Judging from how quickly the presence of the suspected archbishop arrived, the shameful light-speed crowned man was probably killed by the archbishop.

As for whether there are other possibilities... Anyway, the blame will be placed on him first. If you have the ability, go to the archbishop to confirm.

Anyway, I won't stop you.


As soon as the words Archbishop came out, there was a gasp of air in the room.

"Did the Archbishop actually take action directly?"

The middle-aged man pushed up his glasses again, frowned and walked to the window, opened a gap, and looked warily at the lights that had not been extinguished under the night of the Holy City.

"It shouldn't be... Even if it's a special period, how can the archbishop be alarmed by something as trivial as daytime? It can't be that some archbishop has nothing to do and comes here to intervene."

"I'm just saying those foreign hired bitches are unreliable!"

A burly man in the corner slammed his fist on the table and said angrily:

"If they hadn't been caught by the knights of the Holy City as soon as they entered the city and attracted attention, how could they have been in such trouble. Pretending to be a caravan? Damn, did you know that caravans have always been the focus of searches at various checkpoints."


Ariel, who silently listened to their conversation, was slightly moved.

Could it be...


The woman in white put the oil lamp in her hand on the long table, finally making the room a little brighter.

"Those guys were thrown out by us to attract attention. We won't feel bad even if they are all gone. The question now is whether our plan can succeed when the archbishop personally leaves the game."

The atmosphere in the room became more and more solemn. Just three words of archbishop could bring a mountain of pressure to these people.

"The plan must continue, and the arrow must be fired to assassinate the saint of the church and expose the truth about the goddess. This is the first step for our Salvation Society to reveal the truth to the world!"

The man with glasses looked around at everyone with a solemn expression. He seemed to be the person with the highest status here besides "Master Ghost".

"The situation seems very serious now, but there is also some good news..."

The middle-aged man pushed up his glasses, showed a smile, looked at Ariel, and said:

"Being able to escape unscathed in the hands of an archbishop, it seems that Lord Ghost Shadow's strength has improved again."

"Um, really?"

"That's a really good thing."

"Congratulations to Mr. Ghost, haha..."


Facing the expectant looks from a group of ruthless men licking blood from the tip of their knives, Ariel could only nod her head again:

"Indeed... I have improved a bit recently."

That's weird.

This guy obviously just lay down in seconds.

Although I don’t know many details of his battle with the Archbishop, judging from the fact that two powerful masters fought in the Holy City, but it didn’t cause much movement...

Even if he didn't lie down in seconds, this guy would lie down very quickly.

"Since Mr. Ghost failed to find a new location for operations, we can only rely on the original location of operations and carry out the previously finalized plan."

The news that "Lord Ghost Shadow" had improved in strength indeed gave everyone in the room a lot more confidence, so they began to conduct a detailed plan review around the densely marked Holy City map at the end of the room.

As for Ariel, who was sitting in the seat specially reserved for him, as the "boss", she naturally did not need to participate in the discussion in person. She only needed to nod cooperatively from time to time to express her presence.

As the discussion progressed, Ariel also began to understand the origins, purpose, and plan of this group of people.

Then...she couldn't help but want to take out the Skyfire Sword and chop off the heads of these guys one by one!

These guys actually want to assassinate the saint of the church, and they also want to assassinate her in front of millions of believers during the saint's succession ceremony.

are you crazy?

If you want to die, wouldn't it be simpler and more direct to just stab yourself in the neck with a knife? It's green, healthy and pollution-free, and won't cause trouble to others. Why would you assassinate a saint if you have nothing to do?

...No, judging from the conversation between them, this organization called the "Salvation Society", which aims to overthrow the church and show the "truth" of the goddess to the world, is most likely a cult organization that comes from nowhere. A little bit of neurosis is normal.

But this was not the only reason why Ariel wanted to chop off their heads, because after analyzing the causes and consequences, she suddenly discovered...

I have fallen into the current situation... I am afraid that it is because I followed the caravan into the city during the day, and ended up being regarded as an accomplice of these guys!

Damn it, what do you mean by running here?

After going around and around, he not only confirmed the identity of their accomplices, but also became their boss, the "culprit" who assassinated the saint?

If he were caught, a hundred heads would not be enough to chop him off.

Thinking of the archbishop who was probably still wandering around in the sky, and the shrinking encirclement in this area, cold sweat suddenly flowed from Ariel's head. Fortunately, there was a black mist covering her, so no one else could notice anything unusual.

"No, please calm down..."

It's not like he became a prisoner for no reason. He is a fake boss and can escape at any time.

Ariel rubbed the compass in her hand. In the Salvation Society's plan, she, the slightly improved "Ghost Shadow", was tasked with temporarily stopping the strong men of the church alone. She did not need to "personally" assassinate the saint. .

At that time, she wanted a chance to escape...

Huh? Wait.

Ariel's eyes suddenly lit up.

Think about it carefully. These guys want to assassinate the saint. Whether they succeed or not is another matter, but they will definitely attract all the attention of the church.

After all, the assassination of the saint is a big deal. Even the archbishop who didn't know why he ended up here will definitely be alarmed.

And what bothers her most now is that the gradual blockade of the Holy City in this area has left her with nowhere to hide. Otherwise, she wouldn't be forced to follow the guidance of the compass to come to this wolf's den.

And at that time, as long as the attention of the church is attracted, plus the opportunity for a single action that the Salvation Society has painstakingly planned, she can go wherever she wants.

