Things always happen very suddenly.

When Ariel was put in various restraints and shackles by a group of fierce knights, and was wrapped with thick and long iron chains for countless times, and was taken away without any delay, as if for fear of disturbing the Holy See, and before leaving, the knights showed a simple smile to the Saint, saying "everything is left to us", Mu En and Li Ya were still in a daze and confusion.

Is this the efficiency of the Knights Templar? Love it.

But can someone finish the words first?

It feels like Ariel has something strange that she hasn't finished saying just now... What does "don't look at me" mean?

Li Ya and Mu En looked at each other, both of them were a little amused.

But after all, Ariel assassinated herself in front of so many people. Because of her identity, even if she knew there must be some misunderstanding, Li Ya couldn't say anything directly.

She had to call Lin, who was now directing people to quickly clean up the battlefield.

"Please tell them not to embarrass Ariel."

"Ariel... you mean the assassin just now?"

Lin also looked confused:

"Excuse me, Saint, assassinating you is always a serious crime, not to mention in public. Even if it is in your name, it is not easy to explain to the Temple of Judgment... Can I ask why you favor her?"

"She is my friend."

Liya rubbed her temples with a headache:

"There must be some misunderstanding. Tell them that Ariel must not be harmed before the truth is found out."

Even Leah, the newly appointed Saint, has heard of the methods of the Temple of Judgment. She is afraid that if she does not warn in advance, Ariel may be missing several important parts when she pulls her out of the black prison of the temple.


Lin was stunned when she heard this. How could a friend assassinate on such an important day?

Are you sure the friend you are talking about is not the kind who will stab you in the back?

No, this is stabbing you in the face. Lin really can't understand the Saint's friendship rules. Even the men she chooses don't seem to be good people!

Although she can't understand it, it is the order of the Saint after all, so Lin nodded respectfully:

"I understand, I will tell them that the interrogation of Miss Ariel will be conducted by you personally."

"Well, thank you." Liya smiled.

"No, this is my duty, no need to thank you, and your status is noble, please be careful when you say thank you."

Lin's expression was serious, and she advised seriously:

"Otherwise, your casual words may cause a serious situation. After all, according to the records of the church, there were believers in the past who were too excited because of a word of praise from the Saint, and their hearts burst and died."

"...I know."

Liya then restrained her expression and entered the "Saint state", but she was also very cute when she tried to keep a straight face.

"Your Highness understands best. By the way..."

After completing the saintly etiquette for Liya, Lin silently turned her gaze to Mu En, who was trying to reduce his presence:

"Sir Knight, the matter is over. The assassin has been caught. The Holy Chariot will soon be re-established. Why are you still here?"


A breeze was blowing. Mu En sat beside her. He ignored Lin's question and leaned his head. Like a quiet literary and handsome man, he touched the white gauze that swayed in the breeze with his hands.

"I suddenly realized that even these white gauze are made of magic material. It is indeed a wealthy church."

"... This has nothing to do with wealth."

Although she wanted to blast this guy away, she still had to be polite in front of the saint, so she had to patiently answer:

"These white gauze are to ensure that when His Highness is in the chariot, believers in any direction can perfectly see the silhouette of His Highness through the white gauze, and can also block those fanatical eyes and perceptions.

After all, light, temperature, wind direction, shadow...many conditions will affect the worship of believers, so it is naturally impossible to use ordinary white gauze."

"I see."

Mu En nodded.

Just now he found that when he was in the chariot, he didn't notice when the knights outside surrounded him, so there must be something here to block perception.

"Huh? Wait, so... the silhouette image projected on the white gauze in the holy chariot can actually be controlled?"

Mu En touched his chin suddenly, as if he had discovered a new world.

"...Mr. Mu En."

Feeling something was wrong and having been unable to bear it any longer, Lin gritted her teeth and said unkindly:

"Please speak directly if you have anything to say, and do not delay the Saint's ceremony!"

"In that case, I will not beat around the bush with Miss Lin. I will speak directly to you about some things."

Mu En turned his head and sighed. Then, with an expression that was three parts worried, three parts sincere, and three parts helpless, he said in a deep voice:

"Although Miss Lin had promised the church's security work before, it seems that it is not as good as imagined. The enemy almost succeeded."


Lin wanted to refute Mu En directly as before, but when the words came to her lips, she was suddenly speechless.

At this moment, two knights were carrying the black-robed man out. Lin glanced at them and didn't know how to refute them.

Facts speak louder than words. No matter what the church has paid for the safety of Her Royal Highness, in reality...

