Divine Knight, Moon Campbell.

In this document, in addition to more detailed records about the identity, movements, and purpose of the evil god's actions than the information in the newspapers disclosed to the public... it is still the new saint at the time, Lea Angel, Purification He killed those millions of souls and expelled the evil god.

But the method is no longer an empty "goddess blessing", but Liya Angel, as a medium, has received the endless holy light blessing of the church to complete all that.

It seems extremely logical.

But Anna was still keen to see the record in these dense words that seemed to be left inadvertently and completely unnoticed.

——With the assistance of the divine knight, Moon Campbell.


Anna suddenly understood a lot. She put away the documents, held her chin, and turned to look at the Holy City that was about to be shrouded in night.

She knew that the person she was thinking about was also in this city at this moment.

Then her eyelids drooped, the corners of her mouth curved into a smile, and she whispered in a voice that only she could hear:

"My dear junior, you must have saved a certain beautiful girl again..."

"Although it's annoying,...it's really your style."

The night is getting darker.

After wandering outside for a while and buying some things, Mu En skillfully touched the door of Liya's room.

Only this time, she didn't encounter the usual obstacles that Sister Lin had to guard against thieves. Mu En opened the door smoothly and saw Liya in the room who was reading something carefully.

Mu En tiptoed over, and when the girl wasn't paying attention, he hugged Liya's waist from behind.


Liya, who was "surprised by the attack", was just about to shout in panic when she felt the familiar warm breath, followed by a heavy kiss, muffling all her sounds.

The numbness of her senses, like an electric shock, instantly took away all her sanity. Liya tilted her head sideways, and obediently spit out her sweet tongue, letting the bad guy taste it as he pleased.

After a long time, their lips parted, and the girl's cheeks were so rosy that they seemed to be dripping with water.

She glared at Mu En with an irritated look, and Rou Yi lightly hammered his chest.

"Bad, this is what you do when you come here..."

"Don't you like it? You clearly enjoy it."

Mu En smiled and hugged Liya on his lap, and he sat in the position where Liya was sitting just now, still with the girl's body temperature.

"What are you busy with, little cutie?"

Mu En asked, sniffing the fragrance of her hair.

"I would like to know the relevant information of some personnel in advance."

"Personnel information? Who needs my Holy Lady to know in advance personally?" Mu En curiously looked at the papers on Liya's table.

"There will be some representatives of private evil-god fighting organizations. There will be a meeting of evil-gods held by the church later. I also need to attend, so I need to at least know the basic information about these organizations and people."

Liya explained.

"I see."

Mu En glanced at them and found a few photos of the bald uncle and the sinister and cold man. Then he lost interest and returned his attention to the girl in his arms.

"Where's Miss Lin?"

Mu En held Liya around and asked:

"Why didn't I see her?"

"I told her to rest."

Liya winked playfully:

"She has been busy all day today, so she should be tired."

"Okay, the little sheep took the initiative to lure the wolf into the house?"

"Hmph, you know you are a bad wolf, why don't you leave quickly? If you are caught, you will be severely punished."

"I'll punish you little lamb first!" Mu En smiled evilly, hugged Liya tightly, and began to restlessly move her hands up and down.

"Oh... no, I still have work."

"It's so late, you should rest. Your Highness, please don't exhaust yourself."

"...Why is it late...it's only nine o'clock."

Liya glanced at the wall clock and twisted in Mu En's arms as if she was ticklish.

However, she did not push Mu En away. Instead, she took the initiative to get into trouble with Mu En, who was showing his dirty tricks.

It was just a slapstick, but it was different from Ariel's simple ticklishness. Just touching the skin of her beloved, rubbing her ears and temples together, made Liya's breathing become more rapid.

Star eyes gradually became confused, filled with lust.

As the temperature increased, Liya straddled Mu En's lap and reached out to her back, trying to untie the clothes that were in the way.

"don't want."

But Mu En stopped her:

"that's all."


Liya was a little confused.

"This is beautiful."

Mu En leaned over and kissed Liya on the lips again.

His blue eyes reflected Liya at this moment.

She was still in the long dress she wore during the ceremony, elegant, holy, and incomparably beautiful.

