Through the vague reflection of the ditch beside her, she was shocked to find that her whole body was covered with thick black fog, which not only concealed her figure, but also completely covered her breath.

"Is this the function of the compass?"

Ariel was startled again as she just opened her mouth, because she found that her voice became blurred and difficult to distinguish, and she couldn't even tell the difference between men and women.

"It should be said that this is one of the functions of the compass."

Teacher Ariel explained and urged:

"Hurry up, even if there is a compass to cover, there is no guarantee that there will be no problems at close range. The person coming is at least a top-level strong man at the level of the archbishop of the church."


Ariel was frightened again, and did not dare to neglect it, and quickly got into the intricate alleys:

"Could it be because of this compass?"

"Not sure, it may also be because of the man just now, he is not weak, at least he is also at the level of the crowned one."

"Crowned one..."

Ariel felt a sour feeling in her teeth.

What happened today?

Two crowned big guys who usually don't see one come at once? One of them died so easily in front of her?

Buy one get one free, what kind of big promotion is this?

She couldn't tell whether she was unlucky or lucky. Anyway, she had to run away first. She didn't dare to bet that the archbishop would slap her to death when he saw her holding the fugitive's things.

"But... where should I run away?"

Ariel was in a dilemma.

The compass did cover her breath and figure, but it didn't make her completely invisible. Her current posture was still visible to the naked eye, and it was very conspicuous at a glance.

A ball of black fog... If the knights of the Holy City saw this, she would be regarded as a righteous evil believer, and she would have to experience the majesty of the church.

But at this time, the streets of the Holy City were full of solemn-looking knights patrolling in shining armor.

There was not much room to escape, otherwise she wouldn't have been hiding in the sewer pitifully just now.


Suddenly, when Ariel was worried, she felt the compass getting warm.

She picked it up and saw a flash of light on it, as if it was pointing to... a certain direction?

"This is..."



"An orphanage?"

Following the guidance of the compass, Ariel, who was almost desperate, narrowly avoided the search and vigilance of the knights and finally successfully arrived in front of an orphanage in a remote place.

Ariel looked around and found that there was nothing special. Fortunately, she almost ran into a team of knights when she came here just now, and they didn't seem to find anything unusual.

Just as Ariel was hesitating whether to go in and take a look, the door of the orphanage suddenly opened, and an expressionless woman in white walked out with a lamp:

"Sir Knight, I've said that there is nothing unusual here... Who is it?"

Ariel's heart shrank, because she didn't feel the woman approaching at all. Although she couldn't feel the slightest breath of magic fighting spirit from the woman, based on her years of experience and intuition, this person...

"Early fifth stage."

Teacher Ariel silently confirmed her guess.

Damn... I just want to find a place to hide. I didn't just escape the tiger returning to its nest and then go into the wolf's den again!

Ariel almost burst into tears again, and began to think about how to get out of here quickly and elegantly... But to her surprise, when the woman in front of her saw a large group of black fog standing in front of the door, she didn't directly take action to shock the evildoer.

Instead, her face changed drastically, and she knelt respectfully on the ground.

"... Lord Ghost! Sorry, I didn't know it was you. I apologize for the offense."


Ariel was stunned, then quickly understood.

She was talking about... the short-lived ghost who fell in front of her at the speed of light before.

In other seems that the man in front of her is his subordinate?

She was actually led to that guy's lair by the compass?

Ariel was silent. Although the black fog hid her figure, even this fifth-level strongman didn't find any clues, but she didn't dare to say anything casually, in case some of her language habits were exposed.

She could only keep silent here and pretend to be a master, silently observing the situation.

The woman didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with Lord Ghost's silence.

After she apologized to Ariel, she quickly stood up, looked around vigilantly, pushed the door open a crack, and waved to Ariel respectfully:

"Master Ghost, this is not a place to talk, please come in."


"Hmm? Master Ghost?"

Facing the woman's slightly puzzled look, Ariel's mouth twitched, and she had no choice but to move her steps and follow her in.

As the door behind her creaked shut, in the quiet orphanage, she immediately felt several powerful sights, looking at her quickly.

These sights were not rude, on the contrary, they were extremely respectful.

In an instant, Ariel understood.

Now, she not only came to the lair of the short-lived ghost who was hunted by the archbishop and fell to the ground at the speed of light in the holy city...

Now, she has also become the boss of these people.

