This is in front of Emile Cathedral, the place closest to the goddess.

How could anyone dare to be in such a place...


There was a clear explosion, and Mu En was startled. He turned his head suddenly and found that it came from a very inconspicuous area a few blocks away.

An ancient multi-story building, with smoke and dust everywhere, vaguely saw several figures flying.

Very close to here.

But this did not cause any commotion.

Because of his high position and excellent eyesight, Mu En clearly saw that a large group of silver-armored knights had quickly blocked that area.

A red shadow above the city also hovered towards that area.

It's just that it's worthy of being a church. While the archbishops were assigned to sit in various areas of the holy city, and the Knights Templar maintained order for millions of believers, they could actually assign people to block a certain block and arrest those who wanted to make trouble.

This demonstrated power is enough to make any force in the world feel unmatched.

Standing at the center of this huge power, Mu En should have felt extremely relieved.

But at this moment, he seemed to remember something, his eyes swept across the entire holy city frantically, and he whispered frantically:

"That's right, creating chaos in areas with a large number of believers, and then taking the opportunity to assassinate the saint in the chaos, this should be the best way...

However, the enemy knows this method, and the holy city also knows it, so the holy city closely monitors those areas.

And now, in order to deal with the overly large number of believers and the possible threats hiding among the believers, the entire holy city has moved everything that can be moved.

Because... the weakest area at the moment...



Several more explosions sounded in various directions of the holy city.

Some buildings suddenly roared with flames and ignited black smoke!

These explosions are still very inconspicuous, and they didn't even alarm many ordinary people, because the holy city is too big.

But at this moment, listening to those explosions, Mu En's face suddenly changed.

Yes, the Holy City is too big. Although it is not as prosperous as Belrand, the most prosperous city on the continent, it is the only flaw of the extremely powerful church today when countless believers gather.

Those explosions... are like some kind of signal!

"Miss Lin!"

Mu En quickly caught up with Lin who was moving forward with the team:

"I want to protect Leah closely!"


Lin refused without hesitation:

"Do you want to sit on the holy chariot with the saint in front of all the believers? You will be torn to pieces by the angry believers, and the church can't save you."

"No, it's just this section of the road, just this pilgrimage road, I feel..."

Mu En's persuasion stopped abruptly.

Because both he and Lin felt a terrible force suddenly appearing above the Holy City at this moment.

Just like that, without any cover-up.

Showing the terrible realm of the crowned.

The two looked pale and looked up at the same time.

A man with a strange shape was floating in the air.

He was dressed strangely, with thick oil paint on his face, and bright red bloodstains at the corners of his eyes and mouth.

He looked like a clown in a circus, but... even more hideous.

"Haha... I am the sixth seat of the Salvation Society, and my title is... The Clown."

The man named Clown saluted the entire Holy City in a funny way, and laughed happily in the astonishment of everyone:

"I came here today to present our gift to this grand celebration, and the name of the gift is... Truth!"


As soon as the voice fell, the man named Clown, just as the great barrier of the entire Holy City just reacted and suppressed him...


That's right, it was not a powerful attack, nor a shocking method. He just said it in a straightforward manner, but Mu En, whose mind was tense to the extreme, couldn't help but be dumbfounded...


The self-explosion of a crowned man caused the great barrier covering the Holy City to tremble, and everyone changed their color and was extremely shocked.

But the problem is...

It is indeed only terrifying.

Because the clown is standing too high, the aftermath of his self-explosion can't even hurt ordinary people below.

It's like a bunch of grand fireworks spreading out, which can only receive the audience's exclamation.

"What the hell?"

Mu En and Lin looked at each other.

Human bomb? Self-explosion truck?

But I have never heard of any suicide attack that blew up the flesh and blood to scare the target to death.

"No, they must have a backup plan. Even a crowned person sacrificed himself without hesitation. They must have a big plan. Miss Lin, go to the Supreme Place to ask His Majesty the Pope!"

Mu En growled anxiously.

Then at the same time.

Above the sky, the flesh and blood of the clown's self-explosion suddenly shrank automatically.

