The newly bought deerskin boots left clear footprints and cracks on the bluestone ground, and Ariel was irritated by repeated setbacks.

"Why the hell! You don't understand what I'm saying? I just want to see Leah!"

"I'll never let you succeed!"

"You're sick!"

Ariel's teeth almost broke. Have the knights of the Holy City had their brains eaten away by the Holy Light, and they can't even understand what people are saying?

But in the face of the crisis, Ariel didn't care about that. She punched the sword of Knight Xier with her backhand and forced him back.

Xier's body shook violently, his face changed slightly, and his eyes looked at Ariel more and more solemnly.

Is this the power of a mere fourth-level early warrior?

He is also fourth-level, or even late-level, and has been carefully cultivated by the Temple. He is also at the forefront of the same level. In this brief face-to-face encounter, he was so easily repelled by her?

Props blessing?

Or, hidden strength?

No wonder he is so arrogant!

"But this is the Holy City!"

Xier ignored the terrible force and stepped forward again.

He raised the golden long sword in his hand, his eyes were fanatical, and he hummed solemnly.

As the long sword twisted, there was a mechanical sound, and he seemed to be connected to some huge existence invisibly.

Something extremely terrible was triggered, like an endless dark cloud covering, which made Ariel's heart alarm.

"Big barrier!"

The teacher's extremely solemn voice suddenly sounded in Ariel's ears:

"He is mobilizing the big barrier of the Holy City!"

"Big barrier? Is he really a psychopath? I am a harmless little warrior, so what?"

Ariel wanted to cry but had no tears. If she had known that it would be so troublesome to sneak in, she should have called Leah's voice stone directly outside the Holy City and asked her to pick her up.

But she was too anxious at the time and didn't think about it at all.

And now there is probably no chance for Leah to come out and clarify the misunderstanding.

In short, something is wrong, let's run away first!

Ariel stretched out her hand and touched her waist, and the greatsword taller than her was instantly held in her palm.

The bandage wrapped around the greatsword fell off automatically, and with the infusion of magic power, golden lines appeared on the black sword body, and an ancient and majestic aura emerged, and with it, there was an extremely hot flame!

Skyfire Greatsword!

The greatsword fell like a meteor, and the condensed magic flame instantly tore through the defense and silver armor in front of the knight Xier.

After hesitating for a moment, Ariel turned her wrist and slapped the sword on Xier's chest.

Xier staggered back.

At the moment when the invisible great barrier was about to lock Ariel, a majestic soul power suddenly emerged from her body, interfering with the blockade of the great barrier.

Taking this opportunity, Ariel turned sideways and hit the wall on one side of the alley, disappearing in the diffuse smoke and dust.

Soon, more knights came and quickly blocked the place.

But at this time, only Knight Xier, staring at the cracks on his breastplate, stood alone in front of the big hole in the wall.

The murderer who intended to assassinate Her Highness the Saint had already fled.

"Ah, Miss Lin, hello."

Mu En, who was still thinking about the beautiful taste of Liya last night, was about to find Liya again to reminisce and discuss the Holy Light Avenue together, but he met Sister Lin outside Liya's room.

Mu En suddenly felt like he was about to do something bad and was caught, so he subconsciously touched his nose:

"What are you doing here?"

"I should be the one asking you this, Mr. Mu En."

Sister Lin tilted her head and asked expressionlessly:

"It's late, why don't you rest and come to the bedside of the Saint's Palace? What's the matter?"

"Well... I want to ask her something?"

Mu En wanted to find an excuse to prevaricate, but faced with the cold eyes of the nun who served the Saint in person, he was defeated and said helplessly:

"Miss Lin... His Holiness, didn't he tell you anything?"

If the Pope didn't tell the sister about his relationship with Liya in advance, Mu En felt that his future private meeting with Liya... oh no, communication, would be difficult.

"Well, I did say something."

