But... No, it's terrible!

Ten minutes later, Mu En closed the "confession" recorded in her hand, took a deep breath, and calmed down again.

Although Ariel's record is indeed terrible, and I don't know whether it is because of the changes in the world line, her combat power now even exceeds this time period in the original book. It seems that this trip to the ancient ruins has indeed brought An improvement not found in her original book.

However, I am not the yellow-haired villain Moon Campbell who should have drowned in his fate long ago.


But there is no need to be afraid anymore.


Mu En stood up and threw a key to Ariel.

"You can leave now."

"Is this okay?"

Ariel blankly took the key to her shackles, still feeling a little unreal.

This is the dark prison of the church. According to legend, even rats dare not enter. It is still echoing with the wailing that comes from nowhere.

Just let yourself go so easily?

"You came here because of a misunderstanding. Now that the misunderstanding has been clarified, you can naturally leave."

Mu En smiled, and that handsome smile made Ariel feel for the first time that the guy in front of her was not only not hateful, but also seemed to have some kind of special charm.

"And... shouldn't there be something you want to do now?"

"What I want to do..."

Ariel was startled, looked down at herself in embarrassment at the moment, and murmured:

"I...can I change my clothes?"


Mu En replied:

"You have plenty of time."

After changing into a dress that was not gorgeous but suited Ariel's usual clothes, Ariel finally met Liya in the reception room specially set up for the saint.



This was the official meeting between the two after a month, so they hugged tightly as soon as they met.

"Liya...I'm so worried about you." Ariel sniffed.


Liya paused and said:

"……Me too."

"However, it's only been a month since I last saw you. Have you gained weight again? Look, you've gained a lot more fat. It's so disgusting."

Ariel felt relieved when she realized that Liya was still the same Liya, even if she became a saint. Ariel then scratched Liya's itchy flesh out of habit and said with a smile.


Liya also slapped Ariel's hand away coquettishly, with a look like a ripe peach in her eyes.

Ariel froze.

She looked at the person in front of her, her big eyes showing some confusion again.

Strange, did Liya react like this before?

39. New enemies will join the battlefield in thirty seconds.

Liya was still dressed in the long dress with a holy temperament that she had seen before, but the majesty of the saint had already appeared faintly in the girl's eyebrows along with the holy crown on her head.

Ariel was a little nervous when she saw Liya again, although she didn't feel that the deep relationship between her and Liya would become estranged just because of a month.

But after all, the saint's position was too high and far away, and she couldn't accompany her there, so she was still a little worried about whether there would be a sadly thick barrier between them.

But when she and Liya hugged each other and felt the familiar breath in their arms, her hanging heart relaxed.

Liya is still Liya, she is still the cute and kind-hearted girl. She will not change at all just because of the status of a superior saint.

But she was still the childhood sweetheart closest to her.

As for the mature charm that showed when he was playing with himself just now... This is the so-called growth that must be experienced if you want to reach the top of the clouds.

Liya...it's very hard.

Ariel, who couldn't help but feel sad for Liya's hardships this month, secretly wiped the tears from her eyes and pulled Liya to sit down.

"By the way, Liya, can you tell me what happened to you this month? And the specific details of your becoming a saint, I'm very curious."

"Of course. I'm also very curious about your experience this month, Ariel. I didn't expect you to become so powerful after not seeing me for a month."

After a busy day, Liya looked very happy while chatting with this long-lost friend.

However, before telling the story, she still said to Ariel with a little pity:

"Just...the details about me becoming a saint..."

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Liya's hesitant expression, Ariel suddenly felt a familiar sense of déjà vu.

It was like seeing a certain dog barking in front of her before.

Sure enough, the next moment, Liya opened her lips slightly and uttered these two words:



Ariel tried to suppress the twitching of her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Ariel, I didn't mean to hide it from you."

Liya grabbed Ariel's hand and apologized quickly:

"But you are not a member of the church after all. There are many things that I cannot reveal to you."

"it's okay no problem."

Ariel quickly recovered her mood and smiled heartily:

"I don't care."

