New flesh and blood spreads and grows along the steel, like rust or bacterial colonies. The eroded steel will soon lose its original characteristics and turn into useless dust, dispersed by the wind.

An's eyes darkened slightly, new steel condensed around her, and then she faced the twisted monster again.

The monster also rushed over without showing any signs of weakness.

A new round of confrontation begins.

It's like a fight between monsters, going on to the death.

the other side.

Mu En stepped on the steel bridge and ran all the way to the location of Eluka's head.

In front of him, the sharp blade was whirling, cutting through the deformed limbs that were growing and spreading like grass.

But no matter how much the blade cuts, there will always be fish that slip through the net when faced with the huge number of deformed limbs that grow almost endlessly.

In the face of the terrible base, a little fish that slips through the net is enough to make people suffocate.

Many limbs grabbed Mu En from different angles, as if completely blocking Mu En's escape route.

The faces looking here were grinning ferociously, as if they had foreseen the moment when the new blood food would merge with themselves.

Love needs to be shared, and so does pain, right?

How can we just be like this.JPG!

"It seems that I am still underestimated."

Mu En smiled self-deprecatingly.

It was obvious that he was the one causing the monsters, but at this moment Eluka's attention was still on An's side.

They just separated out a few faces to stare at themselves, and they simply didn't take themselves seriously.

But isn't this bad?

No, this is great!

It's simply wonderful beyond expectations.

Enter the village secretly, and don’t let anyone shoot you.

The strategy that he never dared to think of was actually realized in a sense by Eluka's obsession with An!

Mu En grinned and laughed silently.

He held his hands in vain.

An Xin, who had been paying attention here, seemed to have a trance, and his mind moved.

A pair of curved daggers appeared in Mu En's hands.

This was a weapon that Mu En had agreed with An in advance and asked An to help her make it.

He had noticed when using a hatchet before that compared to the light dagger that a woman was more comfortable with, he was more suitable for a short knife that was more powerful to wield.

Moreover, the shape of the short knife will not affect the performance of his dagger fighting skills at all!

This wave is simply a win-win situation!

"Take my sword and strike it with a lightning whirlwind!"

Mu En jumped up, the swords in his hands intertwined like shadows, and slashed at the deformed limbs that were extending in front of him.

Blood splattered everywhere.

The blade cast by An is extremely sharp.

The cage made of many limbs was opened by Mu En in an instant.

New limbs follow, trying to fill the gap.

But it's too late.

Shadow step!

The powerful steps from the desperate assassin showed up again, and Mu En's figure turned into an afterimage that was invisible to the naked eye and rushed out of the gap.

Indeed, as he said himself, he only knows these three skills now.

But it’s really useful if you can’t stand it!

Who doesn’t love a flash of almost no CD?

As long as it is not interrupted by martial arts or other methods like the previous Scar Man, this move is invincible in terms of flexibility!

But you, a deformed monster contaminated by the evil god, can't use martial arts with me!

Mu En smiled ferociously in his heart.

After the gap in the physical containment was opened, no one could stop his progress.

He pushed forward quickly, and soon he was close to the monster's abdomen where Eluka's head was.

Just a little!

Mu En's eyes were filled with joy. With only about two shadow steps to jump, he could be completely close to the area where Eluka's head was!

"Wait a minute, Aluka, let me take care of you - Eh heh heh heh?"

The arrogant laughter was interrupted.

A sudden warning sign!

Among the pile of deformed limbs, a completely different arm appeared, like a strange creature emerging from a pile of normal people.

No, among a bunch of deformed limbs, the so-called strange species is actually normal.

That's a normal arm.

Stout and powerful.

The muscles are as strong as a horned dragon.

It aimed its palm at Mu En and suddenly bent its fingers.

It's like imitating the sharp claws of some kind of beast.

Then at this moment, a thunderous sound burst out from between the five fingers!

Mu En suddenly felt his brain buzzing.

The terrifying shock wave came from nowhere and hit his chest head-on.

He couldn't help but groan.

The qi and blood in the body are surging.

The Shadow Step that was about to be used was suddenly interrupted!

"What the hell?"

Mu En stopped retreating and looked at the arm with horror in his eyes.

Martial arts!

It’s actually a fucking martial arts skill!

And it is a more profound martial skill than the previous Scar Man!

He recognized it after being silenced and unable to use it, but could the flash be interrupted directly?

Um? Um?

League of Legends technician?

Come out and explain the principle!


Mu En, who was just thinking wildly because of the shock, suddenly heard a familiar bark.

"No way……"

In dull eyes.

The thick arm hung down, the broad palm rested on the squirming flesh, and then he lifted it up suddenly.

A familiar figure to Mu En crawled out of the flesh and blood, supported by arms.

In an instant, Mu En recognized it.

It's the man who was turned into a dog.

Eluka's husband.

He was naked, still wearing those ridiculous "decorations."

But when he stood in front of Mu En at this moment, his momentum was completely different from before.

This is not a dog,

but a ferocious beast.

ps: Updated late at night, please vote (.o︿o.)

69. Whisper of the God of Love (Part 9)

"What a joke."

Mu En looked at the man who stood up in front of him for the first time, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching slightly.

Before he came, he had already made many assumptions and prepared for the worst.

So he didn't hesitate at all, rushing towards Eluka at the fastest speed, intending to make a quick decision.

It was going to succeed.

But the development of things was still beyond Mu En's expectations.

He didn't expect that this man who had been swallowed by Eluka could split out from the deformed meat again and stand in front of him.

He didn't seem to have become one of the hundreds of faces.

Most importantly, he himself seemed very strong.

That's right, just from that move just now, Mu En could tell that unlike himself who was a quick-learner, the man in front of him was a powerful warrior who had gone through real fighting and tempering.

And this kind of person is the one Mu En is most afraid of at the moment.

"Brother, can you please let me go? I have something private to talk to your wife about."

Mu En rubbed his hands and smiled tentatively at the man:

"Don't worry, it's just some healthy topics about world peace and life ideals. It won't have any impact on the harmonious relationship between you and your wife, so can you let me be alone with your wife?"

"..." The man remained silent. Mu En didn't even know if his lifeless eyes were looking at him, but he stood in front of him and didn't mean to let go.

"Hehe, do you think I didn't notice your little move, Mr. Mu En?"

Eluka, who was fighting fiercely with An, suddenly cast a playful look at him and sneered:

"Although I don't know what your purpose is, my intuition tells me that I can't let you do whatever you want, so just play with my husband.

By the way, my husband is a genuine B-level adventurer, and he is at the top."


Mu En's heart sank suddenly.

According to the classification, B-level adventurers are at least third-level warriors, or even stronger.

Because those who can climb up step by step as adventurers, there are no fakes!

It's just that, as a new second-level warrior, I have to fight an old-fashioned third-level warrior. Isn't this a special service that only the protagonist should enjoy?

Where is the protagonist? The protagonist saves him!

"How is it possible... come to save him." Mu En laughed at himself.

According to the time calculation, the current protagonist Ariel is probably still practicing hard and happily under the guidance of the elder sister's residual soul in the ring in order to suddenly surprise everyone at St. Mary's College.

So you can't rely on anyone but yourself.

From the moment you make this choice, there is no way back.

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