"But... although the Holy City is good, I don't belong here."

Mu En raised his head and glanced towards the endless distance.

Another majestic city is where he should go back.

"Are you going back to Belland?"


"I heard that it's not very peaceful there recently. It seems like something big is going to happen."


Mu En raised her eyebrows in surprise, but Margarita's expression did not change at all, as if it was just a normal chat.


Mu En suddenly chuckled.

Not quite peaceful...?

He had already noticed this kind of thing.

With his special status, he certainly knew that there was some kind of terrifying whirlpool brewing in the most prosperous city on the continent.


"so what?"

Mu En adjusted his collar and said nonchalantly:

"The house has not been cleaned for too long, and there will always be some bugs breeding there. Is it because we think bugs are disgusting, so we won't go back?"


Mu En suddenly grinned and said:

"At this time, of course, you should bring swords and torches, open up the darkest places in the house, and completely burn those disgusting bugs to ashes!"

Margarita was slightly startled and looked at the blond man in front of her with a sudden change in temperament.

He seemed to have transformed in an instant from the loyal and reliable knight beside the saint to the rumored rebellious son of a duke.

"Then I wish you good luck in martial arts." Margarita nodded lightly.

"No, I am."

Mu En looked at the princess from a neighboring country meaningfully:

"I also hope that you can hold your hands high and uphold the principle of friendship with neighbors. I will definitely be grateful."

"Mr. Mu En is joking. Our kingdom has always been peace-loving, so why would we do some bad things?"

Margarita winked mischievously and her tone was particularly sincere.

Mu En also seemed to believe it, and took the initiative to reach out his hand and hold it tightly with Margarita.

"That's great. If you have the chance, I will definitely visit the kingdom in person."

"Looking forward to it, I hope you can bring your outstanding fiancée who is famous in the mainland, and I will personally receive her."

Both of them had perfect smiles, like a pair of close friends.

Only Paul on the side hugged his shoulders and shivered. In this warm spring, he felt that the weather was a little cold for no reason.


"Ariel Boogard."





Ariel was stunned for a moment, then slammed the table:

"Can't you see?"

"terribly sorry."

Across the interrogation table, the solemn-faced Knight Siel glanced at Ariel's chest and said very seriously:

"In order to ensure the authenticity of the information, we must also be 100% certain in some small aspects. We will never assume a person's gender based on his appearance, especially when the person's secondary sexual characteristics are so different. Obviously."

Silr fiddled with the magic device in front of him:

"Don't worry, you can't lie in front of this lie detector, so I'll ask again, gender."

Ariel was furious, "You bastard, stop looking down on others, I and you..."


Facing the long swords drawn out all around, Ariel gritted her teeth and sat down in humiliation:


"very good."

Knight Siler was writing and drawing in the small notebook in front of him in a serious manner and asked:

"Then please answer the following question, Miss Ariel - why did you attack and assassinate Her Highness the Saint? Who instructed you to do this?"

"I didn't, that was a misunderstanding!"


Siel tapped the small book with his pen, "This is a fact that many people have witnessed with their own eyes. Do you dare to say that you have no intention to assassinate Her Royal Highness the Saint?"


Ariel's tone was stagnant. After being silent for a long time, she said with a sad face:

"I did intend to stab the saint, but...but that was really a misunderstanding. Where is Liya? I want to see Liya, and I want to explain to her face to face!"

"Be bold!"

Silr shouted angrily: "You will not admit your actions, but as a criminal suspected of assassinating His Highness, you still want to see His Highness the Saint openly. Do you really think of me as a fool?"

"It seems that you won't speak without resorting to some means. If someone comes, give it to her first..."

But when Sil was about to let Ariel see the rich products and hospitality of the Black Hell of the Temple of Judgment, a knight suddenly came in a hurry and whispered a few words beside Sil.

"Your Highness's personal order? Why..."

"Okay, in this case there is nothing we can do, I understand."

After several conversations, Schier suddenly stood up and was about to leave.

"What...what happened?"

Seeing his sudden change in attitude, Ariel felt inexplicably uneasy.


Sil turned his head and showed a cold smile:

"Ariel Bugard, your proud days are over, because next, a knight who is more outstanding and diligent than me, and who is deeply trusted by Her Highness the Saint, will take over your interrogation!

I heard that he was a ruthless man who worked enthusiastically no matter day or night. Even the nun was full of praise for him! "


Ariel's face changed slightly.

Cruel person?

No way, she really misunderstood.

Where's Leah? Save Leah!

"Anyway, I still advise you to repent as soon as possible, otherwise... hehe."

After leaving a harsh word, Xier left quickly.

Only Ariel, who was deeply disturbed by this sentence, was left in the cold prison, pinching the bugs on the ground to vent her hatred.

Damn, damn Mu...

No, damn the Salvation Society, it's all your fault, I have a grudge against you!


38. The advantage is mine


"...Ariel Bugard."




"That's enough!"

Ariel stood up from the table and said angrily:

"Is it fun to do this on purpose? And...why is the so-called new chief judge you! Moon Campbell!"


Across the interrogation table, Moon, who was flipping through the documents, looked up in surprise and asked in confusion:

"Play? What play? I am following the strict procedures in the interrogation manual they sent me. Is there any problem?"

The interrogation manual is clearly marked in red, and the authenticity of all aspects of the prisoner must be confirmed, because according to records, when a charming woman who committed the crime of raping and murdering a man was subjected to some kind of physical torture...it was found that she was a big cock.

It is said that the executioner suffered a huge psychological trauma, and he had a psychological shadow of big breasts above D throughout his life.


Ariel naturally didn't know about these things. She just looked down silently, and said with a distorted expression:


"Very good, as for why I am the presiding judge..."

Mu En stood up, straightened his collar, took off the badge on his chest, blew on it and wiped it, put it back on impartially, and then said seriously:

"As an honorary Templar Knight specially appointed by the church, I, Mu En Campbell, now officially take over the case of assassinating the saint as a special commissioner."

"Honorary Templar Knight?"


"Special Commissioner?"


"Take over the case?"



Ariel looked puzzled, as if she had just taken a nap, and when she woke up, she found that the children of the older sister in her neighbor's house could already play soy sauce, but she still hadn't even held a girl's hand.

The world is changing too fast, and it seems that I am the only one standing still.

But that's not right. She has truly grown up in the ruins!

She was promoted to a higher level in one month, and she was not as fast as she was when she used Explosion Magic to fly!

"I wanted to ask you before, why did you become an honorary Templar Knight specially conferred by the church? I remember that this title can only be granted if you have made great contributions to the church. Can you get this title by spending money?

...No, the church will never be bribed by a duke's son like you!"

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