"I thought you were laughing at the fact that the fourth seat of the Dangdang Salvation Society didn't even kill a single person tonight, so you're going to be filled with hatred on the spot."


The man's mouth twitched hard and said:

"According to my information, the church should only dispatch an ordinary bishop tonight."

"Indeed, that's how it is."

"and you……"

"I'm very free."


"I said...I'm very free."

On the other side of the black veil, the Archbishop of Judgment dressed as a nun sighed melancholy: "In the past, other temples had things to do, and even the old people who came back from outside were assigned important roles by His Majesty the Pope. task.

However, I am the only one with nothing to do and am very free. Seeing that it was quite lively today, I just happened to go out for a walk. "


The man was stunned for a moment, then sneered:

"I see. After all, the so-called judgment... can only be effective when dealing with compatriots."

"That's right."

Faced with the man's sarcasm, the Archbishop of Judgment responded without hesitation:

"The reason why I am feared by the world is precisely because... I can only judge human beings."

Evil god.



That's not part of her responsibilities.

The so-called judgment, cleaning up... is human beings themselves.

"So, Your Excellency, Fourth Seat, as a human being, you should have a lot to say to me."

The man's expression changed drastically and he wanted to pull away and retreat.

But the delicate little hand that he had touched gently just now had turned into an indestructible iron pliers, clamping him tightly.

"Let's continue the topic we just talked about, such as your sins, the things that make you sleepy and sleepless, and... your method and purpose of sneaking into the Holy City.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if your memory is a little bit off. "

In the man's frightened expression, the Archbishop of Judgment smiled softly and said:

"After all, what I'm best at is the Great Memory Restoration Technique."

That night.

Infinite light blooms from the remote chapel under the compassionate gaze of the goddess.

So dazzling.

"Damn, damn, damn!"

In a corner of a remote street, next to a sewer that exuded a faint odor, Ariel, covered in dust, quietly poked her head out and looked at the black-robed men wearing ferocious crow-mouth masks that were flying past the block. My head suddenly hurt a little more.

"Isn't it just smuggling... It's just smuggling... Why are the perverts from the Judgment Temple dispatched? What are they doing..."

Ariel wanted to cry but had no tears left.

Now, how could she not realize that there was something wrong with the caravan she got into during the day.

But even if she knew, so what, it was already an established fact that she was regarded as an accomplice. I'm afraid no matter what she said, those guys wouldn't believe it.

Obviously she just wanted to see Liya as soon as possible, but not only did Liya not see her, she was now forced to hide in an uninhabited corner, curling up to hide her aura in case she was not discovered by the knights and men in black robes.

Weak, pathetic, helpless, and still able to eat.

Ariel usually ate the remaining dry and hard black bread to replenish her strength, and rubbed the sound transmission stone in her hand with a confused expression.

After temporarily hiding, she originally wanted to contact Liya again and ask her, an insider of the church, to help explain.


why do not you answer?

I called several times but no one answered, Liya, it's so late, what are you busy with?

"Damn it, why am I so unlucky!"

After being depressed for a while, Ariel swallowed the remaining black bread in one gulp and stood up suddenly:

"But, it's just bad luck, I can't give up yet!"

She has overcome so many difficulties, how can such a small setback stop her?

Moreover, there is no way out now.

She still has a way.

"No matter what, I am indeed the heir to the count of the Leopold Empire. The church's desire to arrest me is already a political matter. As long as I can go to the embassy of the empire and let the people from the embassy go and communicate, everything will be fine. That’s easy to say!”

After all, she is innocent, and she is not afraid of the shadows being distorted when she is upright. She does not believe this inexplicable misunderstanding, and she still cannot solve it!

Yes, that’s it!

Ariel clenched her hands into fists, preparing to go to the Imperial Embassy and knock on the door.

What, so late? Why don't you ask those church bastards why they don't take a break at this late hour!

Just do what you say, she Ariel never delays in doing things...


The sudden loud noise made Ariel's expression freeze. The wall not far from her suddenly exploded, and a figure staggered down not far from her.

