The entire gray spiritual space, centered on the rising black sun disk, cracked open with abyss-like gaps.

The pure white crown of the sun surrounds the dark sun disk, slowly rotating, seemingly gentle and gentle, but it contains the violence and agitation that destroys everything.

"Ah... what on earth... is this? According to the intelligence, there is clearly no one around that witch..."

The man in black robe stared blankly, unable to help but want to bow his head and kneel down.

His pale face was horrified, the edges of his pupils were burnt red, and thick tears of blood flowed from the corners of his eyes.

How small.

The spiritual power he was so proud of was so insignificant in front of that dark sun.

Just like ants on the ground, intending to overstep the supreme god, arrogantly throwing their fragile lives into the foehn wind that tears everything apart.

But that's a level gap, so how could it be possible to cross it just by flapping your wings?

He felt that his soul was being gradually torn apart by a terrifying force.

Everything is being distorted, twisted under the dark sun, and the gray space is torn out of deformed lines, crushed, and then completely swallowed by the dark sun.

But he couldn't look away.

He knew that he had violated the taboo, but he couldn't even kneel down, worship, or beg for forgiveness.

He could only watch, watch, and let the dark sun disk, the pure white corona, the cold and hot flames... look down at him indifferently, completely eating away everything about him.

The figure of the man in black robe shook for a moment, and then he fell weakly to the ground.

The hood fell off, revealing a bloodless, twisted face and a pair of empty eyes that seemed to have been completely burned through by flames.

Not only his eyes were burned, but his soul as well.

"Huh... intelligence, is there really an insider in the church?"

Mu En let out a long breath, stood a little unsteadily, and leaned weakly on the holy chariot.

It's fun to show off, but the results are a bit uncomfortable.

The discomfort from the mental level continued, but it was no longer the sharp pain like being torn apart just now, but a fierce feeling of deficit.

It was as if the body had been drained dry.

"Damn, that round of Dark Sun looks very powerful, but just a slight adjustment will consume too much."

Mu En rubbed her temples with a headache.

It was obvious that his own realm was already somewhat unable to keep up with the level of his own strength.

Although he had conquered the King of Blight before and created some incredible things with the power of several evil gods, but in that dark day, he was obviously not the kind of caring little cotton-padded jacket who could give him feedback at the realm level.

Instead, she looked like a hungry middle-aged young woman who had almost eaten him clean several times.

Therefore, Mu En's current state is only in the middle stage of the third level, and he may reach the late stage soon. This speed, within the scope of normal practice, is already extremely fast, but it cannot withstand the terrifying gadgets being stuffed into his body one after another, screaming and demanding from him every time he wants to use them.

I can't stand it, I can't stand it...

Mu En was clearly not in bed now, but she still felt the feeling of being squeezed dry in bed.

It’s so sour and refreshing that it’s hard to describe.

This time too, if the man in black robe hadn't attempted death and directly attacked his mental space, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been able to get rid of him so easily.

After all, the guy who can serve as the back-up man to assassinate the Saint is definitely not a simple person.

"Is it okay..."

Just when Mu En melancholy lamented that it was hard for an old cow to do something, a heart-stirring gentle voice came out, and two white and delicate little hands suddenly came out from the gauze curtain and gently hugged Mu En.

The warm holy light filled up and wiped away Mu En's fatigue.


Mu En glanced around cautiously, then accelerated and slipped into the chariot, grabbed two naughty little hands, and said seriously:

"Isn't it true that you can't show your face at will? You are Her Royal Highness the Saint now!"


Liya snorted cutely and said angrily:

"What's wrong with the saint? Can't the saint worry about you?"

"Okay, just talk, don't be angry..."

Looking at Her Majesty the Saint, who is the cutest in the world but now looks full of majesty, Mu En can only immediately surrender and beg for mercy.

By the way, he hugged her waist and helped Her Royal Highness to calm down.

"Fortunately, it should be over by now."

Lifting a corner of the gauze curtain, through the gap, Mu En saw the big bloody hand in the sky, which had begun to completely collapse.

The short yet long thirty seconds are rapidly entering the countdown.

"That is……"

As if he had noticed something, the figure in the blood mirror casually glanced at something under the palm, and his tone suddenly became more solemn:

"Is that something you did again? It's really scary... During the time I left, the church has become so crazy?"

"You can have epilepsy at will, but don't say random things."

The Pope’s tone was cold:

"That guy has nothing to do with my church. You should say this to some old guy."

Although he said this, the Pope, who was in the highest place, could not help but temporarily cast his eyes on that piece of shit from a long distance away.

Then the veins on my forehead throbbed uncontrollably.

At this time, everyone is serving cabbage by the way, how dare you...

