The joints were slightly white, and one could imagine how much strength she had used.

However, she didn't realize it at all.

Because of the inner suffering and self-blame, she had long since stopped feeling the pain from her physical body.

An whispered to Mu En with a trembling voice.

Two days ago, she met Eluka for the first time, what she said to Eluka.

Then, not long ago, she met Eluka again.

How she watched helplessly as Eluka gradually turned into a monster completely, with no way back.

And the last words Eluka said to her.

"Master, you are telling me... what is love."

"I see."

After listening to An's story, Mu En was also a little unable to calm down.

"In other words... After listening to your words, Eluka became enlightened and turned into a yandere. Then in order to gain the power to completely control the people she loved, she made a wish to the evil god, leading to degeneration and pollution?"

"I don't know what she did after she was separated from me, but... something like that."

"So, you think this is your responsibility?"


An bit her lip and nodded.

This was her fault. If she hadn't said those words, nothing would have happened.


"An, wake up!"

Mu En suddenly shouted loudly, interrupting An's contemplation.

Then he pointed at the huge and deformed monster like a hill and said:

"Take a good look at that thing. Are you telling me that it can become like this in two days? Even if the evil gods are terrible, their erosion cannot be eliminated overnight. Before the outbreak, the pollution will definitely accumulate for a long time!

In other words, it is impossible for Eluka to come into contact with the Evil God because of what you said to her. She must have been involved with the Evil God a long time ago! "

"But...I am at least the cause of the pollution outbreak, right?"

"It's only a matter of time before it breaks out! No one will fundamentally change because of one or two words from others. Eluka became a yandere because she had a tendency to develop into a yandere. Even if there is no An If you say so, she will definitely become like this sooner or later!

Moreover, she is hopeless like this, haven't you seen it yet? Eluka doesn’t even have her own body anymore!

What can you do? "

Mu En roared at An.


He was suddenly angry.

Why are you so stubborn?

Why should we impose responsibilities on ourselves that do not belong to us?

Is it because taking an extra breath of oxygen caused the world to be destroyed one trillionth of a second earlier, do we have to be responsible for the destruction of the world?

Don’t you know how terrifying things contaminated by evil gods are?

Don’t you value your life?

Why do you have to dig into this insignificant corner?

Someone will take care of it, it's not your responsibility!

"She called me Master."


"That girl, she called me Master."

An raised her face and looked at Mu En.

With a trembling voice, he said suddenly.

"As a master, how can I leave my disciple alone?"

The crystal tears, like broken beads, kept falling from that delicate face.

Mu En was slightly stunned.

This was the first time he saw An like this.

In his memory, An always seemed to have a dignified face and elegant posture.

She will handle her job as a personal maid perfectly, and she will bow perfectly at ninety degrees.

Even every step taken when walking, the distance is almost exactly the same.

She is simply the embodiment of a perfect maid. At least in Mu En's memory, she has not made any mistakes.

Such an An would naturally not allow himself to show any weakness.



The girl in front of Mu En.

He curled up and hugged his arms tightly.

The messy hair is stuck to her forehead, and her delicate makeup has long been washed away by water.

His eyes didn't have the sharp light in the past, but instead showed the panic of a child who had done something wrong.

So embarrassed.

So, so heartbreaking.

But deep in her eyes, there was still some unyielding stubbornness, like an angry little girl, staring at Mu En.

"I'm going, Master."

"Damn it."

Seeing An like this, a certain string in Mu En's heart seemed to be gently plucked.

Then his anger suddenly subsided,


He said erratically:

"Okay, I'll go with you."

67. The Whisper of the God of Love (Part 7)

"Okay, I'll go with you."

It's all a coincidence, Mu En said.


An was stunned for a moment, and then immediately retorted sharply:

"Master, you can't come with me!"


"This has nothing to do with the young master, does it? There is no need for the young master to take such a big risk for me!"

"Who said it doesn't matter? Who said I went there just for you." Mu En chuckled.


"Actually, I suddenly remembered that I still owe that guy Eluka a meal."

Mu En turned her head and looked at the huge deformed monster.

There was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Strictly speaking, Eluka is the first friend I made when I came to this world.

Well, we've all had dinner at her house, so we're considered friends.

I just didn't expect that she would become like this just by grilling a fish.

Fate is really sad.

And disgust.

"Since we are friends, I have the obligation to send her off." Mu En said proudly with his hands on his waist.

"No one has the right to stop me, not even An."

"But... still not!"

An stood up, stubbornly stood in front of Mu En, and said seriously

"That's too dangerous. I promised the master and the lady that I would protect the young master and never let him get hurt!"

"Protect me?"

Mu En tilted his head and said softly:

"But An, don't you always want to hurt me?"

"Hurt? I didn't."

"Drugging, sneak attacks, imprisonment, and even wanting to cut off my limbs, aren't these what you have done, or what you want to do? Aren't these hurtful?"


An settled down.

I did this to the young master because of love.

If it was the old An, he would definitely say so.

So it's natural.

However, looking at Mu En, who had a peaceful look at the moment, looking at the monsters raging not far away, the hoarse wails of hundreds of people and Eluka's crazy words echoed in her ears.

An couldn't say these words.

It seemed that as long as she said this, Eluka would stand in a pool of blood with countless corpses and say to her with a grim smile:

"Look, Master, you are the same as me."

It's different.

It's different.

It's different.

"Please, Master."

So in the end, An could only beg.

"Don't go."

"If something happens to you..."

"I will never forgive myself even if I die."

An grabbed Mu En's clothes tightly and cried and begged.

"Please, Master..."


Mu En looked down at the crying An.

Silence for a moment.

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