Looking at her carefully.

Then, he suddenly raised his voice and shouted:

"Ann! What is the first rule of a maid in the Campbell family? Tell me loudly!"


Like a conditioned reflex.

Mu En's words brought out the instinct that had been engraved in An's bones for a long time.

So it was like returning to the morning when the former head maid gave a lecture.

An straightened her waist, as straight as a pine tree.

She held her head high and said loudly:

"The first rule of a maid in the Campbell family is to always stand straight, except for bowing to the master and the guests!"

"That's right, straighten your waist, An."

Mu En patted An's shoulder, then smiled, combed An's messy bangs straight, pinned the hair stuck to her cheeks behind her ears, and then tidied her maid outfit, smoothing out the wrinkles bit by bit.

Until An returned to the way he remembered.

Dignified, elegant, sophisticated, and calm.

"That's more like you, isn't it?"


"Okay, don't cry. I know you're worried about me, but haven't you been saying this recently? I'm different than before."

Mu En lowered his head slightly, looked into An's eyes, and said gently:

"I'm sorry that I can't become what you want me to be, but don't you see? Now I'm no longer that useless master.

Well, although I still only have those three moves, I can escape from you, An, and from that monster.

I'm a professional at running away, so even if I can't beat him, I can still run.

To some extent, I'm better than An.

So, don't worry, okay?"


An stared at Mu En blankly.

She wanted to say something else.

But Mu En suddenly stretched out his finger and sealed her lips.

"Don't refute, this is the master's order."

An was in a trance.

Although it was an order, the words were extremely gentle.

She looked at Mu En, a little dazed.

The sun shines on Mu En's golden hair, with a layer of hazy light.

The breeze blows, and his eyebrows and eyes are also so bright.

Those clear eyes like a lake seem to pull his soul into it.

Yes, the young master has become different.

He completely deviated from the track he had set for himself overnight.

Became motivated, gentle, cunning... and a little stupid.

He actually took the initiative to face the pollution of the evil god, which was absolutely unimaginable for him before.

It's like he has become another person.

But why, this appearance that is completely different from his ideal can attract his attention so much?

So dazzling, young master.

An shed tears, as if looking directly at the scorching sun.


"Okay, let's go."

Seeing that An was finally convinced by himself, Mu En smiled gently.

He shook his arms and stretched his muscles.

Then, he walked towards the hideous monster without looking back.

He said:

"Let us bring salvation to your disciple, my friend, our dear Miss Eluka!"



"Ah, am I here again?!"

A hundred meters in the air, Mu En stood on a huge metal pillar. While there was no one around, he held his head and shook it around like some kind of mental illness.

"I have this damn sporadic suicide syndrome!"

Celica was like that then, and this time too.

There are obviously better ways to choose, but I have to run desperately on the road of suicide.

I obviously cherish my life so much, but why can't I control myself at critical moments?

"Haha, I can't walk when I see beautiful girls crying. I am also a different kind of old pervert."

Mu En sighed softly.

However, this time, compared with the last time, there are still some differences.

At least, this time, he will not be as powerless as before.


"Listen, An, I'll tell you what to do now."

"First of all, after being contaminated by the evil god, Eluka can't be killed by ordinary means. I think you have already experienced this."

"So, our goal is not to waste effort trying to kill Eluka or wake her up, but the source of the evil god's contamination, that is, the medium through which the evil god casts power."

"Rings, necklaces, sculptures, there must be such things. The evil god can't cast power out of thin air. The rules of this world don't allow it."

"The source must be next to Eluka, so I need you, An, to use your ability to open a way for me."

"You open the way to help me block the monster's attack, and I rely on my mobility and flexibility to get close to Eluka, find the source of pollution, and then destroy it!"

"That's the plan!"


Thinking back to the plan with Professor An not long ago, Mu En let out a sigh of relief.

At this time, Mu En was still a little glad that he had read the original book, so he knew how to deal with the evil god.

But... it's still not easy.

Because the more I read the original book, the more I know how scary that thing is.

"... I have no choice but to go for it."

Mu En opened his arms, sank his qi into his dantian, and then shouted to the monster that was still playing in the water not far away:

"Hey -

Everyone, look at me, I have something to announce!"


Hearing the sound, the monster turned around, and hundreds of faces looked at it at the same time.

Then, it rushed over.

Eluka shouted happily, "Mr. Muen, are you finally going to accept my love?"

"I won't accept your love."

Muen raised his middle finger and laughed:


I'm a paratrooper!


After that, Muen jumped.

68. The Whisper of the God of Love (Part 8)

The wind blew on his cheeks.

Muen jumped down, as if he wanted to jump into the monster's arms.

Eluka was also surprised. She stretched out her hand, like a gentle wife welcoming her lover back late at night.

If only she hadn't stretched out hundreds of hands at the same time.


Feeling that the time was almost right, Muen suddenly shouted.

Then, the steel rang!

The metal thorn forest with a cold glow rose from the ground and slammed into the monster's body.

Countless sharp blades intertwined and stirred, cutting every inch of deformed flesh and blood, and the colliding blades trembled with each other, forming a symphony representing iron, blood and death!

It was like a steel chariot covered with spikes crashing into a pure piece of meat. The monster's deformed flesh was instantly torn into several hideous cracks!


Eluka screamed.

But there was no pain in her tone.

Instead, it was more like excitement.

She twisted her face embedded in flesh and blood and looked at the maid driving the steel not far away.

"Master, are you really back?"

"Yes, I'm back, Eluka."

An exhaled lightly.

She folded her hands on her lower abdomen and straightened her waist.

Just like a perfect maid.

She looked at Eluka, who almost completely broke her psychological defense not long ago, without flinching, and looked at the hundreds of faces wailing and telling of love.

This time, her eyes were firm.

"I'm here to save you."

"Hey, I always feel that there is something different about Master. Is it an illusion?"

Eluka was confused for a moment, then she chuckled.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter. I just need to know that you are Master."

"Master, you will accept my love, right? After all, you know me, don't you?"

"I love you, Master!"

Hundreds of faces screamed together, the sound waves spread, and even the steel trembled.

The deformed flesh and blood squirmed again, and those hideous wounds healed again in just a few breaths.

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