The strong stimulation made Andu feel his stomach churn.

She covered her mouth and subconsciously took a few steps back, but stepped on some kind of liquid and splashed all over her body.

That's blood.

A large amount of blood was flowing on the floor of the entire room.

The smell of blood that even the rich aroma can't cover up comes from this.

There is no way this is a person's blood volume.

But where did all this blood come from?

"Ah... cluck cluck..."

Just as An's mind was in confusion, she suddenly heard a hoarse voice that seemed to be squeezed out from deep in her throat.

Like an evil ghost.

An's neck was stiff and he raised his head.

He was shocked to find that the girl who had been disemboweled was not dead yet.

But her internal organs were scattered all over the floor, so why wasn't she dead?

Seemingly disturbed by An's movement, she slowly turned her head and looked at the maid at the door.


The girl's face was as pale as paper and her eyes were dull.

I don't know if she still has vision at this moment, but she is facing An, her lips are moving weakly, like a person on the verge of death, trying her best to ask for help.

But the signal she sent was not a distress signal.


--"I love you……"

With a twisted expression, the girl squeezed out a confession that seemed full of love from her dry throat.

"I love you……"

"I love you……"

"Sorry, I Love You……"

"Ooooh...I love you..."

The girl's voice echoed in the room like a sinister wind.


But just when An was about to run away at all costs - a familiar voice sounded.

"Ah, Master discovered me."

The wailing stopped suddenly.

Like a baby crying at night, it really encounters a man-eating monster.

He shut his mouth immediately.


An slowly turned her head.

The process of turning her head took so long that she seemed to hear the friction of the bones in her neck.

"Hey, why did Master want to open this room?"

Eluka held tea in her hand and sighed helplessly like a little girl who had discovered a little secret:

"According to my plan, Master should come later."

"More on, what do you...what do you mean?"

"It means...everyone must...come and accept my vast and boundless love.

Just like them. "

Eluka threw away the tea cup in her hand, then smiled and lifted her shirt in front of An, exposing her abdomen.

——On Eluka's fair belly, under her cute pink underwear, there is a dark human face.

Without thinking too much, Ann recognized the identity of the face.

Because she had just seen this face not long ago.

——That’s Eluka’s mother, exactly like the one in the painting.

"I love you……"

"I love you……"

The face was wailing in pain, but the wailing words in her mouth were still these three words full of love.

It was as if she could no longer say any other words.

"And this."

Eluka turned around again.

On her back is another dark face.

—her father's face.

"I love you……"

"I love you..."

This vaguely old face was full of tears at the moment, and seemed to be suffering unimaginable pain, but the corners of his mouth were raised high, and when he repeated those three words, his face was filled with a smile.

Twisted to the point of horror.

"What exactly is going on……"

An subconsciously retreated, wanting to stay away from Eluka.

At this moment, she finally felt that compared to the terrifying girl who was disemboweled behind her, the smiling Eluka in front of her was the source of terror.

"First my beloved father and mother, then my dear Ade, then my neighbors who have always taken care of me, and's your turn, Master."

Eluka turned around, like a child counting her favorite candies, counting her fingers one by one, with pure joy in her eyes.

"Look, Master, I have so many people I love. I'm so happy."

"Eluka, please wake up, these things..."

"I am not sleeply."

Eluka interrupted Ann with a smile.

"Actually, I am very grateful to Master."

"Thank me?"

"Yes, it was Master who taught me what true love is."

"What-" An's mind went blank for a moment.

"Did I teach you?"

"Yes, that day at the lakeside, wasn't it Master who taught me?"

Eluka raised her hands in the air, ecstatic.

"The so-called true love is above all else! It has no taboos! It allows people to possess the things they love as a matter of course! Isn't this what you told me, Master?"

"After I came back, I told the Lord God about your teachings, Master. The Lord God also appreciates your idea."


"Yes, the one who gives me the power to love, the great, kind, and in charge of all love in the world - the God of Love."

Eluka stretched out her hand towards An and said with a smile: "So, do you also want to accept my love? Master."


Ann's mind was in confusion.

There were too many things, too many unexpected developments, all of which impacted her sanity.

But with her cultivation and knowledge, she still sorted out a line in the chaos.

A... the worst line.

"Eluka, you..."

An raised his face and looked at Eluka in confusion, then asked in a trembling voice that he didn't even notice:

"Have you... been polluted by the evil god?"

62. The Whisper of the God of Love (Part 2)

"Eluka, have you been polluted by the evil god?" An asked tremblingly.

The so-called evil god is the root of most of the disorder and distortion in this world, and the symbol of corruption and destruction, just like a shadow in the sun. Although it is silent on the surface and rarely appears in the vision of ordinary people, it is always clinging to the outside of the world, coveting all the beautiful things in this world.

Just like a glutton, it craves the bait intertwined with blood and desire.

Therefore, as long as they grab a little bit of the thread of corruption, they will spread their tentacles regardless of everything and erode everything they see and hear.

This is why most evil gods are extremely generous, and you can get power from them by using blood and meat.

The fewer chips you have to exchange for power, the more you have to pay.

When the price accumulates and you can't pay it, everything you have will become a plaything in the hands of the evil god.

All gifts have reasons.

"Evil God?"

Facing An's question, Eluka showed a hint of displeasure:

"Master, how can you say that about the Lord God? He is so good to me. In order to satisfy my wish to love everyone, He generously gave me the power to realize my wish!"

"No... chips to pay?"

An couldn't help but choke again.

If you don't pay even a little bit of chips when you get power, then when the evil god comes to collect the debt, what should you give back?

Your own soul?

"Hey, Master, you haven't answered my question yet."

Eluka smiled and stretched out her hand, opening her arms, as if she wanted to hug her beloved master in front of her.

"Are you coming... to accept my love?"


Silence, blood-like silence.

Eluka didn't speak, waiting for An's answer, and the whole room was so quiet that even the sound of breathing could not be heard.

An lowered her eyelids, and habitually crossed her hands in front of her lower abdomen.

But one could vaguely see her wavering mood from her knuckles that had been clenched to white.

She was hesitating about something, or thinking about something.

It seemed like a century had passed.

Until Eluka showed a trace of impatience, An suddenly raised his foot, stepped on the blood, and walked towards Eluka.

"Do you agree? Master!"

Eluka showed a happy smile, she was like a butterfly flying to a flower, and she rushed to An impatiently.

"Let's be together forever, Master, I will always... love you--"

The joyful cry stopped abruptly.

A trace of confusion flashed in Eluka's eyes, and then she lowered her head stiffly.

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