At that time, whether to go to the embassy to clarify the misunderstanding first, report these psychopaths, or go to find Leah, there will be plenty of options.

As for the assassinated saint... she doesn't know her anyway, so why worry about it.

Moreover, Ariel didn't think the Savior's plan would succeed. If "Ghost Lord" was really Ghost Lord, with the rigor of this plan, there might be a little chance.

But now even this boss who could temporarily contain the high-end combat power around the Saint had fallen in advance. Although these guys were very powerful to him, they were still not worth mentioning in front of the entire church.

"This method... is feasible."

Ariel thought while staring at the complex map of the Holy City. The parade positions of the Saint's succession tomorrow were clearly marked.

There were also arrangements and guards in various directions, as well as strong people who might guard the Saint.

Although this kind of thing that even the Savior could detect was definitely only on the surface, the Church would still be responsible for the maintenance of order for millions of fanatical believers tomorrow.

With the withdrawal of manpower from all parties, plus the fact that the Savior had more than one person planning here, and there were four other teams attacking from different directions, even the Holy City would be stretched to its limits and it would be impossible to cover everything.

Then... that's the opportunity!



After the meeting, Ariel, who had nothing to do for the time being, came to the corridor, with her hands behind her back, looking at the morning light gradually rising in the distance.

It was almost dawn, and she could feel that the city was completely awakening. Some accidents last night did not affect the enthusiasm that enveloped the holy city at all.

But this had nothing to do with Ariel. She neither believed in the goddess nor was interested in the newly appointed saint, and she was even too lazy to learn her name.

On the contrary, after the plan was confirmed, she seemed relaxed.

This plan can be said to be not a plan, it can only be said to be going with the flow, and it is precisely because of this that in Ariel's view, there is no possibility of failure.


"Master Ghost."

Suddenly, an indifferent voice sounded, causing Ariel's mouth to twitch.

No... Unless it really comes?

Ariel turned her head silently and met the eyes of the middle-aged man behind the glasses. After a moment of silence, she asked in a tone without any emotion:

"What's the matter?"

"Actually, there is something that I can't tell you in front of so many people just now."

The middle-aged man habitually pushed his glasses. The morning light outside the window left a wise light and shadow on his glasses. He looked at Ariel, hesitated for a moment, and said in an extremely solemn tone:

"I suspect... there is a traitor among us!"

"..." Ariel's heart tightened.

"Yes, a traitor, and after my observation, I think the traitor is very likely..."

The middle-aged man slowly approached Ariel, as if to penetrate the black fog around her and see her clearly.

The black fog shook, and Ariel had no expression on her face, but her palm had already grasped the hilt of the sword that protruded from the space magic device. At the same time, her mind was running fast, and she began to think about the retreat.

"…It's Pangni! She has been responsible for dealing with those knights who are searching. If anyone is colluding with the church, she is the most convenient person to pass on information! I guess it is very likely to be her!" The middle-aged man said sternly.


Ariel's veins on the back of her hand were throbbing, and she had to use a lot of effort to put the sword back. After a moment of hesitation, she slowly asked:

"Do you have evidence?"

"Evidence… No, but if there is no traitor, why did you run into the archbishop this time?"

The middle-aged man pushed his glasses again and said regretfully:

"It's a pity that there is not enough time, otherwise I will definitely find the evidence!"

"Then I think it is unlikely."

Ariel thought for a while, and suddenly said in the tone of "Ghost Shadow".


"Because if she is a traitor and can call the archbishop, do you think you can still be alive now?"

"This… makes sense."

The middle-aged man is not stupid, and he quickly figured out the connection.

Pangni is the woman in white. With her identity, if she really betrayed them and defected to the Holy City, they would probably have been slapped by the archbishop who came down from the sky. How could they still be here to plot a big plan for a whole night?


Ariel suddenly said in a playful tone:

"Instead of suspecting her, you might as well suspect someone who has had contact with the archbishop and can successfully return..."

"I dare not!"

The middle-aged man's face was pale, and he knelt on the ground in a hurry because his speculation angered "Master Ghost":

"Master Ghost Shadow is the fourth seat under the Holy Lord. How dare I..."

"Hmph, I don't think you have the guts."

With a cold snort, in the black fog, looking at the middle-aged man with a face that looked like he had survived a disaster, Ariel's mouth corners slowly curled up.

Sure enough, I thought too much.

In such a mysterious organization, even if someone suspects that there is a problem within the organization and starts self-examination, it is highly unlikely that they will suspect their "boss".

First, their relationship of respect and inferiority is likely to be maintained by strength. These "small" fifth-levels have not yet doubted the qualifications of themselves as the "crown bearer".

Second, Ghost Shadow, a guy who hides his head and shows his tail in front of his own people, may be a pretending to be profound and elusive. Some changes in tone and temper are not enough to be a basis for suspicion.

This is the reason why Ariel dared to pretend to be "Ghost Lord". As long as the black fog created by the compass is the symbol of the identity of "Ghost Lord", then in the eyes of these people, she is 100% pure and unadulterated Black Shadow Lord.

Although she is already a perfect and beautiful girl who is popular with both men and women!

Well... I have to say that she has rich experience in black-eating black, and she can accurately control the minds of these psychopaths.

Ariel put her hands on her hips and was proud for a while, and her attention returned to the present.

In the distance, the morning sun is rising slowly, and the huge statue of the goddess casts a gentle shadow in the warm sunshine.

A new day has begun.

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