"What...what's going on?"

Ariel, who thought the knights were chasing her, was startled and wanted to run away. Fortunately, her usual calmness allowed her to be more careful.

She discovered that it was not a knight.

The tattered black windbreaker, the burnt fluffy hair, the tired and painful face, he doesn't look like a knight, but... a fugitive?

When Ariel observed the man, the man opened his eyes with difficulty and saw Ariel beside him.

Wary eyes swept over the embarrassed Ariel. The man was stunned, and then his eyes that should have been dim suddenly brightened.

"You...ahem, are you also being hunted by the church?"

The man coughed a few times and asked with difficulty.

"Yes, yes."

Ariel scratched her head awkwardly:

"You, you too? Haha... What a coincidence?"

"Ha, it's a coincidence."

The man gave an extremely ugly bitter smile, then stretched out his hand, which had become so broken that one could even see the white bones. He fumbled in his arms for a while, then raised his hand with difficulty and threw something to Ariel.

"Here, I give it to you."


Ariel was stunned, looking at the black thing in his hand, and said blankly:

"What is this? Why give it to me?"

The man did not answer.

The serious injuries on his body had long been beyond repair, and he only relied on his obsession to hold on until now.

And now, the obsession fell, and the vitality in his body quickly disappeared.

The pupils gradually became dilated, and he stared at the nothingness of nothingness, leaving Ariel with his last words:

"Remember... never let the church... discover this."

As soon as he finished speaking, he tilted his head and died completely.

Only Ariel was left with a confused look on her face, holding something she didn't know what it was, listening to the alarm that suddenly rose not far away.

Messy in the wind.

Tonight, I can't sleep.

29. The fastest legend

"Damn it, can't you die slower?"

Ariel looked dumbfounded at the strange man who suddenly appeared and fell to the street at the speed of light, gritting her teeth in hatred, but she could do nothing.

She could only let the melancholy wind blow her messy hair.

She didn't understand.

Was she cursed by someone during this period? Why was she so unlucky?

She didn't do anything bad, but she was hunted by the church.

She was just hiding here and eating a piece of black bread to replenish her physical strength, but a guy who didn't know where he came from kicked his legs and died in front of her.

Before he died, he stuffed something into her.

What on earth is this? It can't be a trap.

Ariel carefully observed the black thing in the shape of a compass in her hand, silently tightening the strings in her mind. Of course, she would not relax her vigilance against such a gift from a stranger. As long as this thing moved a little bit, she would...

"Ariel, this is a treasure."

"Is there really a problem? Look at me... Wait, what did you say?"

Ariel was about to throw the black thing away, but after hearing the teacher's words, her fingers suddenly contracted and she grabbed the black compass back.

"Treasure... treasure? What treasure? Is it valuable?"

"It's not certain for the time being. I still need to study it a little, but this is definitely a treasure, and its value is not inferior to the thing you got in the ruins."

The teacher's voice was a little solemn.

"Not inferior to the ruins?"

Ariel licked her lips, her heart was hot, looking at the black compass in her palm, she suddenly felt that it was not so ugly, and the unhappiness just now also dissipated a lot.

Could it be that she was not walking on bad luck, but good luck?

Was all her previous embarrassment a preparation for this moment?

To be on the safe side, she still asked:

"Will there be any danger?"

"This thing itself should not be dangerous for the time being, but compared to itself, you should be more concerned about what it brings."

As soon as the teacher finished speaking, Ariel's heart beat suddenly.

In the corner of her eyes, a touch of blood spread on the edge of the deep sky.

At the same time, a terrifying premonition of crisis quickly circled in her mind, and her body began to tremble unconsciously, like a traveler hiding from the rain, encountering a beast returning to its nest.

What terrible existence is coming!

"Quick! Infuse magic power into the compass!"

The teacher's serious voice awakened the trembling Ariel, and without any hesitation, she infused magic power into the black compass at the fastest speed.

Suddenly, Ariel felt that the vision around her was dim, as if there was a layer of veil covering her.

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