At the same time, the holy cross broke through the sea of ​​light from top to bottom.

Like a sharp spear to judge sinners, or a long nail to seal darkness, the holy cross fell from the sky and nailed hard on the blood-red hand.

Blood surged and turned into smoke and dust.

Flames burned and burned away sins.

The wailing of sinners was annihilated in the sacred chanting, and countless people sang the great deeds of this god!

Holy! Holy!

In the name of the goddess, wipe out the evil spirits!

Countless dark cracks suddenly appeared in the blood-red hand, and it trembled, as if it would fall apart at any time.

The figure in the blood mirror shook slightly, and a slight hum full of pain was emitted.


Another sigh.

The line of sight fell on the still incomplete blood mirror, and it was extremely regretful.

Careful planning, long-term calculations, but in the end, I don’t know where it went wrong. This ancient relic used to project his power was actually missing an important piece.

No, not only is it missing, but even the fourth seat who holds the ancient relic and should have played an important role in the plan has completely lost contact.

I think he is dead.

If he is included, I should be able to try a little more.

Incomplete power cannot shake the Pope after all.

What a pity.

... But not entirely a pity.

Because the plan did not go smoothly, it was in the plan.

In this case...


The blood-red hand suddenly turned over, and the five fingers stretched out, and it actually held up the burning holy crosses, pressed down, and cast a large shadow on the ground.

Then, it froze.

The bright red that made up the big hand rolled quickly, and in a flash, it accurately glimpsed the tiny flaw, as if it knew everything very well, and created another layer of blockade under the double blockade of the great barrier and the holy domain.

It was like a dark umbrella, floating in the air, blocking everything that should not enter.

The target is... the lonely figure on the holy chariot at this moment.

"Thirty seconds."

He said:

"Kill her."

So, in the shadows, murderous intent surged.


"Is this the terrorist organization you said is not threatening?"

Mu En pointed at the bloody giant hand above his head, which looked like a boss behind the scenes, and roared at Lin:

"This is called a terrorist organization? Isn't this a super underground force that is about to destroy the world? Your church's rating, isn't it time to update it!"

"This is just a simple terrorist attack, at least for the church, it's no big deal, you just need to do what you should do."

Lin expressionlessly lifted the skirt of her nun's uniform, pulled out a sharp dagger, and accurately stabbed the hideous figure that rushed out of the shadows.

Huge body, sharp teeth and claws, covered with needle-like hair - beastman.

And judging from their red eyes, they have been completely stimulated by the drugs, lost their reason, and become machines that can only kill.

Mu En didn't have time to appreciate the long legs under Sister Lin's clothes. The knife light moved, the figure flickered, and the blood splashed. The heads of the beastmen fell one by one.

But he still underestimated the number of beastmen who came out of nowhere.

The enemy was obviously well prepared. The huge number of monsters rushed in like a tide when the blood-red giant blocked this place and isolated the inside and outside.

Mu En was surrounded by beastmen for a short time. Even with the help of time acceleration, he seemed to be unable to stand alone.

Damn it!

How did these things get into the holy city without anyone noticing? Are those knights guarding the gate eating free rice?


Is there an enemy insider in the holy city?

Mu En's expression was ugly. Although this idea seemed a bit conspiracy theory, it was indeed the best explanation for the current situation.

The larger the organization, the less likely it is to be united. It is normal for some rats to breed in dark corners.

However, after thinking about it for a while, Mu En quickly gathered these messy thoughts.

It is useless to think about these things now, and it is not within his responsibility to find traitors in the church.

The important thing is that he just heard what the old voice said... thirty seconds.

He seemed to be able to hold on for only thirty seconds, and the enemy also had to assassinate Liya within thirty seconds. On the other hand, he had to protect Liya for thirty seconds so that the church could break through the blockade of the bloody giant hand.

It sounds very short. If he was not in an accelerated state, it would probably take only a moment for thirty seconds to pass.

But at this critical moment, a second of slackness would make the situation irreversible!

It must be stopped, and these beasts must not be allowed to get close to Liya's holy chariot.

However, at this moment, Mu En was not worried about these huge numbers of beasts, but... something hidden in them.

He didn't think that the other party tried so hard to assassinate Liya, relying on these beasts without brains.

"Praise the goddess..."

