villain

"How about this set?"

In front of the mirror in the clothing store, Ariel turned around, and the hem of her dark gold-plated skirt floated with her deft movements like lotus leaves blown by the wind.

The bright-colored belt outlined her waist, and the deerskin boots made her look youthful and energetic.

"It suits you very well, my guest."

The mustachioed shop owner bent over and said with sincere admiration, "I also have a sun hat here. It looks great with it. Do you want to try it on?"

"Go away, go away, I didn't ask you."

Looking at the green sun hat, Ariel curled her lips.

Although the color was indeed very nice, she didn't know why, just looking at that hat made her feel inexplicably unhappy.

It was as if something important had left him forever.

How strange.

Did you lose money?

But thinking back carefully, not only has she not lost money recently, but she has also gained a lot. The dilemma of lack of money has left her forever, not to mention that she no longer has to eat black bread every day, and adding chicken drumsticks every day is just water. Little things.

I don’t know where this feeling came from. Maybe I was a little tired after traveling a long distance.

"Isn't it too dignified to wear a skirt? How about changing into a dress?"

Putting aside the inexplicable thoughts, Ariel continued to try on one piece of clothing after another.

After a month of fighting in the ruins, her clothing reserves were already stretched thin. The skirt she wore when she first left the ruins was even a little tattered. If Earl Ayler hadn't kindly sponsored her some maid clothes, she would have been too embarrassed to come out to see her. people.

And now she was about to see Liya. She naturally had to dress up beautifully and be in her best condition to see her. In this way, plus a month of separation, she would definitely be able to give her the best in this bright sunshine. A fatal blow to the heart!

Think about it, the sun is shining right now, the sky is blue, and the wind chimes are jingling under those quaint eaves full of historical charm.

Everything is so beautiful.

At this time, on both sides of the street, girls who had not seen each other for a long time stopped and stared at her. They were so beautiful, and their eyebrows were flying... As long as he was dressed in gorgeous clothes and had flowers in his mouth, were he afraid that his favorability would not increase?

"Perhaps a men's dress is more suitable for you?"

Under Ariel's constant questioning, the teacher, who originally didn't want to bother with such a trivial matter, had no choice but to give an answer.

"Men's formal wear..."

Ariel's eyes lit up.


Compared with the girl's clothes that she is accustomed to, the slightly neutral men's dress worn on her may be more able to sway the girl's heart inadvertently.

Especially when we haven't seen each other for so long, the sudden change in style is more likely to give people a strong sense of difference!

"This is it!"

Ariel was full of action and quickly selected a close-fitting men's dress in the store.

She is not tall enough and has a small body shape, so it is difficult for her to afford clothing specially designed for men. But fortunately, there are no physiological differences that would hinder her, so the buttons fit perfectly on her chest. After buckling up the outline of her lower abdomen, she still looks the same.

Ariel looked at herself in the mirror with satisfaction. After hiding her long hair in the top hat, she looked like an aristocratic young lady with red lips and white face.

Which big sister can refuse such a cute young lady?

"That's it."

After paying the money, Ariel walked out of the door with happy steps.

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