The warm sunshine fell, and the long-awaited believers finally saw the sacred team on the golden road.

Under the blockade of the Holy City, these ordinary believers did not know what a serious crisis the team of saints had suffered just now. In their understanding, they only paid some insignificant wait.

And the wait is worth it.

The team marched slowly, the knights in shining armor leading the way, the nuns chanted hymns, and the priests were solemn and solemn. In the light white gauze, people can clearly see the holy figure sitting upright.

No matter which direction it is, whether it is on the top of the towering bell tower or beside the low wall, whether it is a trembling old man or a child with clear ears and eyes, under the enthusiastic gaze of people, that figure is So perfect, not a single flaw to be found.

As a result, the believers became more fanatical and pious.

The team followed the established road, starting from the Emile Cathedral located in the center of the Holy City, crossing the main road called the "Gospel Road", and arriving in the southern city. From there, they circled the main roads Street parade. It wasn't until they had almost walked through the entire holy city that the team began to turn back and came to the place under the cathedral, where the goddess statue was looking - the Land of Dawn.

The Land of Dawn is a huge square where almost all the grand ceremonies of the Holy City are held.

And when the team arrived, everything was naturally ready.

The large chariot carrying Her Majesty the Saint reached the center of the square, and then finally stopped slowly.

The musical instruments played and the hymns gradually became louder. Under the breathless attention of countless people, a small hand wrapped in a white silk glove slowly reached out and lifted the veil.

That holy figure finally appeared in front of everyone.

Wearing a pure white dress, she looks like a white dove flying in the sky, with a sacred crown on her head, reflecting the most brilliant light in the world.

So dazzling.

Then the believers couldn't help but choke up and shed tears of joy.

"Ah...Your Highness the Saint..."

"What a holy..."

"Your Highness... please allow us to follow you forever, just as we will always follow the most holy goddess..."

There was a flood of shouts.

And Liya stood in the center of the tide and couldn't help but feel a little stunned.

Under the misty light, she saw countless believers around her, and the darkness stretched into the distance like a sea.

They all looked at themselves, at their new saint.

At this moment, Liya once again felt the terrible pressure carried by the word "Saint".

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight, and this weight is many times heavier than the crown?

Liya even found it difficult to breathe.

However, when Liya turned her head slightly and looked at the seemingly empty holy chariot, with no one visible from the outside...the pressure suddenly dissipated.

Because her knight was there, watching her too...

The gazes of believers will put pressure on her, but only the unique warm gaze can give her infinite strength.

So she no longer feared, stepped on the sunshine, straightened her back, and walked elegantly towards the center of the crowd.

Just like every saint of the previous generation, she walks on this path.

"Your Highness the Saint!"

Suddenly, a fanatical believer broke through the wall of knights, knelt down in front of her in embarrassment, and raised the swaddling clothes in his hands:

"Please...please save him, he is a premature baby, he is going to die..."

The sudden change caused the surrounding knights responsible for protecting the saint to change their expressions, but Liya did not panic at this time.

She stopped the rude knight, smiled and pointed her finger on the forehead of the premature baby, who was already blue-faced.

"The goddess will bless you."

The holy light flashed, and the cheeks of the premature baby began to turn rosy visibly, and then there was a loud cry that echoed across the square like the newborn sunrise.

The real miracle comes to the world.

The believer burst into tears, held up the swaddling clothes in his hands, and knelt down piously:

"This is the gift of the goddess, this is the gift of...your highness, long live your highness the saint!"

"Long live Her Royal Highness the Saint..."

Countless believers knelt down one after another and chanted the name of the saint fervently.

In this casual miracle, even believers who still have nostalgia for the previous saint can no longer question the reality of the new saint in front of them.

The shouts resounded throughout the Holy City and did not stop for a long time.

"What a spectacular scene."

While all the believers were kneeling on the ground and chanting the name of the saint, Mu En sneaked out from under the chariot, patted the dust on his body, and looked at Lin aside as if nothing had happened:

"Speaking of which, is that believer a shill arranged by your church? There seem to be a lot of people here, but in fact it is terrifyingly well-guarded. How could an ordinary person rush in front of Liya?"

Mu En glanced around with his peripheral vision. Unlike the streets that were difficult to defend, this wide square had been tightly controlled by the church. He could even feel several extremely terrifying consciousnesses constantly sweeping through the crowd, which were at least at the bishop level. characters are personally monitoring.

Under such a tight situation, let alone an assassin, even a mosquito with malicious intentions would not be able to approach Liya.

Therefore, Mu En had reason to suspect that the church was committing fraud to help Liya gain popularity.

"Don't think too dirty of the church."

Lin stared at Mu En, speechless:

"It is precisely because that believer is an ordinary person that she can get close to His Highness. The church does not need to do such a thing at all, because Her Highness the Saint chosen by the Church is the Her Highness the Saint chosen by the goddess. Her Highness's qualifications are beyond doubt."

"...Okay, I admit that I overthink it, but...Miss Lin..."

