
But, I mean but.

Is there really a slight possibility that it was An?

If the sound of metal opening and closing was An’s ability… it would make sense.

Mu En looked down at the fish in his hand, was silent for a moment… and suddenly threw it to the ground.

“Damn, you’ve done me a disservice!”

Then without saying anything, he greased his feet and prepared to run away.

Jesus couldn’t stop him, but An was much scarier than Jesus.

Jesus wouldn’t play imprisonment with him!



It seemed too late.

A familiar voice of doubt came from behind.

It was An!


Mu En laughed dryly from his throat, turned his head stiffly, and said awkwardly:

“Long time no see, An, how have you been recently…?”

Mu En originally planned to use the three-combo of the scumbag to stabilize An first, but before this combination of punches was launched, Mu En silently took it back.

An now seemed to be a little bit wrong.

Her hair was messy and she looked haggard. Her maid outfit, which was always neat, was now covered with dirt and even torn in many places, revealing her fair skin.

Behind her, in the big pit just formed by the collision, the metal sphere that An had condensed on his own initiative was still lying there quietly, but the surface of the metal sphere was now covered with hideous scars and dents, as if it had suffered some fierce attack.

"An, what happened?"

Even if he was slow, Mu En also noticed the problem, restrained his smile, and his expression suddenly became solemn.

"Are you fighting with someone?"


An didn't answer directly. She stared at Mu En for a while, then took a deep breath, her expression returned to normal, and she smiled:

"It's okay, Master."

"Nonsense, you look like this..."

"I just fell down."

"Are you kidding me?"

"I'm telling the truth."

An paused and said:

"Besides, Master, won't you run away? If you don't run away, I'll have to catch you back."

"This time, I'm going to lock you up in a special cage so that you can never escape."

As she said that, An took two steps forward, as if she was really going to catch Mu En.

But Mu En didn't move.

He stared straight at An.

Watching An approach step by step.

The majesty of the Duke's son, the Master of the Campbell family, rarely appeared on his face.

"Then come and catch me."


"An, come and catch me, I won't run away!"


An's hand was halfway out, about to touch Mu En, when it suddenly drooped down.

A helpless bitter smile appeared on his face:

"At this time, shouldn't the young master take the opportunity to slip away? It's obviously a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"I ran away because you chased me, why would you run away if you didn't chase me?"

Mu En shrugged, gave a reason that he didn't believe, and then asked softly:

"Answer me, what happened, An."


An sighed helplessly, and was about to say something, but was suddenly interrupted by a huge roar.

Behind the hill opposite Mu En, there was a sound like a tremor of the earth.

On the top of the hill, countless big trees suddenly fell over, and migratory birds that had not yet migrated flew out of the woods, as if they were avoiding something.


"Where are you? Come and accept my love."

"I love you."

It was like hundreds of people shouting together, and the voices mixed together, echoing through the forest, making people's ears hurt.

Mu En subconsciously covered his ears, and before he had time to think about the meaning of those words, he saw...

A monster that was almost as tall as a hill slowly appeared from the other side of the mountain.

"What is this——"

Mu En looked at the monster and couldn't help but widen his eyes, and his mouth accidentally opened so wide that a duck egg could be stuffed in.

The deformed flesh and blood grew wantonly, forming strange limbs that waved randomly, and the body that looked like countless human bodies spliced ​​together slowly crawled on the ground, leaving traces of blood soaked on the ground, and the contaminated plants would wither instantly.

There were countless twisted hands or feet swinging messily on the monster's skin, like weeds blown by the autumn wind.

On the monster's chest, hundreds of human faces were densely packed there, some crying, some laughing, some sad, some angry, some numb, some desperate.

But no matter what emotions they had in their eyes, they all had smiles on their lips, calling out affectionately:

"I love you..."


Looking at the monster, Mu En couldn't help but shudder, feeling his SAN value drop wildly.

I was just fishing, where did such a strange-looking thing come from?

In my memory, no Warcraft looked so fresh and refined.

A new species that mutated after drinking nuclear waste water?

No, no, there is no country in this world.


Mu En's eyes swept over the monster again, especially the densely packed human faces on the monster's chest, and he felt that he was going to have a panic attack.

No matter how you look at it, this thing... is related to humans.

65. The Whisper of the God of Love (Part 5)

"What is that--"

Before Mu En had time to ask a question, he heard the monster's joyful shout.

"Ah—Master, I found you!"

"Huh? And Mr. Mu En."

"Just right, you two can come together... and accept my love."

The whistling wind sounded.

The shadow covered.

The deformed limbs, as thick as a tree embraced by several people, fell from the sky.

Not only An, but also Mu En.

"Be careful!"

An shouted anxiously.

The metal sphere behind him instantly decomposed and reorganized, and formed a triangular cross-pillar above his head and Mu En's head.

The metal pillar resisted the fall of the thick limbs, but it was obviously a little overwhelmed, twisting and making a sharp creaking sound, as if it would break at any time.

An gritted his teeth, the veins on his forehead throbbed, and his knees were slightly bent. It was obvious that it was not easy to take this blow.

"Master, run away."


Mu En seemed to have not recovered yet, and looked up blankly at the disgusting monster.

Moreover, when the monster called him "Mr. Muen" just now, he also found the familiar pretty face in the center of the monster's abdomen among the hundreds of human faces.

"——Eluka, that's Eluka, right?"

What's going on?

It's only been a few hours since we last met, how come Eluka has become like this?

Even super evolution is not so fast!

Moreover, does she use nuclear waste water to wash rice every day? It's hard to be distorted to this extent if she plays with radiation as a fluorescent lamp every day.

"No time to explain, Master, let's go."

An Shen took a breath and said:

"I will stop her temporarily."

"I'll go, what about you?"

"Don't worry."

An smiled and said: "I am a God-favored one."

The metal with a cold glow kept changing its shape around her, and then turned into a metal wall to resist the monster's spikes.

"You see, when I can use my abilities to the fullest, I am very strong. This monster is not my opponent at all."


Muen looked at the metal wall.

Although the attack was indeed blocked, a huge dent appeared on the metal wall, as if it would be broken at any time.

This shows how terrible the monster's attack was.

"Well, I won't lie to you, young master."

An's mind moved slightly, and the metal wall returned to its original state.

She hid the fatigue in her eyes and smiled:

"Young master, go first. I will follow after I solve it. I will catch you back then.

This time I am not exaggerating."

"Is that so? It seems that I really have to go first. I don't want to be imprisoned by you again."

Mu En nodded, turned around, and took a step.

An looked at his back, his expression was dazed for a moment, and suddenly laughed at himself.

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