Just as she was speaking, she grabbed Liya's soft little hand with her backhand, rubbed it hard a few times, and glared at Mu En provocatively.

So what if there is a so-called "shared secret" because of the church's regulations? Look at me, I can touch Liya's hand, can you?


Mu En touched her nose and pretended not to see Ariel's provocation.

"Where to start? Let me think about it... By the way, let's start with the forest before. Ariel, listen to me. In that forest, I saw a really big octopus..."

Not paying attention to Ariel's little movements, Liya had already started talking.

However, many of the plots avoid the important points and choose light ones. At the same time, Mu En's existence is hidden as much as possible to prevent Ariel from noticing their relationship.


Ariel suddenly stopped.

"What...what happened?"

Liya was startled, thinking that there was something wrong with what she said, causing Ariel to notice something.

But that was not the case. Ariel just turned her head again and looked at Mu En, who was trying to reduce her presence, and raised her chin:

"How can outsiders be present in the private chat between our best friends?"

Ariel emphasized the word "outsider" very strongly.

"This..." Liya hesitated.

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving first and going out for a walk."

Mu En, on the other hand, didn't think it was a big deal. In Ariel's eyes, "Looks like I won," he raised his hands in the air to express surrender.

Then, when Ariel wasn't paying attention, he secretly gave Liya a look that said, "We'll talk to you tonight." Then he caught Liya steadily, and when Ariel wasn't paying attention, he secretly pretended to be playful, "I didn't understand." After blinking, he walked out the door humming a tune.

It was already evening, but the weather was very nice.

The evening wind swept the fire clouds, rolling magnificently on the horizon.

"Speaking of which, I haven't had a good rest in the past month."

Mu En stretched and couldn't help but rub her waist.

Fortunately, no matter how powerful Liya's Holy Light Technique is, she is still just a young girl... no, just a young woman.

I can still bear it for the time being, no, it should be said that I am just a little Liya, relaxed and without any pressure.

Just as Mu En was humming a little tune and wandering around the Holy City, a sneaky figure was also walking cautiously through the Emile Cathedral.

With the results of these days of investigation, the figure successfully evaded the nuns and priests coming and going, and soon reached the exit of the church, and rushed out of the city with the carriage that was already waiting there.

A look of excitement flashed through the figure's bright little eyes. He had been struggling for so long just for this moment, and now he is finally about to...

"Oh, what a coincidence, Pink Bear. It's getting late, are you going out too?"


While running wildly, Pink Bear froze because the voice coming from the carriage was not the coachman he had appointed.


"The church is not a devil's cave, why are you so sneaky?"

The carriage curtain opened, revealing a flawless and pretty face, looking at him meaningfully.

"Or...what bad things did you do again?"

"...Bad...Bad thing? What you said, do I sound like the kind of person who would do bad things?"

Under that gentle gaze as always, after weighing the pros and cons, the pink bear did not choose to turn around and run away, but got on the carriage obediently.

Opposite me, the woman who no longer had the name of a saint and had regained her identity as an ordinary person was still sitting with her back straight and her posture elegant. The pink bear was stunned for a moment.


Noticing the look in Pink Bear's eyes, Latina lowered her head and skillfully ran her fingers along the hem of her skirt, making it fit neatly on her thighs.

"I'm used to it. Even though I said I wanted to indulge, I haven't given up smoking and drinking, but after all, I've been pretending for twenty years. Some things have become habits. As long as I'm in front of others, it's almost instinctive."


The pink bear's eyes flickered.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. We haven't finished talking about what we just talked about. Don't even think about changing the topic."

Latina held her cheek and stared at the pink bear with a smile:

"Seeing that you left in such a hurry, I thought you had taken some silverware from the church during the Holy Communion meeting, and planned to secretly sell it yourself in exchange for your beloved cigars and photos."


Faced with the accusation, Pink Bear immediately became angry:

"After all, I am a relative of the emperor, so how could I do such sneaky things..."

Before Pink Bear finished speaking, a delicate utensil fell out of the leather case with his fierce movements. It clanged, whirled, and landed at Latina's feet.

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