That's fine.

As long as the young master can escape, that's fine——

"Did you think I would do this?"


Under An's surprised gaze, Mu En suddenly turned around and strode over.

"You can't even lie. You've neglected your duties as a personal maid, Ann."

"Uh huh huh?"

In An Shaoyou's panic, Mu En suddenly picked An up by the waist without any warning.

"Young... Young Master, you..."

A faint blush appeared on An's cheeks, and she twisted and tried to struggle.

But with a snap, Mu En slapped her on the butt.

"do not move."

Suddenly, it was like red paint bloomed, and An's whole pretty face turned red.

"Since you want to escape, let's escape together."

"But... why?"

Run away, run away, why do you need a princess to hold you?

"Why? Of course -"

Mu En chuckled.

His vision became dark again.

A huge black shadow enveloped him, and even thicker, deformed limbs slammed down.

But in the smoke and dust of flying rubble, Mu En had disappeared.

Shadow step!

When he appeared again, Mu En was already ten meters away.

Perfect dodge!

"When it comes to escaping, I'm a professional."

Mu En said embarrassing words with a handsome face.

He looked so focused.

His figure kept moving, avoiding the monster's attack.

The monster's huge size has become a burden at this moment. Although it can separate many limbs to pursue it, it can only watch as Mu En gradually distances itself from it.

An opened her eyes slightly.

In sight, the young master is still the same young master.

But I always felt that he was a little different from the young master in his memory, and that he had changed a little.

But this change made Anna think that her heart was filled with "love" and could no longer make waves...

It throbbed again.


"Master! Mr. Mu En!"

"Please! Don't run away!"

"Accept my—love!"

The monster roared loudly, and more deformed limbs rained down like a heavy rain.

Mu En took a deep breath.

"Ann, pay attention."


Ann came out of her trance.

Mu En's face was solemn and she shouted——

"Hold your breath!"


An made a slight gesture and saw Mu En suddenly leaping high into the air.

In front of him, the river flowed slowly, reflecting light like fish scales in the sunlight.


Mu En took An Yue into the water.

A large number of deformed limbs also followed.

However, due to the loss of vision, those deformed limbs were swinging wildly, making the river water even more turbid.

Mu En evaded attacks as nimbly as a fish in the water, and seemed to be more at ease than on land.

Swimming skill level 6!

Do you understand the gold content of soaking in the water for a day and a night?

While she was laughing proudly in her heart, Mu En suddenly felt that her neck was wrapped around a pair of soft and slippery arms like water snakes.

Before I had time to feel the wonderful touch, those hands...

Sudden tightening.

Um? install?

Mu En, whose eyes were blackened by the stranglehold, lowered her head in panic.

He found that An's eyes were wide open, full of fear, and his hands were tightly trying to grasp everything around him.

He looked like he was drowning.

Ah, forgot.

Ann doesn't seem to be good with water.

"Really, you are so capable at ordinary times, why do you always fall behind at critical moments?"


Mu En smiled helplessly.

He leaned down and kissed An's lips.

Transition air.

After a beach stone a few hundred meters away from the river, Mu En took An ashore.

An was lying on the ground, coughing up the river water that accidentally choked into his trachea, while Mu En was leaning on the stone, sitting on the ground, breathing heavily.

It is indeed too tiring to run away in the river with a person, or in other words, with a person who does not know the nature of water.

But fortunately, he still managed to escape.

A few hundred meters away, the monster was still poking at the turbid river water with its deformed limbs, like a kid trying to spear fish with a branch, and it didn't look very smart.

Fortunately, he is not smart, otherwise he would be in big trouble.

Mu En let out a breath and looked at An, who seemed to have nothing serious except for her cheeks being a little flushed.

"So, what happened, Ann."

66. Whisper of Cupid (6)

"The evil god."

Facing Mu En's questioning, An slowly spit out these two words.

"Haha, is it true?"

Mu En looked like this, and was not too surprised. She rested her head on the stone and looked at the monster.

Although this was my first time meeting him, Mu En had read the original book.

So after the brief shock, he quickly reacted.

Evil god.

The cause of corruption, the black hand of destruction.

The biggest source of disaster in the original book.

In a sense, the evil god is more harmful than the demons currently fighting against the empire on the border.

Because what drives the demons to invade humans is territory and hatred, and what they cause is only war.

But the evil gods are chaos, disorder and death themselves. They are pervasive and corrode everything. They hold supreme authority and cast a greedy gaze on the world.

In history, the three major catastrophes that almost caused the destruction of mankind all had the shadow of evil gods in them.

And the demon god who was predicted to destroy the world was also a member of the evil gods.

Therefore, relying on his characteristics of being evil and involved in everything.

The evil god almost became the biggest scapegoat in the original book.

——If something incomprehensible happens, it must be the evil god.jpg.

"I didn't expect it to be polluted to this extent. What is going on? It was normal before." Mu En frowned and asked in confusion.


It's normal for a yandere to train her husband.

"But now is not the time to think about this."

Mu En sighed softly and stood up.

"We can't let this thing develop like this. Fortunately, it's in the wilderness now. If it moves to other villages, it will be finished."

"An, let's go back to Belrand quickly. There is an institution specializing in dealing with the pollution of the evil god. The Church of Life will not sit idly by. They are more professional than us. Let's go and find them."

Mu En took An's arm and wanted to take her away.

...Move not a muscle.

An sat there, her arms folded, her eyes lowered, her expression unclear.

But no matter how Mu En pulled her, she didn't move.


"No, I can't leave."


"Because... I have to take responsibility."

"Responsibility? What responsibility? This is the pollution of the evil god. What does it have to do with you? You are not the evil god."

"But it has to do with me."

An raised her head and looked at Mu En's eyes, with the confusion of a child who had done something wrong.

"It was because of my words, because I said those words to Eluka, that she was polluted by the evil god."

"Huh? Those words... what do they mean?" Mu En was stunned.

"Two days ago, when I went fishing for the young master, I met Eluka..."

An held her arms tightly with her palms.

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