As if attracted by something, the scattered flesh and blood quickly condensed towards a certain center point.

Black mist diffused from the ancient creation at the center point, blending with the flesh and blood, and turned into bright red mist.

The bright red mist rippled and flowed, and as if guided by an invisible force, it gradually turned into a huge blood mirror hanging in the sky, reflecting the entire holy city.

But for some reason, that huge blood mirror seemed... to be missing a piece?


A long sigh came from the blood mirror.

A certain figure approached from the distance of the reflection, and then in the bloody mirror, he stretched out his hand toward the city that looked like it was hanging upside down from his perspective.

It was a blood-red, skinny, huge hand.

The lines on the palm are clearly visible, counting the traces of time... This looks like the hand of an old man.

But when this hand was lightly grasped and smashed down towards the Holy City, the entire large barrier covering the Holy City instantly emitted a harsh buzz.

On the other side of the Holy City, the same blood-red figure suddenly stopped in mid-air.

The bright red robes were blown by the strong wind, and the Archbishop of Judgment looked up, his pale face extremely complicated.


The highest place.

The Pope, sitting cross-legged in the endless holy light, calmly opened his eyes.

His vicissitudes of life reflected the huge blood mirror, and even more reflected the shadow in the blood mirror.

No joy. No sorrow.

Waiting for the old friend to come.

Only in the vast space, the mechanical sound coming from Urlons, without any emotion, still echoed continuously.

"Sacred Domain detected permission identification request..."

"Permissions are being determined..."

"Permission determination completed...The former Trial Archbishop [deleted content]...determined an error..."

"Once again, it has been determined that... the permissions were determined incorrectly, and this permission has been permanently deleted."


"Identification completed..."

"Intruder, the first seat of the Salvation Society..."

"Holy Savior."

"Kaya Gaius."

33. Offensive

"The Holy Savior is so majestic."

The Pope waved his sleeves, and the scepter of supremacy was held in his palm. At the same time, the Holy Land roared, the Sea of ​​Holy Light rose rapidly, and invisible force sealed the sky of the Holy City. Ordinary people could only hear the first words. There was a loud noise, followed by sacred chanting. Thinking that a miracle had come in advance, they all closed their eyes and prayed devoutly.

After the cover-up was completed, the Pope looked at the giant blood-colored mirror with an expressionless face, but his eyes seemed to be looking through the giant mirror and looking at a being thousands of miles away.

"I thought you would be a little more settled after the last failure, but what you did still made me so disappointed."

The Pope stood up slowly, and the sea of ​​holy light instantly made waves:

"How many times do you have to do this kind of meaningless thing before you are willing to do it?"

"Willing? Haha..."

In the blood mirror, an old voice came out:

"Your Majesty the Pope, are you willing to let me know the truth of everything but sit back and watch the coming outcome?

Or should we allow the church, which knows everything but is willing to drink poison to quench its thirst for its own status, to lead the entire world to destruction? "

The voice sneered:

"Your Majesty the Pope, I am not as selfish as you."

"Truth? Selfish?"

The Pope also sneered:

"How do you know that the truth you saw is the so-called truth? In the end, you and I are just idiots in this world. What we see and hear is just a corner of all things. Besides, based on what you have done before "To hear the word selfishness from your mouth, this hypocrisy really opened my eyes."

"It seems that none of us can convince anyone."

In the blood mirror, he sighed again.

"In the end, you have to go to the end of the road to know who is right and who is wrong."

"Why bother pretending here."

The Pope said:

"I will personally erect your tombstone at the end of the road, apostate."

"Ha... I'm really looking forward to it, Your Majesty. I hope you can give me a cup of the best spring tea in the Holy City as you did in the past. I have missed it so much these years."


Over the Holy City, the big bloody hand once again clenched its fingers, not caring that it would blaspheme the superior gods, and suddenly smashed down towards the shining Emile Cathedral!


The majestic scolding echoed, and the compassionate goddess statue burst out with thousands of rays of light, blocking the offensive of the big blood-red hands.

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