Mu En rubbed her arms and asked cautiously:

"Why do you keep staring at me? Did I do something to make you angry again?"

"...No, I'm just wondering..."

Lin looked at Mu En up and down, as if meeting him for the first time:

"You and His Highness stayed in there and did nothing. This is really not your style."

"Didn't do anything? Should we do anything?" Mu En blinked in confusion, her eyes revealing the simplest innocence.

"You tried so hard to get into His Highness's chariot, wasn't it just for..."

"Of course it's to protect Liya personally! Didn't I say it before? She was assassinated just now. How could I trust her to be alone?"

"And besides protecting, is there anything else I can do at this time?"

Lin's expression stiffened slightly.

Mu En touched her chin, and came closer to Lin as if she was in a sudden state, looked at her carefully, and said with a bad smile:

"Miss Lin... what you are talking about... can't be that kind of thing, no, no, no, no one really thinks I would do that, that kind of gameplay is so abnormal, even I can only think It’s just a thought, no matter what, it’s impossible to actually do it, and you are a nun, how can you think like that?”

"Tsk, tsk, you are so lustful, Miss Lin."


Lin closed her eyes silently and began to recite the sacred scripture silently.

It's not that this can wash away the sins of her dirty thoughts, but because if she doesn't divert her attention like this...

She was afraid that she would not be able to help but smash her hardened fist into the face of the dog that deserved a beating.

To be honest, with such a strong taunting ability, it's a miracle that this guy can survive to this day.

Of course, Lin didn't know that Mu En dared to make fun of even the evil god, otherwise she would be lucky that she only had slightly high blood pressure.

And the last being who was severely mocked by Mu En...

After teasing the rigid Sister Lin for a while, Mu En walked around the edge of the crowd and began to stroll around in boredom, watching Liya's ceremony from a distance.

However, he felt that there was nothing good to see. No matter how beautiful Liya was now, she was still not as beautiful as when the candlelight was flickering at night.

Hmm... remember to let her wear this outfit tonight, it will definitely feel different.

"Moon Campbell?"

Mu En, who was enjoying a beautiful night, suddenly heard a familiar voice.

When he turned around, he found Margarita, whom he hadn't seen for several days, and Paul, who was still looking sloppy behind her.

Paul smiled playfully and was about to wave to Mu En, but he was immediately stepped on by Margarita. He shrank his neck and then retracted it, like a Erha who was punished just for doing bad things.

"Good afternoon, Miss Margarita."

Mu En, who felt that the two of them had something to hide, but couldn't ask, pretended not to see Paul and greeted Paul warmly:

"I didn't expect to see you here. I thought you had returned to China."

"I didn't expect that either."

Margarita pursed her lips and smiled:

"I thought you would go up and stand next to Her Majesty the Saint as an honorary Templar. That would be a great honor, and I don't think the church will stop you. They seem to be happy to see you firmly connected with the church. 's bound together.”

"It does sound very tempting."

Mu En shrugged:

"But I don't want to be so pushy. After all, I have a special status... By the way, where are the others?"

"As you just said, you have gone back."

"gone back already?"

Mu En touched his chin:

"It seems that the failure to compete for the Holy Girl will be a big blow to them."

Especially the arrogant Lolita Annie. With her temper, she originally thought she had a great chance, but in the end it was all in vain. She might end up hiding in bed at night, grabbing her handkerchief and crying and fussing.

Well, it’s quite interesting to think about.

"Although it seems that Mr. Mu En has some rude thoughts now, in fact... we are not as sad as you think."

Margarita said:

"Miss Mayfair's attitude is to give it a try. Even if she fails, the Tower of Origin will always open the door to her. And Annie...she was pulled back by the old man at home the next day to continue studying alchemy. I heard that she will be in the future There is a high probability of inheriting the Stone Cauldron Association.”

"Then you..." Mu En was dumbfounded.

"Of course I will go back and continue to be my princess."

Margarita covered her mouth and chuckled:

"The name Platinum, I have no idea of ​​giving up yet."


Mu En was speechless for a while.

Co-authored This is not at all a passionate story about struggle and hard work, but a group of rich second-generation people who have the courage to open up a second track, right?

In the end, is my poor and lovely Liya the only one who has to fight for everything?

"Of course not, Mr. Mu En, we all came to the Holy City with the idea of ​​doing our best. After all, although our status is different, the education we received since childhood is to work hard for that position."

Margarita seemed to have guessed what Mu En was thinking. She looked at Leah in the distance, squinted her eyes slightly, and gathered all the flickering lights into her eyes:

"But... maybe it is because we cannot give up everything we once had that we lost to her... so there is nothing to be disappointed about."


"Of course, but I think... Mr. Mu En is the biggest contributor to Leah's ability to become a saint."

Margarita tilted her head and looked at Mu En, and asked:

"What will you do next? Do you want to stay in the Holy City? With your relationship with Leah and the church's regard for you, if you join the church, you will definitely have a place as a bishop in the future."

"Bishop? That sounds good."

Mu En smiled.

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