"Huh? That wouldn't be a bad idea."

"How is it possible? I am doing this for Liya's own good."

With a serious look on his face, Mu En stretched out his hand and rubbed it in his magic storage device for a long time, and then, like a magic trick, he pulled out a small gadget.

"What's this?"

Liya looked at the thing in Mu En's hand doubtfully.

It was a small oval ball that seemed to be made of jade. It felt a little warm to the touch and contained a little bit of magic power.

When Liya tried to stimulate it, she found that the ball trembled slightly under the stimulation of magic power.

However, this shape and this function made Liya feel more and more puzzled, because she really couldn't imagine the use of this little thing that Mu En took out.


Mu En smiled mysteriously, then leaned into Liya's ear and said something.

After a while, Liya's cheeks and even ears were stained with crimson. She turned around and bit Mu En's wrist, and said angrily:

"Pervert... pervert!"

"Hey... what a pervert? Isn't this just for you?"

Mu En rubbed her wrist in pain and said innocently:

"This is a great way to relieve tension!"

"What...what way to relieve tension? You actually let me carry this...this kind of thing. What if I am discovered? And...this will only make me more nervous."

"How could it be discovered? I am the only one who can see my Liya. As for relieving the tension...as long as the attention is drawn to other places, wouldn't it mean that I won't be nervous because of the crowd."

Mu En chuckled, hugging Liya who was even cuter because of her anger, and ravaged her again.


Finally, Lin's unbearable knocking sounded outside the door:

"Your Highness the Saint, the time has come, please start making preparations."

"I know...I know, I'll start preparing right away."

Liya responded a few times, took the opportunity to break free from the clutches of the bad guy, and said angrily:

"Anyway...anyway, I am a saint of the church! I will never do such shameless things!"

Then Liya seemed to be really angry and pushed Mu En away:

"Get up, I'm going to get down to business!"

"Okay, okay, if Her Royal Highness the Saint is not willing, how can I force you?"

Mu En had no choice but to get up early and ran to get dressed dejectedly.


"Well, what's wrong?"

Mu En turned around and blinked at the angry Highness the Saint:

"Your Highness, you're not going to punish the little ones, right... Whether it's stepping on them with my feet or insulting them, I will take care of them."

"That's a reward for you."

Liya, who already knew the nature of this bad guy, pouted playfully, and then snatched the small toy away from Mu En's hand:

"I can't let you, a bad guy, keep this kind of thing that is harmful to girls. I confiscated it!"


"Ah, what, get out quickly, don't delay me from doing business."

"……All right."

Mu En stretched her fingers, put on her clothes, and walked out the door with a sad expression on her face as if she had lost something important.

Just at the moment when the door was closed, Mu En suddenly turned around and said seriously:

"Don't do it for selfish reasons!"

Of course, all he got in return was the girl's angry eye roll.

Outside the door, the expression of Sister Lin, who had returned to indifference, was naturally not very good-looking.

Mu En scratched her head in embarrassment, thinking about how she had repeatedly promised her before, but in the end she couldn't help but eat it all, feeling an inexplicable guilty conscience.

In the end, Lin was the first to speak, looking at Mu En with a half-smile:

"You...are really filial to your teacher."

"Haha, just average. She doesn't have any moral integrity anyway."


There was another moment of silence.

Mu En turned to look out the window, looking at the lights in the distance that stayed up all night and the busy knights. He was stunned for a moment and said in astonishment:

"The escaped criminal has not been caught yet."

"Not yet. The opponent's ability to escape is amazing. He also pulled out carrots and brought out mud. After preliminary interrogation of the previous arresters, it was found that those guys were just victims to attract attention. The opponent seems to have hidden a few more in the Holy City. It’s a big force.”

"Is it a threat to Liya?"

"Are you doubting the church?"

Lin looked over with an expressionless face, her brows and eyes full of confidence.

Yes, this is the church, the most massive and noble organization in the world.

If even they can't protect their saint, then there may be no safe place for Liya in this world.

"Maybe I'm overthinking it."

Mu En shook his head:

"If you need any help, you can always come to me."

"I will if necessary."

Lin nodded.

During the conversation, the sound of the door opening sounded.

And Liya, who had finished dressing herself, walked out of the room.

Mu En's eyes brightened slightly.

Although she had seen the dress before, when Liya actually walked out dressed as a saint, Mu En was still a little surprised.

Her long pale golden hair was tied up high, revealing her swan-like neck from below. There was no trace of makeup on her pretty face, but she had the tranquility and holiness of a girl.