When Mu En was besieged by the beastmen, a solemn hymn suddenly sounded.

The sacred breath spread with the singing, and the pure holy light swept under the neat chanting. The warm light was born from the ground and bloomed like petals, as if representing the initial vitality of all things.

However, this genial warmth turned into a cold light rain at this moment, inflicting cold torture on the blasphemer without mercy.

The beast shifters wailed and screamed, being nailed to the ground by the light rain. They struggled feebly and could only let their flesh be burned by the holy light and their blood evaporate in the high temperature.

Mu En, who felt the sudden decrease in pressure, turned around in shock.

He saw that under Lin's command, the nuns and clergymen who were the honor guard of the saint's team raised the sacrificial rituals in their hands and sang hymns in unison.

The holy radiance rises from them like fireflies.

That's right, Mu En suddenly realized. How could those who were selected to participate in this saint succession ceremony be just ordinary nuns and priests?

Although they all look as young and flawless as flowers, they are indeed believers who devoutly believe in the goddess, are favored by the goddess, and can use the power of the holy light.

They blocked the attack of the beast shifters.

Sister Lin stood at the center of the team, presiding over the singing of hymns. Different from the fierceness in which she lifted up her skirt and threw throwing knives just now, she was bathed in a piece of holy light and looked particularly peaceful and holy.

As if noticing Mu En's gaze, Lin suddenly turned her head and looked at Mu En.

The singing of hymns continued, and she was naturally unable to speak.

But just her calm gaze made Mu En understand the deep meaning.

Go to Her Majesty the Saint. she says.

"Ha, at the critical moment, it's not so rigid."

Mu En nodded and smiled, then without hesitation, rushed towards Liya's chariot.

As the gauze moved, he seemed to be able to see the anxious figure.

——I am extremely worried about the progress of the situation, but due to my status as an enemy target, I am afraid that it will cause any unpredictable changes, so I choose to wait and see for the time being.

She is pure kindness but has reason, and will not blindly carry out stupid self-righteous redemption. This is very Liya's style.

Thinking of this, Mu En's lips twitched... Don't be afraid, your knight will come to help you now...

But the moment Mu En stepped onto the chariot, his movements suddenly stagnated, and the curve of the corners of his mouth slowly calmed down.

He did not go to Liya who was already very close, but suddenly turned to the other side.

Among the beast-turned-bloods flying around, a figure hidden in a wide black robe stood there at some unknown time.

The team chanting the Holy Light seemed not to notice his presence at all, and the light rain of judgment passed by him without causing any harm.

"Has it finally come out? The real...hiss——"

Mu En suddenly felt a sharp pain in his brain.

It was as if the soul was about to be forcibly pulled out by some kind of terrifying force, making it difficult for Mu En, who was always used to pain, to hold on.

The world suddenly faded from color and turned into gray.

Only the man in black robe's eyes, as deep as black holes, were particularly clear in the gray.

"Is illusion?"

Mu En put her fingers on her temples, veins twitching on her forehead: "No, this is...a mental attack!"

In the pain that seemed to tear everything apart, Mu En supported the holy chariot and straightened up with difficulty.

Also, if you think about it carefully, it is indeed very difficult to kill a saint with the Holy Light Technique and the technical support of the entire church in a short period of time at the physical level.

Even if you chop off her head and pierce her heart, you may not be able to kill her.

So they thought of another more direct way - to obliterate them on the spiritual level.

The spirit is directly connected to the human soul, and the broken spirit also means the incompleteness of the soul. Even with the power of the church, there is nothing that can be done to an already mutilated soul.

Just like Brian before.


"Haha... It's really dangerous. If you're not careful, you may succeed."

Although he was still suffering severe pain, Mu En suddenly laughed out loud:

"That would be true, of course, if I were not around."

"But now..."

Mu En punched the holy chariot with a punch, his expression instantly solemn.

"I am here."




A sharp breaking sound came from the imaginary mental space.

The man in black robe raised his head in shock, only to see a pair of terrifying eyes.

Darker than him.

Deeper than him.

In the depths of those azure pupils, there seemed to be a dark corona rising, spinning majestically, crushing everything.

Then, he declared coldly to him:

"Who do you are looking at?"

34. The unexpected person



It's like the crisp sound of everything being slowly rolled over by a millstone.

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