
Eluka rushed over in surprise and grabbed An's arm:

"Why are you here?"


"Are you here to see me?"

Before An could answer, Eluka said with even more surprise.

"Hey, it's strange. I don't think I told Master the specific location of my home. I just told you the approximate location of the village. How did Master find this place?"

I came here following the scent of the young master.

An originally wanted to say this, but Aluka was chattering very excitedly and didn't give An a chance to speak at all.

"Forget it, don't think about that kind of thing anymore, master, come in quickly, it's cold outside."

"No, I just..."

"Well, it's so rare for Master to come here, and he can't even go inside and sit for a while?"

Eluka made a sad expression and pretended to squeeze out two tears: "I'm so sad..."


An sighed, a little helpless.

Forget it, it’s not too late.

"Okay then, I'll sit down, but only for a while..."

"A moment will be enough."

Eluka jumped for joy and pulled An into the house. She was like a spring sparrow, chirping non-stop along the way.

"Master, are you wearing a maid outfit? It's so cute."

"Master, you seem to have lost weight. Have you not eaten well recently?"

"Master, why are you here so early? Did you travel all night?"

"Master, you..."

Entering the house, he was forced to sit down by Eluka, and An looked at the whole house subconsciously.

Sure enough, the young master's scent is very strong, he must have stayed here before!

And not so long ago!


"Well, what can I do for you, Master?"

Aluka, who was busy making tea in the kitchen, poked her head out.

"Where you are..."

Ann considered the words.

"Have you had any visitors recently?"

"Guest? Isn't that Master?"

"No, I mean before me."

"Master, before... you were talking about Mr. Mu En."

"Sure enough, is he here?"

An's eyes burst out with joy. She had been searching hard for two days, and it seemed that she was finally going to have some results.

Master, I will never let you go this time.

An Mo clenched her fists.

"Well, he was still here last night, but he has left."


"Well, maybe you were scared by me."

Speaking of this, Aluka blushed like a cardamom girl and said coquettishly:

"It's all Mr. Mu En's fault. Who let him peek into my bedroom in the middle of the night?"

"Peeping into your bedroom?"

An's breath hitched.

Unconsciously, the clenched fist became hard.

Master, I never close the door I sleep at night, but I never see you peeking in.

Why peek into other women's bedrooms.

Sure enough, wild flowers are more fragrant than domestic flowers?

"Ah, it's not what you think, Master."

As if reading An's thoughts, Eluka waved her hands anxiously, "Mr. Mu En didn't see any scenes that were inappropriate for children. He just saw my husband and I playing a little game to promote feelings."


Hearing this title, An couldn't help but hesitate a little, and then quickly reacted.

"Did you succeed?"

"Well, I succeeded."

Eluka showed a happy smile, put her hands behind her back, lightly tapped the ground with her toes, and said shyly:

"After being enlightened by Master two days ago, I confessed my love to Ade that night!"


An couldn't help but smile.

"very nice."

An didn't ask about the result of the confession, nor the entire process.

Because in her opinion, those are unimportant.

The important thing is to be able to completely possess everything of the person you love, and you can do whatever it takes to do so.

But now it seems that the girl has succeeded.

However, the apprentice actually completed the goal before her master, which made An couldn't help but feel a little angry.

It seems that the next time I find the young master, my methods will need to be a little more drastic.

"Ah, by the way, master, do you want to come and take a look?"

Eluka's eyes lit up and she clapped her hands excitedly:

"Look at the results of all my hard work."


An originally wanted to refuse. After all, she was still busy looking for the young master.

But it suddenly occurred to her that this kind of thing cannot be done behind closed doors.

Although she is the master in name, there is no harm in absorbing the experience of others.

"Okay, let me take a look, Aluka."

"Qiang Qiang, Master, look, this is my most, dearest husband."

In the room, as if unveiling some important ceremony, Aluka introduced to An her lover, whom she had carefully "trained" and who was still crawling on the ground like a pet dog.

"Oh, so this is how you play it? It's kind of interesting."

Learned a lot.

An looked at the man crawling on the ground wearing a collar and wearing only simple underwear. He didn't show any surprise. Instead, he touched his chin in a serious manner and praised:

"Well done, Aluka."

"Hehe, I'm afraid I'm still far behind compared to Master."

After receiving the compliment, Eluka scratched her head shyly.

"I think if it is Master, he must make his lover completely surrender, both physically and mentally."

60. A dog

"I think if it is Master, he must make the other party completely surrender, both physically and mentally."


Facing Eluka's adoring praise, An couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth slightly.

Fortunately, I didn't say that I came here just to catch my loved one who escaped, otherwise I would feel that the majesty of being a master has been wiped out.

It's all the master's fault.

Why run away?

It seems that the methods really need to be more severe.

Looking at Eluka, it has only been two days, and she feels like her lover has completely surrendered her body and mind.

"Here, shake hands."


"Come on, lie down."


"Come on, wag your tail."


"Ah, forget you can't do this, then just shake your butt."


"You're so good, Ade is so good. I'll give you some meat later."

"Woof woof."

It's really like a dog.

Ann looked away.

Can I really let the young master do this?

"Ah, yes, tea!"

After showing off her achievements in front of An, Eluka suddenly hit her head and remembered that she was still boiling water on the stove.

So he ran out in a hurry.

"Master, I'm going to make tea. You have to look around first."

Halfway through the run, Aluka suddenly poked her head out of the door, pretending to be serious and said:

"Don't do bad things while I'm away~"

"How is it possible? I already have someone I like."

"Hehe, I'm just kidding, how could I doubt Master?"

Eluka smiled playfully and disappeared out the door.

Without Eluka, the room suddenly became quiet, and the man on the ground slowly crawled to the corner and curled up in the "doghouse" that Eluka had carefully built for him, as if he didn't care at all. His continuous movements They all looked the same as dogs, which looked like a loss of dignity to outsiders.

"Have you already been trained to this extent? Eluka seems to be more powerful than I thought."

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