The bonfire flickered suddenly, and the chill that spread instantly made the newly emerged buds crawl on the ground, as if they were afraid of the death they would face right after they were born.

But the chill and murderous intent only flashed by, and King Indra sprinkled the powder in the teacup in his hand, lowered his eyelids, and said without joy or sadness:

"Why ask this? Isn't your church unwilling to save her?"

"Correct again, it's not unwilling, but it can't be done."

The Archbishop of Canterbury sighed: "People always blame this desperate situation on those who have the power to save. Why not save? Why not save? Why don't you save? I have heard this countless times, but even we, the saviors who spread the gospel for the goddess, have things we can't do."

"That girl is one of them. The unprecedented reversion of animal blood and the extremely tender human body, the conflict between the two will never stop until one side is completely crushed and devoured by the other side. There is no way to make them compatible. When you came to us last time, wasn't she tortured by the animal blood in her body and only had one breath left? If it weren't for us, she would have died."

"I paid the price, and it was a legitimate exchange."

King Indra still sat cross-legged like an ascetic, and no emotional fluctuations could be seen in his lifeless eyes.

"As for can't save her, I can only find someone who can save her."

"Others save her? Impossible, the only way to delay the animal blood in her body now is..."

Canterbury was suddenly stunned, and his mind turned rapidly, as if he thought of something.

"I see... There have been rumors about some strange drugs in the downtown area recently. I see... I should have thought of it earlier."

Canterbury's expression became compassionate. After praying devoutly to the goddess, he asked:

"Is this really good?"

"What's good or not."

"Let's not talk about the tiny success rate. Being done that kind of thing... That girl will be in pain. Even if she may have no reason left under the erosion of the beast's blood, the pain is real."

Archbishop Canterbury shook his head. The pain of blood and marrow sucking was so painful that even he would shudder when he thought about it, let alone for a little girl.

"Pain... Maybe."

King Indra sat cross-legged like a statue, and finally moved a little. He lowered his head and looked at the bowl of wild vegetable soup beside him.

Even in the battle just now, the soup in this bowl did not spill at all.

In the reflection of the soup, he vaguely saw a young smiling face, but when the ripples subsided, he still saw his own serious dead face.

"But life is full of pain, isn't it?"

King Indra whispered, as if answering, as if persuading himself: "Just like crossing the sea of ​​sand, we don't know when we can support the oasis of salvation, but before that, if we die, even the last bit of hope will be gone. Therefore, as long as we can live, no matter how much pain we suffer, it is worth it."

"As long as we can live... no matter how much pain we suffer, it is worth it."

Archbishop Canterbury smiled, spread his gorgeous but tattered sleeves, looked up at the dark sky without stars and moon, and said sarcastically:

"Haha, this kind of selfish nonsense... it really seems like something that a sick ascetic like you can say."



"The source of... the blood of the beast?"

Mu En whispered with pity.

The little girl in front of him, as the stitches cracked, revealed more limbs of powerful monsters, and her appearance became more hideous and terrifying.

Although he didn't know her origins, nor why she became a test subject for the council's research, but from the dense stitches alone, Mu En seemed to be able to feel the pain she had experienced.

She kept crying, was it also because of the pain?

"In that case, don't move, I'll let!"

The sound of thunder that kept stacking sounded again, without any hesitation, Mu En raised his hand and cut!

The bright blade illuminated the night, and the extremely terrifying knife directly separated the solid scales on the bear-shaped claws, almost cutting them off at the root.

The blood-red silk thread extended again, pulling the cut claws together, and the little girl whimpered in pain, while making some strange roars, like countless monsters mixed together.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

The heartbeats were as regular as war drums, and the huge blood essence was greedily absorbed by the blood-red threads.

The injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and as the absorption accelerated, countless blood-red threads, and even the little girl's body, became visibly excited.

However, this excitement soon came to an abrupt end, because there was no more food on her plate.

Or rather, it was taken away by someone.

The little girl even stopped crying temporarily, and her distorted face looked in the direction of Mu En, revealing the girl's anger at the bad uncle taking away her food.

"I didn't want to use it originally."

Mu En adjusted his hat, letting the black fire mixed with the holy outer flame jump out of his sleeves, burning all the flesh and blood it touched, including the blood-red threads.

That was the holy fire, that was the black flame.

And deep in Mu En's eyes, there was also a black sun wheel with a pale crown, majestically and slowly turning.

The sun cast a trace of its residual power on the world through Mu En's eyes, and the whole world seemed to become a little dimmer.

"After all, with my current level, it is still too difficult to activate something like this that is beyond my level."

In Mu En's original plan, no matter what kind of danger he encountered, he originally planned to retain some strength, or the last trump card. After all, tonight, protecting the eldest prince was the first priority.

But now, now that she has met the source of the beast's blood in front of her, whether it is out of pity or rational thinking, there is absolutely no reason to let her leave alive.

Therefore, Mu En still took the risk of exhausting his mental power and showed the black flame.

At this time, Mu En missed the wizened brother whom he had exposed to the Minotaur. When he used his divine power, as long as there was no risk of being discovered, he could almost use it however he wanted. After all, I don’t feel bad if it’s not my own.

But now, the boss knows that oil and rice are expensive, and when it takes one's own strength to activate these terrifying authorities, Mu En can understand what a fucking experience it is to drive a big car with a small motor.

However, Mu En could still tell the difference between a gift from others and something completely belonging to oneself.

