
"I'm just helping. After all, Liya will be very busy tonight. How can I, a knight, let her do the hard work?"

Mu En stretched out four fingers to the sky and solemnly swore:

"I swear by my respect for teachers, I will never do anything that crosses the line!"


Looking at Mu En's serious look in front of her, and then feeling the faint hint of expectation coming from the crack in the door behind her, Lin shook her head and could only sigh helplessly.

I wanted to protect Baicai, but Baicai took the initiative to be beaten.

"All right."

"Thank you!"

Mu En slipped into the saint's boudoir, and inside, that beautiful figure was waiting with a shy and coquettish expression.

Tonight is bound to be a wonderful night for Mu En and Her Royal Highness the Saint.

28. Treasures from heaven

"Miss Sister, I am guilty."

Wens Church, a very inconspicuous little church in a holy city with countless churches and monasteries.

Stone walls, wooden chairs, and old wooden window sills, everything is full of simplicity.

The believers who come here are very ordinary, most of them are poor people who have gone through great hardships and do not hesitate to come to the holy city to worship.

If there is any advantage here, it is that the terrain here is relatively high, and you can overlook half of the streets of the Holy City. The scenery is not bad.

Therefore, after the last prayer ceremony organized by believers, the nuns in the church quickly packed up everything in the church, extinguished the candles, and waited expectantly for tomorrow.

Tomorrow, the newly-appointed Her Majesty the Holy Lady will pass two streets away. By then, they, the little nuns at the bottom, may be able to look up to Her Majesty's face from a distance and receive the blessings of the goddess.

However, just as the door of the church was about to close, a dusty figure pushed open the door of the confessional and sat on the creaking wooden chair.

Waiting to listen.

The priest had left early to treat a poor child who was seeking medical treatment. In desperation, a new nun came to receive him.

But the dusty visitor didn't know this, because in the confessional, the black gauze curtain blocked the two people's sight.

We can't see each other clearly, so we can speak the truth.

"Miss Sister, I am guilty."

In the dim room, the man lowered his head and repeated these words again.

He was wearing a shabby long black windbreaker, and the corners of the windbreaker seemed to be stained with red spots. His hair and beard were messy, and his eyes were extremely tired.

There seemed to be countless words that he wanted to squeeze out from between his cracked lips, but with slight trembling, these few pale words remained.

"I'm guilty."

"...Of course, everyone is guilty."

After a while, a gentle voice came. The nun didn't seem surprised by this opening, because basically everyone who came here would say this as their first sentence.

She lowered her body and made a gesture of intimacy, trying to make the atmosphere in the confession room more relaxed:

"As long as people are born in this world, they will inevitably be contaminated with sin, so in fact, everyone is guilty, and you don't have to feel guilty about it."

"Really, that would be great."

The man seemed relieved and continued:

"I have done too many wrong things, and those things make me sleepless and sleepless. Every time I close my eyes, those images will reappear in my mind uncontrollably. I am almost tormented and collapsed...

But I have to do it, I can't stop, for this world, for all the beautiful things in this world, for the flowers, plants and scenery I love, and for the dog who has been with me for fifteen years, I have to do it , and it never stops. "

"It sounds like you are a good person, sir."

The nun nodded gently and smiled:

"Then tell me. You can tell me everything you have ever done. It will make you feel more relaxed. Goddess above, no one here will criticize you for anything you have done. I Just listen."

"A good person...this is the first time someone describes me like this."

The man's eyes softened, as if these short exchanges made him feel much more relaxed.

But he still shook his head and said:

"However, it's better not to say all those things. It's not that I don't want to say it, but there are too many. I have forgotten it. Well, if I think about it carefully, I have indeed forgotten it. I have always been very forgetful."


The nun's voice was slightly confused, "But if you don't want to talk, what are you doing here?"


The man thought for a while and suddenly said: "Miss Sister, can I hold your hand?"