The long skirt is close to the body, outlining the girl's perfect curves, and the complicated silk threads are like pure mercury pouring down the ground.

Compared with the many dresses worn by nobles that Mu En had seen, this dress was not too luxurious, and it did not even require a special ceremony boy to hold up the skirt.

But it just embellishes all the beauty of the girl.

The girl's steps were steady, her small hands wrapped in white silk gloves were folded on her lower abdomen, she glanced at Mu En with a look of petulance and annoyance, and then quickly raised her head again, exuding the temperament and nobility of a saint.

Mu En swallowed unconsciously, and felt extremely hot when he thought of this extraordinary saint, who had just fought hard with him on the bed and whined softly.

"Okay, it's time, let's get started."

Lin clapped her hands gently.

Then the door opened, and in the originally empty space with no other people, nuns with skillful postures suddenly walked out.

As the most holy and pure saint, Liya does not need anyone to dress her. Others, regardless of gender, are not qualified to look directly at her naked body.

It's just some external work that still requires help from outsiders.

But this is not complicated, because the really complicated things have already been prepared.

Then, the white gauze swayed slightly, the incense filled the air, the petals flew, and the crown symbolizing identity once again reflected the first ray of light in the world.

Amid everyone's respectful bowing, Liya held her head high and walked into the endless light as a true saint.

32. Raid

In front of the cathedral, there was a huge procession.

Nuns in black monastic uniforms and solemn clergy held various sacred vessels in their hands, forming a neat queue and walking at the front.

Then there is a large chariot pulled by two white scale earth dragons, with golden holy words emblazoned on it, showing divine majesty.

This is a holy chariot that only saints can ride on, so after looking at each other without trace with Mu En, Liya walked into the chariot alone.

The gauze moved, and only a vague silhouette could be seen.

"Aren't you going to show the new saint to the believers? What can you see in this way?"

Mu En asked curiously.

"As a saint, of course you can't show your face casually."

Lin still had a bad face towards Mu En, and she was obviously still angry at Mu En's behavior of seizing the time to serve cabbage:

"If those fanatical believers are allowed to see the face of Her Majesty the Saint throughout the whole process, I am afraid it will cause quite a commotion. Therefore, only at the end of the succession ceremony will Her Majesty appear in person to perform miracles."


Mu En thought for a moment and then nodded.

Think about those fanatical fans blocking airports in previous lives, which could cause quite a bit of turmoil.

And now in this city, there are millions of the most devout believers from all walks of life.

If they keep looking at Liya's cutest face in the world, they might lose their minds and do something terrible.

After all, I often can't help but do some incredible things.

Moreover, the fanaticism spawned by religion is at least a hundred times more terrifying than the so-called "star chasing".

Thinking of this, Mu En felt a little pity.

At first glance, that big chariot looked like a good place for him and Liya to be intimate... Amidst the devout worship of millions of believers, he and Liya were here and there in the chariot... It was exciting to think about it.

But I can only think about it. If I really want to go too far, I don't rule out that His Majesty the Pope will show up in person to show a little bit of the love and friendliness of the church to this guy who is about to overturn his vegetable garden.

Or let him truly experience the mercy of the goddess.


Just when Mu En was thinking wildly, the entire team started to move forward slowly as the earth dragon stood up suddenly.

Mu En looked over.

There were no believers waiting eagerly in front of Emile Cathedral, because right under Mu En's feet was a staircase called the "Pilgrimage Road".

There are thousands of steps on this staircase, and it is extremely difficult for ordinary people to walk up it in one breath.

Although there are still countless believers who want to pray at the place closest to the goddess and embark on this "pilgrimage road", today it is obviously forbidden to ordinary people.

So from this place overlooking half of the Holy City, the front of the team was particularly empty.

On both sides are the so-called altars and holy trees, but they are actually some vegetation that grows extremely densely under the nourishment of the holy light.

Everything seemed so peaceful.

The morning sun was rising, and the bright sunshine shone on the huge goddess statue at the top of the church, making it even more benevolent and compassionate.

However, the childish sun has not fully risen, and it cannot bring light to every place.

Due to the obstruction of distant mountains and city walls, most of the Holy City was still shrouded in darkness.

Mu En frowned slightly as she watched the team move from the bright roof of the church into the darkness and began to walk towards the crowded believers in the distance.

I don't know why... I always have a bad feeling.

Mu En thought that her premonitions had always been extremely accurate, but...

He looked back at the tall and majestic Emile Cathedral, and then at the statue of the goddess overlooking all things...

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