When Mu En thought that this posture, admired and worshiped by countless believers, was currently in his arms, letting himself do it with a shy face, Mu En felt the flames in his lower abdomen getting hotter and hotter.

"It's so bad..."

Liya also noticed Mu En's thoughts and bit her lips coquettishly. However, she did not stop Mu En's "tarnishing" of her sanctity. Instead, she twisted her waist slightly and cooperated with Mu En's big hand to penetrate her. Under the skirt, along the plump arc of the legs, the beautiful scenery is revealed bit by bit.

Mu En's breathing gradually became heavy. The two looked at each other, and the flames of lust were connected to each other, becoming more and more vigorous...

"Knock knock knock."

The two froze.

It was as if the flame was burning at its most vigorous and was suddenly poured with a basin of water, so their expressions were a little dull.

But the untimely knock on the door still sounded unruly, regardless of the abruptly cut off beauty in the room.

Mu En gritted his teeth and communicated with Li Ya's eyes:

"Miss Lin?"

"No, her knock on the door sounded softer."

"What about Miss Lin?"

"Didn't I say? I let her go to rest first."

"Then the other nuns..."

Ah, yes, knowing that she might do something bad with Li Ya at night, whether it was Lin or the church, they would definitely not let other ordinary nuns get close to Li Ya's room at this time.

Mu En's eyes twitched, and suddenly felt that it was not a good thing without Miss Lin's spur.

Liya also puffed up her cheeks a little unhappy and shouted to the outside:

"Who is it?"

"It's me."

Ariel's slightly excited voice came from outside the door.


Mu En and Liya looked at each other in panic and got up quickly.

"Ariel? It's so late, what's the matter?"

Mu En anxiously turned around the whole room, but couldn't find any hiding place. Liya dealt with Ariel outside the door while leading Mu En to get under the big bed that could accommodate six or seven people.

Mu En got under the bed and suddenly felt that the world was dark. He quickly pricked up his ears to listen to the movement outside.

After combing his hair and clothes and making sure that nothing would be seen, Liya went to open the door.

Then he saw Ariel standing outside the door in pajamas excitedly.

"I came to chat with you. You were busy during the day, so we didn't chat for a long time... Of course, I'm just chatting, I won't do anything, after all, we are best friends."

Ariel blinked "shyly", and even Mu En under the bed could hear what she was thinking clearly.

Damn girl Tong, stay away from my Liya.

Mu En under the bed gnashed his teeth in hatred, but he felt an inexplicable weirdness.

Damn it, Liya and I are in a free love relationship, why am I the one hiding under the bed at this time?

"Chat...chat? At this time?"

"Yes, didn't we often chat like this at night before?"

Ariel tilted her head and looked at Leah, and suddenly said:

"Why is your face so red? Did you exercise at night again?"

"Oh no..."

Liya took a step back with a guilty conscience and smiled:

"But...maybe the room is a little hot."


Ariel took the opportunity to sneak into the room, and looked around the room vigilantly. Not finding anything unusual, her high eyebrows relaxed and nodded:

"The temperature in the room is a little high."

"That, Ariel..."

Although she was reluctant to hurt her good friend who was so excited, she glanced at her lover who was still curled up under the bed, and hesitated for a moment and said:

"Can we change the time for night chat? Well, tomorrow, I think tomorrow night is good."


Ariel wrinkled her nose:

"We finally got time..."

"But...but...but I still have work to do, yes, there is still work." Leah suddenly said with certainty.


Ariel followed Leah's gaze and looked at the thick stack of documents on her desk. She uttered a sigh and her eyes were visibly disappointed.

"Woman's mouth."

After responding very reluctantly, Ariel walked out of the room dejectedly.

Seeing this, Leah and Mu En under the bed both breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I felt a little sorry for Ariel, it was good to get rid of her. Otherwise, if she stayed in the room for a long time, with her keenness, she might really find something.

Mu En under the bed touched his chin and was already looking forward to how to continue playing some happy games with Leah after Ariel left.


The accident always came unexpectedly. Just when Ariel walked to the door and her hand was about to touch the door handle...

Knock knock knock.

Another knock on the door sounded in this night that was destined not to be peaceful.

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