"I see, that person also made his own choice?"

The figure thought for a moment, and then suddenly realized:

"Haha... In the end, although they all deny the destruction and end that is coming, they are secretly preparing for it. Don't you think this is ironic? Your Majesty the Pope."

"However, in my opinion, your futile struggles are just cowardly acts of self-righteousness and innocence like children."

"You will all fail."

In the blood mirror, the figure chuckled softly.

Even if his power manifested, that big blood-red hand had gradually collapsed under the Pope's pressing step by step.

Thirty seconds have passed, but his goal has not been reached.

"It's a bit of a pity, but it doesn't matter, it's okay... Huh?"

The figure who was about to give up suddenly let out a cry of surprise.

He lowered his head in astonishment, as if something unexpected happened suddenly that even he didn't expect.

"it's over."

Mu En let go of the gauze curtain and smiled at Liya:

"It should have been installed..."


Before he finished speaking, the smile on Mu En's lips suddenly turned into a cold murderous intent.

As soon as his eyes were focused, Elizabeth had appeared in the palm of his hand, stabbing mercilessly between the slightly swaying gauze not far away.

The breeze blew the gauze and the white gauze floated, and in the gap between the waves, a figure shrouded in black mist appeared unexpectedly!

He couldn't see the man's appearance clearly, and couldn't even sense his realm strength, but Mu En's crisis alarm was already buzzing crazily.

Far more powerful than the man in black robe who had a mental attack just now!

Without hesitation, Mu En stabbed out the blade immediately, and then held Liya tightly in her arms.

He didn't know how the enemy would attack, but in this way, at least he would take the first wave of damage instead of Liya.

Mu En, who was thinking like this, had no time to worry about his fatal relaxation just now. His eyes were fixed on the figure hiding in the black mist.

Suddenly, the figure moved.

A ray of silver light swept out from the black fog.

It was a long sword, a standard long sword that seemed to have been stolen from a certain knight.

Although it was just a standard weapon with no characteristics, it burst out with considerable power in the man's hand, and it actually deflected Mu En's hasty stab.

Then the petite figure in the black mist flashed dexterously in the small space of the holy chariot. After finding an extremely tricky angle, the long sword in his hand was pointed at Liya and stabbed out like a poisonous snake!

"Don't even think about it!"

Mu En shouted angrily, slashing at the black mist with the blade, and at the same time held Liya harder in his arms.


But just when the long sword was about to stab Liya, a clear and beautiful cry suddenly came out from the black mist.

The black mist paused for a moment, and a confused gaze seemed to peek out of it. It first fell on Liya's delicate and lovely face, and then turned to Mu En, who was hugging Liya tightly.

A brief period of doubt, reflection, and understanding of the current situation.


The long sword that was originally aimed at a certain part of Liya's arm turned around and stabbed Mu En with an attitude that was several times more ferocious.

Angry shouts also sounded in this small space:

"Thief! Let go of your dirty hands!"

35. Don’t look

"You thief, let go of your dirty hands!"

Accompanied by angry shouts, the standard long sword suddenly changed direction with an extremely sharp gesture, and stabbed Mu En, who wanted to protect Liya desperately.


Mu En didn't have time to understand what the lewd voice meant. Faced with the sudden attack, she could only respond hastily to the attack.

But the sudden change of moves finally made the moves slow down for a moment.

Mu En accurately grasped this momentary flaw, and his figure quickly tilted to the side, finally successfully avoiding the assassin's attack with Liya.

Just because of this evasive action, he and Liya hugged each other even tighter, and even Liya's towering mountains were forced to squeeze against Mu En's strong pectoralis major muscles.

From the perspective of the "Assassin", you can clearly see the deformation of the astringent gas caused by squeezing.

And because of the fierce movements, Liya subconsciously stretched out Rouyi to hook Mu En's neck, and the scented wind she exhaled swept over Mu En's face who was close at hand.

It's like a couple in love hugging each other intimately, and the next moment they will be intoxicated and kissing each other.

" front of me, you actually..."

The black mist was boiling visibly to the naked eye, as if a social worker who had worked hard all day came home and opened the door, only to see a pair of men's leather shoes at the door, and a familiar yet unfamiliar voice came from the room. The anger almost pierced through the door. Black mist spewed out.

The "assassin" was not willing to give in, and actually held the sword and stabbed again.

Unfortunately, this time, it still failed.

Because when the scene changed, the pretty figure hooking Mu En's neck actually actively blocked the "assassin".


Mu En pulled Liya nervously, but Liya just turned around and smiled to reassure her, and then her eyes glanced suspiciously at the black mist in front of her.

After hesitating for a moment, Liya spoke softly:

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