Complaints are complaints, from the moment he was inexplicably tricked from the beginning to the end to obtain this power, Mu En has been trying all the time to completely grasp this power in his hands!

Now, it's time to accept the results a little bit.

Mu En took a deep breath, and her huge mental power sank into the space of consciousness, and then she pushed the black sun wheel with difficulty... to grind.

151. Failure

The sun wheel was grinding, the starlight was annihilated, and all unnecessary consumption of magic power was temporarily stopped by Mu En. All his energy was completely concentrated on the control of the black flame.

He raised his hand, pointed it at the little girl, and pressed it!

More black flames jumped out and landed on the little girl's ferocious monster limbs like elves.

But these lovely fairy-like flames do not bring beautiful blessings.

But disaster.


The strong scales on the claws were burned away.

Flesh and blood were burned away.

The bones were burned to pieces.

Just like a piece of ordinary white paper ignited with flames, the powerful monster's limbs were eaten away by the inconspicuous black flames in the blink of an eye, and not even ashes were left.

And as more blood food was devoured, the black flames burned with more joy.

There seemed to be nothing that could stop the burning of these flames. Even the sun wheel deep in Mu En's consciousness seemed to be pulled, and the rotation sped up a little faster. But with a tingling pain in Mu En's spirit, he quickly forcibly controlled the sun wheel to stabilize it.

No, not too fast, otherwise you will not be able to bear it.


At this time, the whimpering of the little girl in pain stopped and turned into the roar of a mixed beast. Countless blood-red threads squirmed messily in an attempt to repair the injuries caused by the black flame, but they were swallowed by it.

The little girl seemed to realize something, and another sharp claw extended from the seam, tearing open the burning bear-shaped claws.

"To survive with a broken arm, is this... instinct?"

Mu En was slightly surprised by the little girl's behavior, but only slightly surprised.

Because the burning of the black flame will not stop.

The bear-shaped sharp claws were quickly devoured, and the unsatisfied Black Flame quickly pounced on the little girl under the control of Mu En.

The distance between the two was already close. At the speed of the flames, even with the speed of dragon wings, it was impossible for the little girl to avoid it.

But what surprised Mu En was that the little girl did not hide away.

Facing the black flames, her pale little face showed a cat-like expression of encountering something more terrifying, but soon, the fear was replaced by endless ferocity.

She let out that strange and mixed roar again, and then her figure... suddenly expanded!

No, it's not inflation.

But there were countless suture marks on her body, and at this moment, they cracked!


The scales shimmering with cold steel rubbed and rolled rapidly, making a harsh sound of gold and iron. These huge scales emerged from the seams, like a group of giant centipedes entangled with each other, wrapping the little girl in them. , a sphere appeared, rushing towards Mu En!

"Defense is of no use to me!"

Mu En smiled coldly, pointed at the giant scale ball, and closed his palms.

In an instant, the swaying black flames fell on the ball, happily eating away at the seemingly extremely solid defenses. Mu En controlled the black flames and could clearly feel the impact of the scales from the powerful monsters on the black flames. It didn't have any effect, and it was almost burned away in just a few breaths.

This kind of joy that seemed to be able to burn the world to the ground gave Mu En's soul a sense of elation, wishing that there would be no more restrictions and letting the black flames use all things as fuel to burn everything.

But Mu En quickly suppressed this feeling.

He is here to control power, not to be controlled by power. If he is so easily dazzled by the power of the black flame, then what is the meaning of his hard training all this time?

He still remembers what the old Loli said.

Mu En continued to concentrate on urging the sun wheel, aiming at the little girl who had no way out, and launched the final attack.

The flames surge again!



The sound of flesh being torn apart and the sharp pain coming from his chest made Mu En's eyes widen in disbelief.

A sinister bone spear pierced through the gap where the black flames surged and jumped, piercing Mu En's chest.

Through the gap where the black flames surged and jumped, Mu En saw more scales or limbs of the monsters extending from the suture marks on the little girl's thin body, rushing towards the burning black flames like moths to a flame.

And during the time when those limbs resisted, or "burned by the black flames", the little girl's face was hideous, and she was like a complete monster, swooping down on Mu En.

"Is that so... Is this also the instinct brought to you by the beast blood?"

In an instant, Mu En understood.

The little girl did seem to have lost her reason and ability to think, but the instinct brought to her by the beast blood in her body, just like the first time she faced the black flames, found the only weakness of the black flames for her.

That is... the burning of the black flames requires a process.

In other words, the level of black flames that Mu En can use now cannot completely engulf her in an instant.

Therefore, she can gain space for herself by constantly "surviving at the end of the segment".

And the premise for being able to do this is...

"How much stuff did those guys sew into you?"

The expensive and powerful monster limbs were actually treated as consumables like this. Even Mu En, a prodigal son who claimed to be a good family, couldn't help but denounce this prodigal behavior.

At the same time, he felt more and more pity.

However, Mu En also clearly realized...

This little girl, or the beast blood in her body, is more terrible and dangerous than he had imagined before.

The beast blood with such a terrifying vitality and a large number of sutured monster limbs, this combination created this unspeakable terrible monster in front of him.

If she hadn't encountered the black flame that was extremely restrained by comparison, and even directly cut off her food source, her terrible degree, in terms of destructive power alone, would probably have exceeded the Indra King clone at that time.

If any ordinary fifth-level warrior came here, he would probably have become the opponent's food.

But I... am only in the late third level!

"Sure enough, there are more perverts in this world than just me... Although I don't think I'm a pervert."

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