It’s time for the things in the shadows to move.

Then there should be nothing that can stop her from executing her "plan" now.

As long as they relied on the commotion caused by the Salvation Society and the information they worked hard to collect, it would be easy to escape from the huge whirlpool at hand.

She didn't believe that she could still be so unlucky.

Hum hum, Liya, I'm really here this time!

"The plan is current, I will forgive you this time."

Ariel snorted arrogantly and said coldly using the words she learned at the meeting before:

"Go and dedicate everything you have to the great truth."


The middle-aged man stood up shakily and followed Ariel outside.

Ariel, who was in a happy mood, walked much more calmly, and she even had time to appreciate this majestic giant city under the rising sun.


Just walking, her steps suddenly stopped.

Because in the fresh morning air, she smelled a different smell.

The smell of blood.

Ariel lowered her head and looked at the soles of her feet. Under the still shrouded black mist, there was black blood flowing.

From the crack in the door on the side... it flowed to the soles of his feet.


The middle-aged man looked hurriedly as if he had not cleaned his house properly and was found out by the dean, and explained:

"This belongs to those blind old people in the orphanage. Alas... They said they were just borrowing it, but they insisted on resisting. I had no choice but to leave it here... I'm sorry for dirtying your shoes. I'll look back. You must teach those lazy idiots a lesson!”


Ariel finally understood why the orphanage was so lonely last night.

But the blood was already dark, indicating that at least one night had passed.

It's too late.

The sun shines through the window, and above the Emile Cathedral, which is not too far away, Ariel can see a huge honor guard lining up in an orderly manner.

That should be the team of the saint after that.

Remind her to stay calm.

Don't do anything pointless and stupid.

There are more than a dozen strong men on the other side, but... there is only one of them.

Ariel kept walking.

But not long after she walked, her footsteps stopped again.

This time, she heard faint crying.

A child's...crying.


This was an orphanage, but she didn't see a single child from beginning to end.

"This...what is it again?"

Ariel looked at the middle-aged man again and asked.

In the dark mist, her expression was extremely calm.

"This is?"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a while before he realized that Ariel was asking about the faint sound of the child crying, and said with a smile:

"These are those beast shifters, sir, have you forgotten? We need those beast shifters to create chaos... No, we just woke them up from their slumber, and we have to let them fill their stomachs before working, or …Satisfy your desires.”

Not understanding why "Master Ghost" asked himself such an inexplicable question, the middle-aged man speculated for a while and asked tentatively:

"Do you also like this, sir? This... is really not thoughtful on our part. Why don't I go make arrangements for you, Mr. Ghost Shadow, while we still have some time..."


Ariel said:

"Time is tight, how can we waste it on something like this?"

"That's right. Lord Ghost Shadow, you only want to spread the truth. How could you..."

"Things like truth can actually be done a little later. There is a truth I have to tell you first."

"The truth?" The middle-aged man was confused.


Ariel waved to the middle-aged man, "Come here."

Although he was indeed a little confused, the middle-aged man still obediently approached Ariel, or the "ghost shadow" in his eyes.

After seeing him approaching, Ariel leaned into his ear and whispered:

"By the way, what was the first thing you just told me? Can you repeat it?"

"the first thing?"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a while, pushed up his glasses, and said tentatively:

"I suspect... there is a traitor among us? Hehe... Lord Ghost Shadow, I said it was just me being too cautious..."

"Yes, there is indeed a traitor among us."

Ariel interrupted him with an extremely cold tone:

"And that traitor... is me."


The huge sword blade poked out from the back of the middle-aged man who looked in disbelief, and blood spurted out, staining the morning sun red.

Fuck your plans.

Screw you calm down.

Fuck you strong people like clouds.

The black mist dissipated, revealing Ariel's fair and indifferent face.

You scumbag, die first!

31. Little tricks

That night.

Liya is indeed very busy right now.

The clothes were scattered in a mess, not to mention the magic storage device and the sound transmission stone placed in it, even the girl's most personal and light clothes were thrown away here and there.

Then the moving spring light was no longer obscured and filled the room.

The magic stone brought stable and warm light, but cast the busy and shaky figures of the two on the wall.

Although the time is short, both the golden pig and the cabbage want to seize the time before dawn.

So the action is a little wild.

[Content has been corrected]...

Outside the door, Lin was waiting with veins popping on her forehead. She resisted the thought of dragging the two doggy men and women out to chop them up and feed them to the dogs. She also silently used the sound shielding magic to prevent the slightest leakage from causing countless believers to panic. The turbulent movement was heard by a certain nun or knight who was busy in the cathedral at the moment.

While she was angry, the nun, who had always been cold-tempered and expressionless, now had a blush on her cheeks.

The two of them were having too much fun, and it was indeed a bit too exciting for her, a true virgin of decades.

After a long time, the wind and rain gradually subsided.

Mu En held the lovely and charming Her Majesty the Saint in her arms, feeling the aftermath of her gradual decline from the peak.

The salty pig's trotters are still playing with it, and the soft touch coming from the fingertips is like sparks on hay, which will ignite again at any time.

Unfortunately, there is still no time to do it again.

"What's wrong? You feel a little absent-minded?"

Mu En carried Liya by the waist and carried her into the bathtub where hot water had been prepared, and took a mandarin duck bath.

After kissing a few times, Mu En brushed away a few strands of Liya's hair on her forehead and asked with a smile.

"Is there a problem?"

The melting water and the connection of minds just now naturally made Mu En aware of the slight confusion in the thoughts of the person in her arms.


"It's really nothing?"

Mu En touched the salty pig's trotters to Liya's ticklish flesh along the beautiful outline, and said in a ruffian voice:

"Bad boys don't tell the truth, but they will be punished."

"You, you are the bad guy."

Liya gently nudged Mu En, then buried half of her little face in the bathtub filled with flowers, spitting out bubbles.

Her eyes followed the soft light and landed on a dress not far away.

It was a pure white dress, gauze and graceful, with holy light spots splashing down like stars, dotted on it.

It doesn't look very graceful and luxurious, and it doesn't need to be inlaid with gems, because the owner of this dress is the most lovely and charming creature in the world.

"Are you nervous?"

Mu En kissed Liya's smooth back.

"Well, sort of."

Liya shrank her shoulders shyly.


"Because there are a lot of people. I heard that there will be millions of believers coming to watch the ceremony."

"Several sounds scary, but in reality that's all."

Mu En leaned close to Liya's ear and said with a wicked smile:

"If you don't like it, how about I kill a million more people to cheer you up?"

"Come on."

Liya rolled her eyes cutely:

"Those are devout believers, not bad people."

"They are bad people if they dare to make my Liya nervous."

"Hmph, who is your Liya?" Liya raised her white chin pretending to be arrogant.

"You are my Liya."

Mu En hugged Liya and swayed in the water:

"If you don't like it, I'll help you think of other ways."

"any solution?"

"let me see……"

Mu En had been thinking hard for a long time, and suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, and his expression turned evil again:


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