


It was originally a tentative question, but it was like a bolt from the blue that struck the small holy chariot.

The movement of the figure in the black mist suddenly stopped.

Mu En was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly trembled. At this moment, Liya's small hand, which was clenched in his palm, seemed to be suddenly hit by a fierce electric current, giving him the pleasure of jumping left and right on the edge of death.

The assassin is Ariel?

How can it be?

Mu En subconsciously denied this possibility.

Although the voice just now was indeed somewhat familiar, and if it was Ariel's, the "slut" just now would make sense.

But how could Ariel be here?

How could she become an enemy assassin?

Why did she come to assassinate Liya?

These questions, which are completely unreasonable from a logical level, all want to overturn the current reality.

Unfortunately...reality is reality.

No matter how bizarre it is, it is irrefutably true.

Under the intense gaze of two pairs of eyes, the black mist that shrouded the "assassin" gradually dissipated, finally revealing his true appearance.

An attractive face, slightly raised eyebrows, resolute and confident eyes, a mouth that often evokes an uninhibited smile, and...that truly flat chest.

That's right, the "assassin" in front of you is the absolutely real, innocent, 100% zero-additional, only designated protagonist of destiny, the representative of the female Aotian series... and Liya's childhood sweetheart, who has been coveting her for a long time. The head of Nvtong.

——Ariel Bugard.

Mu En gradually opened her mouth, almost big enough to hold a goose egg. At the same time, she looked at Liya next to her (Ariel coveted her), the corners of her eyes twitching, making everyone panic.

"Ariel? Why are you here?"

Although she had made some guesses just now, after seeing Ariel's familiar face, Liya couldn't help but feel a little confused, so she blinked and asked curiously:

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, let's talk about old things later."

Ariel gritted her teeth, raised the sword in her hand again, and pointed directly at Mu En:

"Let me chop off this pervert's trotters first!"


Liya stood up quickly, stood in front of Mu En without hesitation, and said seriously:

"Ariel you can't do that!"

"Liya, you..."

Ariel's body shook as if struck by lightning:

"You actually want to protect him. He obviously wants to molest you. I have never been so close to you... Why? Could it be..."

"Mu En didn't molest me!"

Liya puffed her cheeks a little angrily:

"Ariel, you misunderstood!"


Ariel's eyes widened, unable to understand:

"We're all hugging each other. That's not considered indecent assault. Wouldn't you tell me it was you..."


Feeling that the situation could not go on like this, he had to take the initiative, otherwise he would be killed by Feng Aotian sooner or later. Mu En quickly coughed twice and interrupted Ariel's speech.

Mu En withdrew his hands without leaving a trace, straightened his collar, and said sternly:

"Miss Ariel, Liya is right. You misunderstood me. I did not do anything inappropriate to Liya."

After all, it's only when it's unilateral that it's called incest. It's all consensual, so how can it be called indecent?

It's called flirting at best.

"Calm down first." Mu En advised.

"Isn't it indecent?"

Ariel frowned and stared at Mu En warily:

"But I just saw you..."

"I was protecting Leah."

Mu En straightened her chest, there was no lie in her words.

"Protect Liya... you? Why? Why?"

"Just because I am now a special honorary Templar Knight of the Church! My duty is to personally protect the safety of Her Royal Highness the Saint!"

"Honorary Knight Templar?"

Ariel still had doubts in her eyes, but the badge with the church's logo on Moon's chest did not look fake.

"Huh? Wait?"

And just when Ariel was carefully observing the badge, trying to find flaws... some of the words that Mu En just said jumped into her mind uncontrollably.

It forced her to think about issues that she had no time to think about just now.

"Her Royal Highness the Saint? Who...are you saying is Her Royal Highness the Saint?"

Ariel looked at Mu En and asked word by word without any wavering in her tone.

"Huh? Who is Her Majesty the Saint?"

Mu En was stunned again for a moment, then looked at Ariel who looked confused and couldn't fake it, and raised her eyebrows. The sense of inconsistency that she just noticed and couldn't make logic mesh seemed to have finally found its source.

"Her Royal Highness the Saint... of course refers to Liya. This is the chariot of the Saint's guard of honor. Besides Liya, I am the one in it. I can't be the Saint."

