The innocence and childishness appropriate to his age can still be seen on that face, but the dense stitching marks completely destroyed this beauty.

And when Mu En looked at her, he couldn't find the focus of her gaze... because there were no pupils in those big, cute eyes.

Just a piece of deathly whiteness.

149. Source of animal blood

"Sure enough, it doesn't end that easily?"

Seeing the little girl who had lost all the pity she had just now, and instead became ferocious and terrifying, Mu En was not frightened, and just sighed helplessly.

It's not a good thing to meet a lost and crying little girl in the middle of the night, but now she has to be entangled with such enthusiasm... Brother, I will be regarded as a fool or a copper smelter.

"So, which evil god's lackey are you?"

Mu En did not hesitate at all, and quickly snapped his fingers before the other party acted.


The holy light remaining on the little girl's wound was suddenly activated, carrying the purest power of purification. The white light rose up and was about to eliminate all filth.

This was Mu En's backup plan to stay in the opponent's body just to be on the safe side.

No matter which evil god the other party obtained her power from, the holy light poured into her body by Elizabeth would definitely severely damage her or even kill her directly. After all, this was personally blessed by the current saint with holy water. The level of holy light is definitely not those ordinary...


Mu En's confident expression suddenly froze.

Because he saw that when those holy lights bloomed, the little girl's face did show some pain.

But as she stretched out her hand, as if swatting a mosquito to death, she suddenly slapped it towards the place where the holy light bloomed. Those holy and pure lights were just... extinguished by her slap.

It's gone... it's gone... it's gone...

Mu En played this unbelievable picture on a loop in his mind, thinking that he had been hit by another illusion... Black flames covered his pupils, and what was visible was still this horrifying picture.

Only this time, Mu En's vision, blessed by the black fire, discovered the problem...

"Without...the power of the evil god?"

Deep in Mu En's consciousness space, the sun wheel with black flame and white crown is still spinning silently. The terrifying authority formed by the power of many evil gods shows no sign of being stirred up at this moment... This shows that the little girl in front of him is not at all. Have something to do with any evil god.

She is not an evil believer, nor is she a creature of an evil god.

That's why Mu En was so weak in order to protect the Holy Light left in her body, because without the blessing of the power of faith, and the other party was not an evil believer at all, the power that the Holy Light could show was only Ordinary high light and high heat.

The power of this high light and heat is not even as powerful as Mu En's own lighting technique.

"Without the blessing of the evil god's power, what kind of monster are you?"

Mu En's expression became serious and she began to re-examine the little girl in front of her.


After a brief silence, the sobbing cry once again flowed out from the little girl's pale lips. No expression of emotion could be seen in the dead eyes, but as the crying gradually began, Mu En felt that the surroundings suddenly became lively.

Countless blood-red threads stretched and connected, and the large network that had been intertwined here seemed to come to life. Every node made of the remaining limbs of the beast-turner beat regularly, like blood connections.

Boom. Boom. Boom boom.

It seemed to be a heartbeat. The dead body, stimulated by those threads, burst out with vitality again. And these huge vitality, along with the heartbeat that roared like the core, gathered together... the little girl inside the body.

The little girl was supported by countless blood-red silk threads and floated up. In just a few breaths, Mu En felt that something in her body that had been pregnant for a long time... was gradually awakening.

"This is……"

Mu En's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly disappeared from the place in a flash.

And where he had just been, wriggling bloody threads stretched out under the cover of blood and night, and because they couldn't find their target, they rolled around in confusion.

"Is that so?"

Mu En stood at a slightly higher position, held up her hat, and looked down at the little girl below.

Those bloody threads did build a network, but if you want to describe it in more detail and certainty... this is more like a dinner plate.

A dinner plate made of countless blood-red thin lines, and the food on the dinner plate is naturally those beast-turners... and the people in it.

The other party's purpose in releasing the beast shifters was not to kill the eldest prince, but to stop them and then...feed the little girl as food.

Mu En was a little scared, because he suddenly thought that if he had not chosen to stay and hold these guys back, but had chosen to break out together, the slightly bloated convoy would have been entangled by those beast shifters...

The eldest prince Albert may have really become food for little girls now.

After all, those blood-red threads were so hidden that even he could hardly detect them. As an ordinary person, the eldest prince might be drained by them in an instant without any chance to react.

"The level of horror is no less than a large-scale evil god pollution. What on earth are you?" Mu En murmured, but no one responded.

More doubts emerged from her heart, but Mu En didn't have time to find answers one by one.

Moreover, compared to observation with the naked eye, Mu En has always believed that closer contact can more easily discover what the other party is hiding.

So he flashed and rushed straight to the little girl without hesitation.

The knife light was like the moon, bright and cold.

The countless blood-red threads that were wrapped around the residual limbs were instantly separated in front of the extremely sharp blade, like the miracle of the gods breaking the sea in the story.

And in the gap of time delay, a figure had already quickly passed through the gap and rushed straight to the body of the little girl.

The little girl's eyes were still pale and dead, and her head turned slightly, as if she had noticed the approaching cold light at this moment.

She only had time to raise her thin and slender arm.

