The cold blade was tightly grasped in An's hand.


It pierced into Eluka's heart accurately.

An's hands were still shaking, but she forced herself to use more force, and even stirred the blade fiercely.

Until the source of a person's vitality, the beating heart, was completely crushed.

"Ahem... why... Master?"

Eluka coughed out bloody pieces of internal organs, with confusion in her eyes.

"Don't you... want to accept my love?"


An raised her head, and her eyes were slightly red, even though she was always strong.

"Sorry... Eluka, I can't let you hurt more people."

"Ahem... what are you talking about, Master."

Eluka tilted her head and said puzzledly:

"I obviously didn't hurt anyone."

"I just gave them my love."

"I love them, Master, what's wrong with love?"

"Shut up--"

An suddenly lost control and shouted: "That's not love at all!"

"Not love? What is it? This is obviously love, taking everything of the person you love for yourself, this is obviously what you taught me, Master!"

Eluka widened her eyes and walked towards An step by step, forcing An to retreat continuously.

Her heart was shattered, as if it had no effect on her.

She spit out blood and flesh, and asked curiously with wide eyes like an innocent child.

"Since it's not, then Master, tell me what true love is!"

"Tell me, Master, aren't you the Master?"

"What is love, what is love, how can I give you true love?"


Ann moved her lips, but couldn't say anything.

What is love?

Is love really possession?

This was clearly her once unshakable belief.

At this moment, facing Eluka again, she didn't even have the courage to say it again.


Ann stopped retreating because her body hit a cold step.

Unconsciously, she had no way to retreat.


Suddenly, something grabbed the corner of An's skirt.

Ann subconsciously turned around and saw.

The girl who was lying on the iron bed and had been disemboweled stretched out her dry hands and grabbed her dress.

While crying, she said:

"I love you..."

So affectionate...and so creepy.




This is not love.

This is definitely not love.

The love I know should never be this ugly.

There must be something wrong, there must be something wrong!

An gritted his teeth, roughly pulled the hand away, and fled to the side in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

"Master, don't run away."

Eluka suddenly pounced on him, and her movements were so agile that she didn't look like a magician at all.

She threw An to the ground and pressed him down tightly, with a strange blush on her cute face.

"Please answer my question."

In her open shirt, the dark face squirmed and twisted, and then cast a resentful look at An.

At the same time, she kept calling:

"I love you..."

"I love you..."

"I love you..."

"Don't say it anymore..."

An struggled hard.

Wanted to get rid of Eluka.

But those calls containing "love" were like maggots attached to the bones, and she couldn't get rid of them no matter what, tearing at her reason like a worm.

"I love you..."

"Please... stop talking."

"I love you I love you I love you..."

"Stop talking..."

"I love you I love you I love you I love you... I love you, Master."

"Shut up!"

An closed his eyes in pain.

Instinctively, the sharp blade condensed in his hand.


Cut again.

The sound of flesh being cut continued to ring, and hot blood splashed everywhere, mixing with the already cold and smelly liquid on the ground.

The pressure on his body was suddenly relieved.


An opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling splashing with blood. He didn't move at all, but he was panting violently as if he had just experienced a life-and-death battle.


An stood up and bowed his head to apologize to Eluka, who had been broken into several pieces.

"I have to do this."

Even if the heart seemed to be tightly grasped by a big hand, it was extremely painful.

Even if the soul was about to be drowned by the strong sense of guilt and couldn't breathe.

But the remaining rationality still told An that he had to kill Eluka.

If the evil god's pollution was allowed to spread, who knows what terrible consequences would result.

"I will cremate you properly and bury you with the one you love."

An staggered towards the door, ready to go to the kitchen to find something to light a fire.

"Ah, I know!"

But just after taking a few steps, there was a cry of sudden enlightenment behind him.

The heart stopped suddenly.


An's teeth trembled and he slowly turned around.

Then he saw——

Eluka, who was left with only a head, seemed to have figured something out and showed an extremely happy expression.


"I understand, this is also the love of the master, right."

63. Whisper of the God of Love (Part 3)

"This is Master's love, right?"

Eluka's head was soaked in a pool of blood, as if she had understood some truth, her eyebrows stretched out, so happy.

"You are worthy of being a master. I have obviously worked very hard, but master is always one step ahead of me in understanding love."


An retreated to the corner, unable to hide the fear in his heart at this moment.

Is there really anyone in this world who is still alive with only one head left?

"Ah, this."

As if seeing the fear and doubt in An's eyes, Eluka's head rolled, rolled, rolled, and rolled to An's feet. Then she narrowed her eyes, stared at An, and chuckled:

"Master, don't be afraid. This is the power of love. As long as there is love, everything is possible!"

"It's's just the power of the evil god."

An forced herself to calm down, gritted her teeth and said, "Are you really willing to let yourself become like this, Eluka?"

"Be willing, why not be willing? I look good like this, don't I? I have never felt so good! "..."

"Okay, Master is so serious about showing me the true meaning of love. I can't live up to Master's painstaking efforts."

Eluka suddenly grinned and smiled ferociously, with a strange light shining in her eyes:

"Master, come and feel my love too!!"



As soon as Eluka finished speaking, her severed limbs began to squirm and grow visibly to the naked eye.

However, those stump limbs were not accurately aligned, and the wounds that were cut were not close together.

As a result, from the wounds flowing with blood, deformed and twisted limbs continued to grow. Flesh, flesh, and muscles were reborn. The old stumps and body fragments were glued together and sewn together into something completely inhuman... a "monster."

The "monster" picked up Eluka's head, but did not put it back above the neck.

Instead, he stuffed that beautiful head into a bloated body that could never be called a girl's delicate body at this moment.

The flesh and blood squirmed and swallowed the head, and under Eluka's head, two other faces gradually emerged.

Those were her parents' faces.

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