
The two looked at each other for a moment, and Pink Bear coughed dryly, stuffed the vessel back without blushing, and said:

“Ahem…buying books…is not called stealing…how can this be called stealing? This is robbing the rich to help the poor, and this is to accuse the evil deeds of the extravagant church!”

“…Okay, that was the reward given by the church for your help before, otherwise do you really think you can take the church’s things out?”

Latina couldn’t stand it anymore and interrupted the shameless speech of the guy in front of her.

But not many people were angry because of this, because this guy was so shameless twenty years ago. After so much time, except for hiding himself in that ridiculous leather case, nothing else has changed much.

On the contrary, I was, after all, subtly changed a lot by the position of "Saint".

So why am I angry?

The carriage has started moving, Latina opened the curtains, and her eyes swept across the familiar holy city outside the window.

"Do you really want to sneak away alone, just like 20 years ago?"

"What do you mean by sneaking away... I have already dealt with my affairs in the church, the students of the academy have returned to the academy with other teachers, and the last girl named Ariel has also been found... I am just going back to where I should be."

The reason was very sufficient, but the tone of Pink Bear became less and less confident, and gradually became as hard to hear as the buzzing of a mosquito.

Latina didn't let him go, staring into his eyes:

"Are you so afraid of this old woman who won't live many years?"

"Old woman?"

Pink Bear grinned and smiled silently:

"You are an old woman, then what am I?"

"Oh, that's right, I've been looking at your funny suit all day, and I almost forgot that you are no different from me, an old guy who has already stepped half a foot into the coffin, uncle."

Latina continued to look out the window:

"Wait for me for a few days, I will go back to Belrand with you."


Pink Bear was stunned:

"What did you say?"

"I said... I will go to Belrand with you."

Latina smiled, "How many times do I need to repeat it?"

"Why... why?" Pink Bear couldn't speak clearly.

"Do I need a reason? I'm not a saint anymore, so I can go wherever I want.


Latina's eyes reflected the distant scene, and she whispered:

"Didn't you always tell me how good Belland is? I naturally want to see it with my own eyes."


Pink Bear was silent for a moment:

"It's not beautiful there recently."


Latina glanced at Pink Bear, and suddenly raised her foot and kicked her jade foot into Pink Bear's belly. The soft leather cover suddenly sank, and Pink Bear's eyes almost popped out, struggling hard.

Latina looked at the struggling Pink Bear and smiled:

"But you will protect me, right uncle?"

"...Woo...Yes, I will..."

The crying Pink Bear had no ability to resist at all, and could only choose to surrender under the tyranny of the bad woman in front of him.

Damn, this kick can kill three elephants, is he qualified to protect it?

Pink Bear complained secretly.

"Very good."

Seeing Pink Bear surrender, Latina's beautiful legs were neatly put together again under her long skirt. Pink Bear's eyes followed secretly, but before he could appreciate it properly, the carriage shook and stopped.

"This is..."

Pink Bear asked confusedly:

"Speaking of which, I haven't asked you what you are going to do yet?"

"Deal with some affairs?"

"Affairs? Aren't you no longer a saint?"

"Even so, after all, Leah has just taken office, and she still needs me as a teacher to help her with many things, and this matter is related to you, so I will bring you with me."

"It's related to me."

Pink Bear pointed at herself and became even more confused.

"That's right."

Latina nodded:

"The specific matter is that because the evil gods have been active more and more frequently recently, His Holiness the Pope decided to bring together the evil god-fighting organizations of various countries to exchange experiences or intelligence, and it would be best if they could rely on the church to establish a unified front."

"And the organization on the continent that specializes in dealing with evil god incidents, in addition to the church, the most famous one is..."

Pink Bear suddenly understood.

"That's right, it's your empire's silent agency."

Latina nodded and walked out of the carriage.

At the same time, another figure also got off another carriage not far away.

The two greeted each other politely.

"Hello, I am the representative of the church, the former Saint Latina."

"Hello, I have heard of you."

In front of Latina, a beautiful young woman with teardrop moles on the corners of her eyes, with long hair tied up casually and tilted across her chest, showed a gentle and charming smile:

"I am the acting sword bearer of the Silent Agency - Anna Kaberlin."

40. Knocking on the door in the middle of the night

"Miss Anna, you are younger than I thought."

