"But what if people do it voluntarily? Although this hobby is very perverted, I don't have the right to force others to do what they want."

"If he only wants this, wouldn't it be embarrassing if I rashly ruined their good deeds?"

After all, it was so fun to hear the barking of the dog.

Being able to make dog-loving Mu En unable to tell the difference between true and false is not something that ordinary people can learn.

It must have gone through serious study and hard training!

"My dear, you seem to be a little naughty."

Eluka was actually in the room at this moment. She squatted in front of the man and stroked his chin with her fingers, as if she was really caressing her beloved pet dog.

"It seems that the time is too short. You haven't adapted to many places yet."

"I have to make you remember more...my love for you."

Eluka suddenly took out a bag that looked familiar to Mu En. It was the bag that Mu En was carrying when she first met her.

She took out the new toys she bought today one by one from her bag... "Toys."

Rich woman happy whip.

Rich woman’s happy ball.

Rich woman happy candle.

Happy rich woman...

Looking at the rich woman's happy family bucket that could only be seen in some heavy-flavored books, Mu En couldn't help but her eyelids twitching.

"Hiss—this is too exciting."

Is it true that there won't be big problems if you play so big?

With a secret sigh in her heart, Mu En took advantage of Eluka not noticing and decisively closed the door gently.

Treat it as nothing.

Sorry, brother, I can't save you.

You guys are having too much fun, I'm scared.

Slipping away.

"Fortunately, Ann didn't know these things before and was relatively pure, otherwise I would have been miserable."

With a melancholy sigh, Mu En stood on tiptoes and prepared to go back to the room, pretending that nothing happened.


But at this moment, his unsatisfactory stomach growled again.

This time it was not because I was hungry, but because I was full and bloated.

"But can you stop calling so promptly every time? I wonder if you did it on purpose!"

Mu En complained to her stomach in her heart, then suddenly covered her mouth and held her breath.


Eluka in the room shouted vigilantly.

"Is anyone out there?"

Eluka put down the "toy", then signaled the man on the ground to be quiet with her eyes, holding the wand tightly in her hand, and slowly walked towards the door.



One more step.

"Mr. Mu En, is that you?"

Eluka shouted tentatively.

no answer.

Her eyes darkened, she grasped the door handle and pressed it down sharply.

With a loud creaking sound, the door opened, and then outside...

Nothing at all.

The corridor was dark and quiet, except for the wind chimes in the entrance that jingled as they were blown by the breeze.


Eluka looked around, frowned slightly, and after making sure there was no one outside, she prepared to walk back to the room.

Suddenly, she seemed to remember something and quickly walked to the opposite side of the corridor.

In front of the guest room.

Without any hesitation, he opened the door.

A crunch.

As the door opened, the cool breeze blowing from the lakeside rolled up some strands of her long hair.

The window opposite the door was wide open, and the curtains were blown by the lake breeze, swaying like ghosts.

But at this moment, there was no one on the bed.

"Ah, Mr. Mu En is really going to leave without notifying me, the master?"

Eluka put her messy long hair back and walked into the guest room.

After looking around the room, he finally silently came to the only closet where he could hide someone.

Through the gap in the wardrobe, something could be vaguely seen shaking.

"Do you think I didn't entertain you well and you hate me?"

Eluka suddenly pushed open the closet.

In the closet...

Still empty.

"It really makes me sad to leave without saying goodbye."

After casually slapping the cockroach wandering around in the closet to death, Eluka looked around the room again to make sure that she didn't miss any corner, and couldn't help but narrow her eyes slightly.

Glancing at the bottom of the bed, which was only about the height of a hand, she suddenly lowered her body and looked over.

——Of course there will be nothing. At this height, let alone an adult, not even a baby can hide.

"It seems like he's really gone."

Eluka walked to the window and looked at the quiet village and the lake in the distance. After making sure there was no movement, she reached out to close the window and draw the curtains.

"You were walking in such a hurry, did he really see you?"

Eluka walked to the corridor, closed the door of the guest room, and sighed softly, "It's a pity. Originally, I wanted to share it with him... My love, after all, can be regarded as a friend, just with the people in the village. Like everyone, there is nothing wrong with sharing my love.”

"However, since he wants to leave, there is nothing we can do. After all, I can't force him."

"But the good thing is..."

Eluka turned her head and looked at the door of a room.

It was a room at the end of the corridor that Mu En had missed accidentally.

"He didn't find anything in it."

"Otherwise, I can only keep him forever~"


I love you.

"Fuck, I was almost scared to death."

Outside the window of the guest room, under the window sill, Mu En curled up and pressed himself tightly against the wall.

In this way, when Eluka stood by the window and looked out, she did not see Mu En under her eyes.

"The yandere in this world is too scary..."

Each of them has reached the extreme of their observation and hearing. I am afraid that if they are not the object of Eluka's love, they will not be able to escape her pursuit.

"Sorry, buddy, I pray for the best. Your wife is too fierce and I can't do anything."

After clasping his hands together and praying for the man whose name he didn't even know, Mu En skillfully slipped away and soon disappeared into the night.

What he didn't know was that not long after he left, the village had a new guest visiting.

59. Disciples don't have to be inferior to their teachers

Early in the morning.

A faint mist enveloped this small village by the lake. It seemed that it had not woken up yet and fell into a deep silence.

Occasionally, there were birds flying across the sky, but they also left in a hurry, looking for the warm south before the arrival of cold autumn.

Everything was as usual, so peaceful.

A dignified girl in black and white maid clothes walked into the village in the morning dew.

"It can't be wrong."

Standing at the entrance of the village, An narrowed her eyes and swept across the small fishing village with only dozens of households. Her nose moved as if she was trying to distinguish something.

Finally, she said with certainty:

"The young master has been to this place, and within a few hours!"

"I finally found you."

An couldn't help but smile at the corner of her mouth. With the expectation of finding her beloved, she stepped into the village.


An suddenly turned her head and looked at an inconspicuous house.

In the closed window, in the darkness where not even a trace of light could be seen, something seemed to move.

But when the line of sight was projected over, behind the broken wooden window, there was only an empty room with nothing.

"Is it an illusion?"

An glanced at it and didn't pay much attention to it.

She came to find her beloved young master, and everything else was not important.


I love you.

“Knock knock.”

Following her instinct, An came to a small courtyard where the young master’s temperature was the strongest, and knocked on the door.

“Who is it?”

A familiar voice came from the courtyard, still half asleep.

An was stunned for a moment before she recognized the owner of the voice, thinking to herself, could it be such a coincidence?

But before she had time to think about it, the door creaked open, and the newlywed woman, who had not yet woken up, rubbed her eyes and stuck her head out:

“What’s the matter so early?”



Eluka, who also heard the familiar voice, opened her eyes with all her strength, and when she saw the person in front of her clearly, she suddenly woke up more than half of her sleepiness.

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