There is no doubt that the arm was cut again, and the broken marks of flesh and bones were clearly visible. With only this kind of flesh and blood, it is impossible to resist Elizabeth's sharpness.

But the pale and crying face of the little girl still seemed to feel no pain.

Mu En frowned. His knife still didn't hurt the little girl.

His sight quickly moved away from the little girl's face. In his peripheral vision, Mu En saw that the little girl's arm was broken again.

However, he hadn't swung the second knife yet.

Therefore... it wasn't the little girl's arm that was cut off, but the thread that was mending on her arm, which suddenly broke.

And this time, the broken end was not the broken marks of flesh and bones, but some kind of... suddenly expanded hideous thing!

Mu En's face changed, and the premonition of death in his heart suddenly buzzed!

"Damn, what the hell is this time?"

Mu En cursed inwardly. At the critical moment, he crossed his two knives very skillfully and protected his chest.


The flesh in the crack of the little girl's slender arm that could be easily closed by an adult's thumb and index finger suddenly expanded, and in an instant it turned into a hideous giant claw covered with scales!

It seemed to be the claws of some giant bear-shaped monster. Under the shining starlight, the claws showed a kind of eerie beauty, but when it fell, Mu En felt the terrifying feeling of the mountains falling down when King Indra slapped it down.

"What... what bear power?"

Mu En was almost smashed to the ground like a sandbag.

Under the terrifying force, the blood in his body rolled up, and Mu En couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

He wiped it casually and got up slowly.

But before he could catch his breath, the huge shadow enveloped him again.

"How could it be... so fast?"

Even he almost failed to react to the speed, which seemed not to appear on a humanoid monster with a hideous claw, but Mu En had no room for thinking at this moment. At the same time as the premonition of death warned again, the heat of the alchemy core behind him running at full power instantly dispelled the slight chill of the spring night.

The sharp claws brushed past Mu En, leaving dozens of meters of terrible marks on the ground. With the gap of dozens of times of time delay, Mu En finally saw clearly why the little girl was so fast.

It was a pair of huge wings.

The black scales flashed cold light, and the hideous bone spurs pierced the sky. When the pair of wings spread out, it seemed as if endless black clouds were covering them.

It was... a pair of dragon wings!

The dragon wings spread out, and the endless gusts lifted the petite but strangely huge body, bringing her terrifying speed.

But how could such a pair of dragon wings appear on a little girl?

And at the moment when Mu En was surprised by the wings, the suture marks on the little girl's chest suddenly cracked, and the huge mouth with worm-like flesh and blood limbs stretched out, aimed at Mu En, and suddenly closed!


Mu En certainly couldn't give her a second chance to sneak attack. Dozens of thunders roared in an instant. The knife light was more dazzling than before, tearing the worm's flesh and blood from the inside out.

The little girl frowned slightly. This was the first time she showed obvious pain. She flapped her wings and retreated quickly again.

"What on earth is this..."

Mu En didn't chase, because he was a little bit at a disadvantage in the hasty fight just now, and his blood was still churning.

But the churning of blood didn't bother him. Instead, the little girl's appearance at this moment shocked him even more.

The claws of the bear-shaped monster.

The wings of the dragon.

And the weird worm mouthparts.

Each one is much larger than the little girl's body, but it grows out of her body strangely.

No, that shouldn't be growth, it should be splicing. Those parts obviously belonged to some once terrible monsters. Even now, Mu En can feel the pressure of the overlord-level monsters on those limbs.

But the question is, shouldn't this fusion of different creatures and even different races be the "gift" of the rich? Why haven't I felt any evil god power in this little girl until now?

Could it be that she relied on her own blood to suppress the rejection reaction between various organs and parts?

Wait, blood?

Mu En's eyes flickered slightly, and he looked at the remains of the beastmen who were still beating under the control of the blood-red thread.



Research Institute.

Transferred research products.

Warcraft limbs.

Patching marks.

... All the clues were finally connected at this moment.

This little girl, without a doubt, is the origin of the beast medicine, the source of turning innocent people into irrational monsters.

"Is that so..."

Moon raised his head and looked at the monster-like little girl with sadness and pity:

"The limbs of those monsters were forcibly sewn into your body..."

150, Asceticism

"This tea is good."

"Yes, this is the spring tea of ​​the Holy City, famous all over the world."

In a deserted forest somewhere outside Belrand.

After a brief fight, almost razing the surroundings to the ground, and finding that neither of them could do anything to the other, the two top masters of the world sat opposite each other and became leisurely.

Anyway, fighting will not produce any results, so it is better to drink tea.

"Drinking tea is good, drinking tea is good, it is good for the body and mind, much better than those fighting and killing, it should have been like this a long time ago."

Archbishop Canterbury shook his head with emotion, lifted his torn sleeves, and pointed to the surroundings.

A faint holy light permeated the wilderness, and new shoots soon emerged from the bare ground, and the yellow earth turned into a vibrant green again.

"But, speaking of it..."

Canterbury sipped his tea leisurely and said:

"Where did the little girl who always followed you go? Why didn't I see her this time?"

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