Latina looked at the acting sword bearer in front of her who was said to have just taken office, and a stunning color flashed in her eyes.

Not only was he young, but his appearance also exceeded her expectations. With that beautiful face and devilish figure, it was really difficult to associate it with the three cold words "sword bearer".

The Silence Agency is a secret organization that fights against evil gods. The moment Anna joined, all her information was labeled top secret by the empire.

In addition, her name appeared before various forces as an acting sword holder, and she was just an unknown student.

So when almost everyone was surprised that the famous sword holder actually passed on his location to a little girl, and suddenly wanted to collect information about her, they could only find out that she was an orphan who was executed. The fact that he was adopted by a swordsman and that he studied at St. Mary's Academy is almost public information.

It was also the first time that Latina saw the young woman in front of her... No, should I say a girl?

It is true that he is only in his early twenties, but he exudes a somewhat mature charm. His charming smile and soft eyebrows are both the type that make both men and women feel enchanted. Coupled with his elegant and quiet personality, Her behavior does make people inadvertently ignore her slightly immature years.

"That's Latina-senpai. She's obviously the elder, but when we walk together, she's like a sister."

Anna's response made Latina smile.

"Just call me Latina, and senior will be exempted."

"Yes, Miss Latina."

After saying hello, Anna turned to the pink bear and nodded slightly.

"Hello, Acting Dean. I'd like to send my greetings after a long absence. I heard that you have been involved in many things recently. It's great to see that your complexion is still rosy."

"Just call me Pink Bear."

The pink bear scratched his head melancholy and said:

"Because of the incident of losing several students not long ago, I have been completely kicked out by that old guy Plann and all the professors. Even my original pension is gone. Oh, it's really abominable."

"Professor Plan is as bad-tempered as ever."

"That's right, I accidentally lost a few students. I was discovered by the church about hiding the saint's photo, and I also received a small kickback from the college's funds. As for my 'former acting dean', Have you given me the title? Really, you are so childish.”

The pink bear sighed, his dark little eyes looked at Anna, and sighed:

"However, the academy has grown up this time. So many great people have appeared in a short period of time. Although that old guy Pu Lang doesn't seem like much on the surface, he should be laughing so hard now."

"I'm not a great person. I'm just a bad girl who dropped out of school."

Anna joked:

"It's Her Royal Highness the Saint who scares me even more. Even I didn't expect that that soft little girl at the time would become the new Saint?"


Latina was slightly stunned by Anna's words:

"Miss Anna knows Liya?"

"...So be it."

Anna seemed to be caught up in a certain memory, and the corner of her mouth curled up in an interesting way:

"She and I did have a brief acquaintance. Although the acquaintance was short-lived, the scene at that time was really impressive. I can still recall it clearly now."

"Then you must have a lot in common."

Latina covered her mouth and chuckled:

"I'll take you to rest first. Before the formal meeting tomorrow, you can communicate with Liya in a private capacity."

"It's what I asked for."

Anna's eyes brightened slightly, as if she was extremely looking forward to this private exchange.

"Ah, by the way, regarding this church's holy ceremony, it is said that the evil god interfered with it. Can I know the relevant details?"

On the carriage heading to the cathedral, Anna suddenly said.


Latina frowned slightly:

"Matters related to the evil god should be discussed at tomorrow's meeting..."

"No, it has nothing to do with the evil god. I'm just curious about it for personal reasons." Anna smiled.

"personal reason?"


"Since it is a request on behalf of the sword holder...it is okay, but that matter involves some church secrets, so what I can give you for reference is only part of the information that can be made public."

As the silent organ of the evil god specializing in confrontation, Latina knew that the words in the newspaper could not fool the seemingly harmless agent sword holder in front of her at all, so she simply said it directly. Anyway, at the subsequent joint meeting , these things must also be discussed.

"No problem."

Anna nodded slightly, not minding this at all:

"Then I'll trouble you, Miss Latina."

"It's no trouble."

Latina quickly handed a document to Anna, and Anna didn't look very serious and started reading it in front of Latina.

Anna didn't seem to have much interest in the truth about Canterwell recorded above, the various movements of the evil god, and the millions of contaminated souls.

Her eyes scanned quickly and then landed on some words.

The current saint, Lea Angel.

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