Ariel's delicate body trembled.

"Speaking of which..."

Mu En touched her chin, looked at Ariel with a strange expression, and said:

"The reaction I had just now was entirely because of a sudden assassin attack. You should be the first to explain this, Miss 'Assassin'."

Ariel's delicate body trembled again.

"Yes, yes."

Liya also looked confused and asked:

"Why are you doing this, Ariel? Did I do something that disgusted you?"


Finally, Ariel's delicate body began to tremble violently.

She slowly turned around and stared at her childhood sweetheart again, whom she had not seen for a long time and whom she had longed for.

When the anger dissipated, he was finally able to see the figure clearly.

This was a reunion after a long absence. It should have been a scene that made her feel extremely happy, but why was the scene at this moment so different from what she had imagined?

Shouldn't they be meeting each other in the streets under the sunset, beside the gurgling water, at both ends of the small bridge full of traces of time carving, and looking at each other from a distance?

At that time, her white dress would flutter and her eyes would have tears of joy.

And she was wearing a handsome close-fitting dress, with freshly picked roses on her chest, and a gentle smile.

The two of them waved across the small bridge, the wind chimes jingled under the eaves, and they obviously didn't say anything, but everything... was left unsaid.

——Isn’t it supposed to be like this?

But now.

But at this moment.

Her white dress was indeed fluttering, and even that dress was more attractive than ever before.

Not only that, she was also shrouded in an aura called "Saint Girl", which made her a little helpless.

What about yourself?

Ariel lowered her head and looked at herself.

The carefully selected close-fitting dress was already torn from previous battles.

——There is nothing that can be done about it. After all, facing two fifth-level warriors, a brilliant magician, and a dozen fourth-level experts, even she can barely win.

If she hadn't suddenly exploded during the battle and her level had slightly improved again, I'm afraid she would have been stuck there.

And as a price... is the current state of embarrassment.

The tattered clothes were only the second thing. Reflected by the long sword in her hand, her hair was messy and her eyes were red. Due to the sequelae of a forbidden technique, dark veins spread like small snakes from her collar to her neck, which looked extremely terrifying. .

In sharp contrast to this, is the annoying guy who is now beside Liya.

It is also a men's dress, but it fits him perfectly. His tall and straight figure can smoothly support the tall and straight outline of the dress. The golden collar and cuffs just show his nobility. The lines of the custom-made dress are exquisite and even more... It was far superior to the mass merchandise she could choose in a roadside clothing store.

With his golden hair that shines like the sun, and his handsome face, he seems to be more suitable to stand next to the girl than himself...

It's sad enough to appear in this embarrassing situation, but there is also a positive teaching material there.

I wonder if there is anything more sad than this in the world?

After a brief silence, Ariel, who seemed to have lost all her strength, pursed her lips and finally said:

"Liya, I..."


But before she started to speak, a violent noise made the three people in the chariot freeze at the same time.

Outside the gauze, the sky suddenly brightened, and some kind of ban that loomed over the sky completely receded with a helpless sigh.

Then a strong wind came.

All the white gauze covering the chariot was blown away.

The three of them looked up at the same time and found that at some point, knights in shining silver armor had surrounded the entire holy chariot on three levels inside and three outside.

The leader happened to be Sil, who had briefly fought with Ariel. He stood outside the carriage, glaring at Ariel inside, as if he had been insulted, and raised the sword in his hand angrily.

"All of them! Capture alive this villain who dares to disturb the Holy Master and assassinate His Highness!"

"Clear the Templars' shame, now!"


Amidst the deafening roar, Mu En and Liya looked in front of them in shock. They saw countless restrictions and restraints falling from the sky. For a while, the sky was filled with golden light, which was so spectacular.

The two of them were speechless for a moment.

And Ariel was about to burst into tears.

Something even more tragic... turns out it really does exist.

Unfortunately, she has no power to resist now.

Liya could only look at her blank eyes. While being pressed hard to the ground, her face covered with her hands showed a painful and helpless expression. She forced a smile with tears in her eyes and shook her head vigorously:

"Oh... Liya, don't look, don't look at me..."

"Ouch...it hurts...please...don't look at me..."

36. Learn to learn

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