When Mu En was sighing, Lin suddenly nodded and said:

"That's why I stopped you."

"Well? Why?"

"Because tomorrow is the succession ceremony of Her Highness the Saint." Lin said briefly.


Mu En rubbed his hands and said with a sly smile:

"Not really, a whole night, no matter what, there won't be any conspicuous traces left, I will pay attention."


Lin stared at Mu En for a long time, and suddenly lifted the hem of her nun's dress.

Mu En was startled, thinking that Lin was determined to feed the tiger with her body in order to prevent the Saint from being desecrated by herself?

Unfortunately, that didn't happen. What Lin wanted Mu En to see was the blade tied to her thigh.

It flashed with cold light and was extremely sharp.

Well, the black silk was also very sharp.

"Your Majesty also gave me a task." Lin said expressionlessly.

"What...what mission."

"If anything that would tarnish the reputation of Her Highness the Saint is discovered by the believers..."

Lin paused and said:

"His Majesty asked me to castrate you and publicize it to prove Her Highness's innocence."


Mu En clamped his legs together, sweating profusely, and shivered:

"No... not that much."

"For Her Royal Highness the Saint..."

"Okay, okay, I know, I will be more restrained."

Mu En sighed, raised his hands in surrender, and signaled Lin to quickly put down the hem of her skirt. Those knives really made him feel a faint phantom pain somewhere.

At this moment, a knight suddenly came in a hurry and reported to Lin:

"Sister Sister, there is news in the city that the Salvation Society murderer who intends to assassinate Her Royal Highness is still at large. Please be careful tomorrow, Your Royal Highness."


Lin nodded,

"I will pay attention, you go down first."


"Salvation Society?"

The knight left in a hurry again. Mu En looked at Sister Lin in front of him and said curiously:

"What kind of organization is this? How dare I assassinate the saint? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Mu En thought about it carefully and found that this organization did not seem to be mentioned in the original book.

Of course, it's also possible that he forgot.

But now the plot is seriously distorted, and it doesn’t matter if it’s not the original book or not.

"A terrorist organization whose purpose is to overthrow the church often carries out assassinations, murders and kidnappings in the name of saving the world, which is very harmful."

Lin said.

"I see."

Mu En nodded.

There is no shortage of anti-religious fanatics in any world.

But he actually wanted to assassinate Liya...

"is that OK."

Mu En narrowed his eyes and his voice was slightly cold:

"Do you need my help?"

"Need not……"

Lin shook her head:

"This time the church has already received the news in advance and has made countermeasures. Even the bishop personally took action. There was a murderer on the run just now. It should be just an accident and it will be solved soon."

"Really, that's good, but you can call me anytime if you need anything."

Mu En smiled slightly:

"As a new honorary Templar, I still want to make some contribution to my holy lady."

"It's not yours."

Lin looked at Mu En deeply: "The saint belongs to everyone."

"No, it's mine."

Mu En raised the corner of her mouth and answered persistently.

Cute, charming and sexy, she learns quickly in bed and now knows a lot about the astringent little Liya. Of course she already belongs to him.

Even she herself admitted this.

As for the symbol of the Saint... I should be more generous and give comfort to those believers who long for redemption. Anyway, there will be nothing missing.

Well, it can only be healthy.

If anyone dares to touch...

Mu En turned her head and looked out the window at the gradually deepening features.

Through the reflection through the glass, deep in his blue eyes, there seemed to be a rich dark flame, spinning and spreading leisurely.

As if it could swallow everything.

"However, it seems...that murderer is not simple."

Mu En suddenly touched his chin.

Through the bright lights on the streets, Mu En could see groups of knights passing by quickly.

It was obvious that the murderer's escape had aroused the anger of the church, so it entered serious mode.

Under this terrible pressure, I don’t know how many people will have sleepless nights tonight.


Mu En suddenly turned her head and said to Lin:

"Since communication is not possible, I can go in and help."

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