Just a few seconds later, Her Royal Highness the Saint was in danger.

"Look, if I hadn't sensed it in time, I'm afraid Liya would have been really in trouble. That man in black robe was terrifying, and I spent a lot of effort to deal with him.

Of course, I am not asking for credit when I say this, I just want to make some just right suggestions..."

Mu En patted her knees and said with a handsome face and sincerely:

"We can't guarantee whether such an accident will happen again in the future, so to be on the safe side...should we send someone to protect Liya personally?

Of course, this person is not suitable for everyone. He must be strong enough, have a good relationship with Her Majesty the Saint, and most importantly, be handsome enough...

Don’t get me wrong, don’t get me wrong, this person is certainly not talking about myself, it’s just that after thinking about it, the only person here who can meet this condition is..."


Mu En talked eloquently.

As the second saint to serve, Lin, who considered herself to be extremely well-educated, could not help but her temples beating wildly at this moment.

She watched Mu En open her little mouth, and the abacus beads almost hit her face. She couldn't help pinching her thigh with her fingers, for fear that if she relaxed a little, she couldn't help but take out a knife and kill this piece of shit. Stab to death.

But you can't poke him, because the shy and expectant look on the side is really very powerless.

"According to the rules, you are not allowed to be around Your Highness the Saint..."

"Then according to the rules, can we protect her?"

"If someone discovers..."

"Who will find out?"

Mu En looked around and found that everyone was busy and no one paid attention at all. He blinked and said:

"I think this magic white gauze can not only isolate perception, but also sound insulation. It can even cast a false silhouette on it. Isn't that how you set it up? Don't worry, I will only be responsible for Li. For Ya's safety, I won't do anything else. With my teacher's..."

"You said the same thing last time."

"Then this time I swear on my father's estate!"

Mu En held her head high and raised her chest, pointing her fingers toward the sky:

"If I do anything else, my father will find that his entire estate has been destroyed when he comes back!"

"But there are rules..."


"It will be discovered..."

"Won't find out..."

"This outrageous behavior is really..."

Take a peek, take a peek~~


Lin closed her eyes.

Although I had predicted in advance that it would be difficult for this dog to get off the chariot, but I didn't expect... this was not a difficult problem anymore. He was like a dog-skin plaster, as if he was determined to stick here.

But I have to admit that in order to prevent possible accidents, this is the best way...

In her 20-year career as a nun, this is the first time Lin has thought about resigning.

"My lady, the nun."

As soon as Lin walked out of the chariot, a knight came to report.

"It's been cleaned up."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Lin nodded slightly and turned to look around.

It has to be said that the efficiency of the Templars is indeed impeccable. In the few short minutes when she tried to kill some dog in the chariot countless times, it was originally a mess, full of lycanthrope body parts. The battlefield of corpses had been completely swept away, leaving not even a drop of extra blood.

Cleaning the floor, these people are professionals.

"Then let's get started. Don't waste time. The time we have set aside is only twenty minutes." Lin gave the order.


The knight responded solemnly, then suddenly pulled the horse in his hand, turned around, looked behind Lin, and asked curiously:

"By the way, Lord Lin, do you know where Lord Mu En is?"

"Mu En..."

The corners of Lin's eyes twitched without trace:

"What are you doing with that dog...that guy?"

"Oh, it's nothing. It's just that Your Excellency Mu En was the person involved in His Highness's assassination at that time. We hope that he can cooperate with us and complete the details at that time to facilitate the investigation of the truth of the matter."

The knight scratched his head, feeling a little distressed:

"We don't know why, but we didn't detect the breath of the soul at all on the guy in the black robe. We couldn't find out more of the masterminds behind the scenes by searching for souls. We could only find the person involved, and find out more people behind the scenes. Got more information."

"...I see, but it's temporarily inconvenient right now."

"Inconvenience means..."

"Moon Campbell has other important tasks now."

Lin's face was expressionless:

"He can't get away for now."


The knight suddenly showed admiration and smacked his tongue:

"As expected of the honorary Templar Knight bestowed by His Majesty, he has just completed the task of protecting His Royal Highness the Saint, and he can't wait to devote himself to another job. This diligence is really admirable! Those guys under my command have been very successful recently. Lazy, after this incident, I have to ask them to learn more from Lord Mu En!"

Lin: "..."

Lin glanced at the chariot behind her and held her forehead with a headache.

Don't come, I'm serious.

You can't learn that shit.

37. Relationship and interrogation

The large barrier blocking the entire Holy City dissipated, as if a whole curtain had been opened.

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