Ariel was puzzled. How could he, the son of a foreign duke, who was not even a believer of the goddess, make a significant contribution to the church?

Could it be that some high-ranking figure in the church had taken a fancy to him and wanted to raise him as a gigolo?

It is said that some bishops and priests like him like boys with white faces the most...

"I always feel that you have some rude thoughts, but about this..."


"About why I can become an honorary Templar Knight..."

Mu En crossed his hands and supported them under his chin. Facing Ariel's expectant expression, he couldn't help but smile mysteriously, and then changed the subject:

"I'm sorry, the specific reason needs to be kept secret."


Ariel almost choked to death with a mouthful of blood in his chest.

"Well, after all, many things in the church need to be kept secret and cannot be made public. I am also very distressed. Usually, when I want to pretend to be cool, no one knows what I am doing."

Mu En sighed helplessly.

"I always feel like you're showing off to me."

"How could that be? A status like the Honorary Templar Knight shouldn't be something that you, Ariel Bugar, would envy."

Moon shrugged:

"Come to think of it, I thought the first question you'd ask me when you saw me was why Leah became a saint, after all, you seemed very surprised at the time."


Ariel was stunned.

I think I wanted to ask that.

She stared at Mu En and asked:

"How did Liya defeat the others and become a saint? Her soft personality makes her look like a sheep who will be eaten up by a group of saint candidates like wolves and tigers."

" is indeed easy to be eaten up."

Mu En nodded seriously, and seemed to understand this sentence. Then he took out a stack of newspapers and handed it to Ariel:

"Although I know you are in a hurry, don't be in a hurry. Just take a look at these newspapers published in the Holy City on the way to the Holy City, and you will know the reason."


Ariel couldn't wait to flip through it, but she didn't read it for long. , his face became strange:

"During the Mu Sheng ceremony, he encountered the evil god's conspiracy. Not only did he forcefully repel the evil god, but he also chose to sacrifice himself at the critical moment, purifying millions of souls polluted by the evil god at the cost of his life?"

Ariel looked at Mu En suspiciously and continued:

"Fortunately, the goddess showed mercy and personally blessed him, so he was able to save his life, and thus established the glory of the saint... Millions of souls, what a joke, are you sure this is not an outrageous story made up by a brain-dead novelist?"

Although because Liya had not made many moves, he was not very clear about the limits of her holy light technique, but think about it with your knees, purifying a whole million people, that is not something that can be done by a single person.

Although she was willing to sacrifice herself, it was very much like that silly girl.

"It was recorded in the newspaper, but it was true."

"What about the details? Who is the evil god? How did the millions of souls come from? Isn't this sentence just a lie?"

"About those..."

Mu En drank a sip of hot tea leisurely:




Ariel pinched a crack in the corner of the table.

There was anger in her eyes.

But when she looked at Mu En deeply, the anger suddenly subsided.

So suddenly.

It was as if the surging waves were flattened by the sea breeze in an instant.

Even her tone became extremely calm.

"I couldn't get there in time, so you accompanied Liya to the sanctification ceremony for me?" Ariel asked suddenly, putting the newspaper back on the table.


Mu En did not hide it, because this was something that could be easily investigated.

"Is it also because of your help that Liya became a saint?"

"No, she became a saint by herself. On the contrary, I almost made her give up that path."

"Is the real reason why you can become an honorary templar knight also because of this?"

"Part of it." Mu En answered truthfully:

"I contributed a little insignificant effort to the one million souls."


It was clearly an interrogation of Ariel, but it was Ariel who kept asking questions.

But after a series of questions, Ariel suddenly fell silent.

She lowered her head, looking at something unknown. After twisting her fingers back and forth for a few times, she suddenly raised her head and kept looking at Mu En, as if she wanted to find some clues.

After a long time, she spoke and asked tentatively:

"You... and Liya... nothing."

"Nothing, what do you mean by what?"

Mu En's heart skipped a beat, and he secretly said it, but his expression was not flawed at all, revealing just the right amount of confusion.

"I mean... you deliberately helped Liya while I was not around, you didn't have any bad thoughts, and you didn't develop any stories with Liya that shouldn't be developed."

