Three faces were embedded in the monster's abdomen, bringing an indescribable nausea and chill.

A true family must be neat and tidy.

"Ah, I feel... love I've never felt before!"

Eluka's face showed a twisted blush, and the disgusting monster stretched out its deformed limbs with more than a dozen fingers and suddenly grabbed An.

"I love you, Master!"

"Don't touch me!"

An shouted in a low voice.

A huge metal sickle condensed in his hand, instantly cutting off the deformed limbs that were grabbed.

At the same time, a metal cylinder was inserted into the monster's body, and then under An's control, it instantly turned into countless hair-thin spikes, piercing through the flesh and blood from the inside out.

At this moment, the monster looked like a cactus growing in a flowerpot.

But even if it was pierced from the inside out like a hedgehog, the monster's vitality did not seem to be reduced at all. Eluka's two pupils pierced by metal spikes were still moving restlessly.

"Ah... it seems a little insufficient..."

"This little bit of love is not enough..."

"I want more and more..."




There was a knocking sound outside the window of the room.

Very hard.


With a loud and clear sound, the window shattered instantly.

Figures dressed in ordinary villagers' clothes came in from the window.

Through the gaps between the figures, An could clearly see that in the quiet fishing village, the closed doors suddenly opened, and figures staggered like zombies, staggering in.

They were pale, or numb, or crying in pain, but all of them had happy smiles on their mouths.

"I love you..."

They smiled and said.

Then -

Like a stranded fish chasing the sea, they struggled and squirmed, squeezed into the room from the window, and couldn't wait to pounce into the monster's swollen flesh.

The old limbs and the new limbs twisted together to form an indescribable mass.


An heard a familiar dog bark.

Turning around, the naked man crawled in from outside the room, crawling towards the monster step by step.


An subconsciously stretched out his hand, trying to stop the man.

But the man suddenly turned around and dodged, looking back.



Like a real dog, intimidating strangers to approach.

Then, taking advantage of the moment when An was shouted back, he used all four legs to pounce into the monster.

"Ah, dear, you are here."

Eluka shouted happily:

"Let's... merge into one."

"Why... like this."

An suddenly realized that he could do nothing.

He could neither kill Eluka nor stop what was happening at the moment.

He could only watch the monster in the room gradually expand under the filling of flesh and blood.

It even soon filled the entire room.

Just like Eluka's endless, as if to devour everything -


"Ah, this mountain."

"Ah, this water."

"Ah, this warm sunshine in early autumn."

"Ah, and this breath of freedom."

"It's fucking awesome."

Under the azure sky, beside the clear stream, Mu En sat on a flat rock, using his homemade fishing rod to enjoy this rare leisure time.

"No sick maids chasing after me, no disgusting perverted gay men, and no need to worry about being poisoned, ambushed, or imprisoned. Such a life is so beautiful. I really want to keep going like this."

"I might as well just live in seclusion in the mountains."

Mu En took a bite of the wild fruit he picked from the tree, and the sweet taste filled his tongue, making people so happy that they wanted to cry.

"Ah, a fish is hooked."

The simple fishing rod in his hand suddenly became heavy.

Throwing the wild fruit away, Mu En sank into his dantian and began to fight with the fish in the river, risking his life and dignity.

The fish was soon caught.

"It would be nice if I had a camera. I really want to take a photo as a souvenir."

Looking at the big fish weighing at least several kilograms in his hand, Mu En couldn't help but feel a heavy sense of satisfaction.

For a fisherman, what could be more exciting than catching a big enough fish?

"Let's grill it."

After a brief thought, Mu En decided the fate of the fish.

So the bonfire soon rose, and the fish was also put on the branches.

Watching the flame kiss the fish meat, the fish fragrance gradually began to spread.

The happiness in Mu En's heart was so full that it almost overflowed.

The years are quiet and good.

Mu En hummed softly, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

"Now I'm afraid that even if a meteorite hits me, it can't shake my extremely happy heart."

-As soon as the voice fell.

Mu En heard a loud noise not far away.

Something suddenly flew over and hit the hill behind Mu En.

Smoke and dust filled the air.


Mu En turned back stiffly, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

No way, Ah Yun, I was just saying it, you really hit me!

64. Whisper of the God of Love (Part 4)

The air was filled with smoke and dust.

The aftermath of the impact caused a strong wind, which made Mu En's hair a little messy.

At the same time, his heart was also messy.

Fortunately, his heart was very strong.

Mu En held the grilled fish in his hand, pondered for a moment, and then turned his head back silently.

——Just pretend you didn't see it.

It was just a meteorite impact. It's impossible for a symbiotic alien to emerge from it and take over the world. What's the big deal?

I have been baptized by a dump truck and even experienced time travel. How could I not have this little bit of self-control?

Eat fish, eat fish, and forget about it.


Mu En was about to take a bite of the fragrant grilled fish, but suddenly heard a sharp sound that made his teeth ache in the smoke and dust at the impact site.

It's like metal opening and closing.


Mu En opened his mouth with a slight expression.

Metal opening and closing?

How can a meteorite like you make such a sound?

Could it be...


A spaceship?

Mu En's eyes widened suddenly.

What hit was not a meteorite, but a lost spaceship!

And the sound now was the hatch of the spaceship opening, and the alien inside was about to come out for the exciting first ground walk.

This is a small step for me, but a big step for the entire Zentraedi people.

Sorry for going off track.

But aliens, I really want to see them...

No, how could it be aliens? This is a world of Western magical worldview. If aliens really appear, readers will scold the author for writing nonsense.

It must be something else.

But, that's not important.

Today I must eat the fish in my hand first.

I said, even Jesus can't stop it.

"Cough cough..."

When Mu En tried to put the grilled fish into his mouth again, he suddenly heard a cough from behind him that was choked by smoke and dust.

That voice sounded so familiar.

It seems to be An.

Haha, how is it possible? I ran so far, how could An find me.

An is not a dog, he can smell the smell from a few kilometers away.

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