Without any hesitation, a white and slender hand poked out from behind the black veil, palm facing up.


The man choked and gently held the nun's hand with his rough hands.

It was such a warm, soft, and endearing hand. It was like salvation itself. People couldn't help but want to grab it.

"Can I ask another question?" the man said through tears.


The nun looked at him through the black veil, as if looking at her own child, and replied: "Here, you can ask any questions and I will try my best to answer them."

"Thank you, Miss Sister."

The man's fluffy beard trembled,

"Then I'll ask."

"Excuse me."

"Miss Nun, you said that everyone has sins. Then who should purify the sins of mankind?"

"Of course it's the goddess."

The nun answered without hesitation.

"Ah, goddess, it's great... the merciful goddess will forgive any sins committed by humans, and redeem and purify them. It sounds like a fairy tale."

The man shook his head, as if praising the beauty of this story.

But, the next moment.

His voice suddenly became cold:

"Then... who should... purify the sins of the goddess?"

The man suddenly exerted force with both hands, causing the nun to feel some pain. He stretched his head, as if he wanted to see the nun's eyes through the black veil.

"The sins of man are purified and redeemed by the goddess, but the goddess is so high above her, what else is there above her?"

"The sins of the goddess..."

The nun's voice was still so gentle and firm:

"How can the goddess... have sins? She is the goddess."

"Really... Ha, ha, it really sounds like a question that a nun in the church would answer."

The man laughed, laughing very happily:

"Thank you, Sister Sister, it is really the happiest thing to talk to you recently."

"Being able to make you forget your troubles is just a little bit of my contribution, no need to thank you."

The nun also responded with a smile, not caring about the man's transgression.

"So gentle, but... that's why I want to say sorry to you."


"Yes, I'm very sorry, Sister Sister, next, there will be one more thing that keeps me awake at night."

The man continued to gently stroke the nun's palm, how petite and slender, how white and tender, without any flaws.

The nun herself must be as pure and flawless as this hand.

It was really hard to let her go.


He had to do it.

For his goal, even if he would bear heavier sins and consequences, he had to do it.

Without hesitation.

The cold breath began to swallow and spit in the man's palm, like a venomous snake, along the nun's smooth wrist, and spread rapidly upward.

Like a kiss from the dead, it took away all the nun's ability to move in an instant.

So weak.

The man rubbed the nun's palm, fingers, and the ring on her ring finger with regret.

Whether it was this hand, this poor nun, or even the ring on her finger, they were all so beautiful.

Unfortunately, beautiful things are always...


Wait, a ring?

As if he had noticed something, the man's movements paused slightly.

How could a nun wear a ring?

And a ring that looks like it is worth a lot of money, why did he suddenly realize it until just now?

After thinking for a moment, the man silently turned the palm of the hand over to face his slender palm.

Finally, the back of the hand, which was also flawless, fell into the man's eyes.

Then, he finally saw the front of the ring clearly.

Simple and solemn, made of gold and gems, in the middle of the mysterious lines, is a holy cross inscription.

This is not an ordinary ring, but...

The power ring.

It symbolizes the church's second only to the Pope and the Saint, and is in charge of a cathedral or a temple, with the highest honor.

Those who are qualified to wear the power ring have a title in the church that is well known to everyone.

—— Damn Cardinal Archbishop!


The man lowered his head, remained silent, and then suddenly laughed out loud.

"Why are you laughing?"

The nun asked, her voice was still so gentle.

From beginning to end, her tone has never changed at all.

"Why not laugh? Laugh at the strangeness of fate, at my clownish behavior, and at me being sentimental to an archbishop for a long time."

The man stared at the ring of authority, his mouth curled up. On the ring, he smelled a stronger smell of blood than on himself:

"Or...laugh at the legendary ruler of the Temple of Judgment, who is feared by countless people, is actually a woman?"


The Archbishop of Judgment chuckled:

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