Ariel still looked suspicious.

The scene of Mu En and Liya hugging each other before was still lingering in her mind at this moment.

She had to doubt...

"So that's it, is it because of the previous incident that you misunderstood me?"

Mu En's crossed fingers loosened and clenched, as if he was thinking, and as if he was considering his words.

After a while, after confirming that his actions should be considered serious enough in Ariel's eyes, Mu En stretched out his fingers and knocked on the table, and said concisely:

"Miss Ariel, Liya is now... a saint."


Ariel was stunned.

Then suddenly a bright light gradually bloomed in the originally dim eyes.

It was like a bolt of lightning falling from the sky, instantly clearing her mind.


Liya is now a saint.

Revered by countless believers, he symbolizes the purity of the goddess and is enveloped in the holy light.

How could someone with such an identity really develop a special relationship with a man?

The church will definitely not allow it.

The believers will definitely not allow it.

Saints throughout the ages have never heard of men having sex while in office!

In other words... my vague guess was not true from the beginning!

And... after calming down and thinking about it carefully, how could Liya, who only has the status of a saint in her mind, have feelings for men and women towards a playboy like Moon Campbell who is riddled with scandals and has a fiancée?

It's impossible to be honest. If she was really so sensitive about emotions, she wouldn't have been insensible to him for a whole ten years, but she still never broke through the membrane and was treated as a childhood sweetheart!

Besides, he had calculated that the time he would be away from Liya would only be this month.

Even if Moon Campbell helped Liya, how could a mere month compare to his ten years of deep feelings?

And my identity as a woman, at this time, has become a big advantage to avoid the public opinion of the church and believers!

Who would suspect that a cute and harmless female best friend has any evil thoughts?

Liya herself had no doubts!

As for a stinky man like Moon Campbell, how can he compare with me?

In short, one month versus ten years, I have the advantage!

After thinking about it, Ariel's mood suddenly became happy, and the negative emotions accumulated in the past few days were swept away. Even Moon Campbell in front of her became more pleasing to the eye.

Hum, I know you, a playboy, also covet Liya. front of me, you are destined to be nothing more than a loser! One day, you will kneel down in front of me and cry bitterly!

Oh hahahahaha...

After getting rid of Ariel's "heart knot", successfully covering up the fact that he ran away from her childhood sweetheart, and resolving the big crisis of being chopped off by Feng Aotian, Mu En's interrogation work became very smooth. .

In fact, this cannot be called an interrogation.

Because Ariel herself came to this point due to a series of misunderstandings, once she was in a good mood, she basically told everything except the precious compass.

A series of events began to match the intelligence from all parties investigated by the church, directly confirming the truth of what Ariel said.


Mu En couldn't help but take a breath as she looked at the results obtained from Ariel's dictation and the church's intelligence in her hands.

One mouthful was not enough. Since one page could not record those horrific results, Mu En turned the page and took several more breaths.

After making a considerable contribution to the warming of the world and secretly saying a few words of horror, Mu En swallowed and looked at Ariel:

"Two fifth-level warriors and one brilliant-level magician?"


"More than a dozen fourth-level experts, plus hundreds of beast transformers?"


"After getting rid of these people, you escaped from a group of knights who came to block it, and snatched someone's sword by the way?"


"After that, you found that the entire area was blocked by the church and there was nowhere to escape, so you wanted to do the opposite and follow the Salvation Society's original plan to assassinate the saint alone in order to create chaos and take the opportunity to escape?"

"That's right."

Ariel nodded:

"But I just wanted to stab her, because the saint's injury would be enough to cause chaos. It is impossible for me to have such an idea of ​​​​assassiating her."


Looking at Ariel, who looked casual and didn't seem to think that she had done anything extraordinary, Mu En felt the gold content of the words "Destined Protagonist" again.

One against a hundred.

It's all over the top.

Cutting from the south street to the north of the city without blinking an eye.

A group of elite knights from the church refused to stop her.

Oh my god, are you really the reincarnation of Xiao Moumou or Ye Moumou?

At this moment, Mu En, who had not yet gained new power and felt relieved that he had successfully deceived Ariel, felt an inexplicable coldness on his neck again.

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