30. There is a traitor among us

Ariel followed the woman into the orphanage.

The night wind passed through the eaves and shook the crooked-necked tree in the yard, making an eerie sound. The entire orphanage was lonely and desolate, and there was no sign of people. Only the swing under the branches was swaying alone.

Ariel remained calm, but her eyes were quickly looking around.

The three-story old-fashioned building, still mixed with the strong style of the Church of Life, can be seen everywhere in the Holy City. In the center of the courtyard is a statue of a goddess as tall as one person, which seems to have stood here for a long time.

Everything is unremarkable.

No wonder the patrolling knights didn't notice anything unusual. In fact, when Ariel approached, she didn't notice anything wrong with this ordinary orphanage.

Until that woman appears...

But now, after truly stepping inside, she discovered that the entire orphanage was actually shrouded in a strange, faint magic.

There is a huge formation at the bottom of her feet.

"A very clever concealment formation."

Ariel’s teacher couldn’t help but admire:

"It has the multiple functions of concealing breath, expelling people, and causing mental interference. Unless a strong person at the level of a crown wearer approaches in person, it would be difficult to detect an abnormality... It can be seen that it has been prepared for a long time, and the person who arranged it has a certain level of skill."

"A certain level is a level."

Ariel asked with a forced face. Although she knew that no one could see her expression now, she felt that it was still necessary to maintain a certain degree of vigilance.

Only when you truly become aloof will others think you are aloof.

This is what Ariel has learned from her experience.

"rest assured."

The teacher comforted:

"Since it will be discovered by the strong one who wears the crown, it means that the level is not as good as the one who wears the crown, and it is far inferior to the compass in your hand."

"I see."

Ariel breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as he is not the one wearing the crown, he is still within his acceptance range. Even if he cannot be beaten, he can at least escape.


The old wooden door was pushed open by the woman in white, the turbid air rushed in from the closed space, and the dim candlelight illuminated the slightly scary faces.

This is a room that looks like a conference room. The windows are sealed with thick curtains, as if some shady underground business is being conducted, and it is only illuminated by a few candles.

There were more than a dozen figures sitting at the large long table. When the door opened, their eyes fell on Ariel who came in at the same time... or the "ghost figure".

Damn it...

It's too late to talk.

Ariel in the black mist turned her head stiffly, relying on the teacher's enhanced perception to silently scan everyone.

Including the woman in white who led him in, there are two fifth-level warriors, one brilliant-level magician, and the remaining dozen... all strong men from the fourth level and up.

The aura of each one is terrifyingly strong, and the rich blood energy can almost make people faint. These people are definitely not medicine jars that are lifted up by external objects. Each one of them is definitely a ruthless person with rich experience in fighting.

As for Ariel, the "boss", at the early stage of the fourth level, she was dubbed the weakest in the room.

I feel like a little sheep in the wolf's den...

Ariel shrank her neck, and under the gaze of these eyes, she bravely walked into the room.

"Master Ghost."

Under the leadership of a middle-aged man who looked elegant and wore gold-rimmed glasses, everyone stood up and saluted Ariel respectfully.

"you are back."


Ariel nodded slightly, but to outsiders, it was just the thick black fog that shook slightly at this moment.

"Didn't you go look for a new location? Why did you come back early? What happened?"


"Just now, the number of patrols by the Holy City Knights outside seems to have increased again. Has Lord Ghost Shadow received any news?"


" Why don't you speak?"

Seeing that Ariel remained silent, the middle-aged man pushed up his glasses, a flash of light flashed on the lenses, and he said doubtfully:

"You seem to be particularly taciturn tonight."


Ariel felt a little nervous. As expected, it was not that easy to remain silent and pretend to be cold. Being silent all the time could easily arouse suspicion.

She pondered for a moment, remembering the shameful crowned man who jumped in front of her at the speed of light not long ago. After pondering for a while, she imitated his tone and said:



"I said...I failed."

Ariel continued the middle-aged man's initial words:

"The search for a new location for operations... failed."


As Ariel told the news in an understatement, almost everyone present, including the expressionless woman in white, showed varying degrees of horror.

It seems that the failure of "Master Ghost Shadow" is a very unbelievable thing in their eyes.

"Why... it shouldn't be. Even if the Holy City is under martial law, with your ability as the fourth seat..."


Ariel spoke concisely and to the point, but this time she spoke confidently.

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