Mu En grabbed the bone spear inserted into his chest, and the black flame jumped, swallowing the bone spear instantly. At the same time, the elf-like flames wandered over his body, recovering from his injuries at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Mu En looked at the fierce little girl who rushed over, and a ferocious smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"I'm not afraid of anyone more than going crazy!"

Mu En stepped suddenly, and the black flames tore through the little girl's defense. In the stalemate between the black flames and the limbs, Mu En held two knives and took the initiative to meet them.

Sure enough, the collision between the blade and the claws, the splashing of blood and sparks, made people even more...


Mu En frowned suddenly.

Because he heard a very sharp sound coming from a certain direction.

The sound seemed to come from some kind of musical instrument, but the tone was very rigid, like a whistle, but this strange sound went straight into his mind when Mu En was concentrating on the battle in front of him.

This feeling was like when you were about to reach the peak of doing that thing, the phone beside you suddenly rang.

Of course, it was your own phone that rang that made you feel annoyed by being disturbed. If the other person's phone rang, you would probably be more excited.

What surprised Mu En was that the little girl seemed to have heard the sound. Her fierce attack suddenly stopped, and her face turned slightly in the direction of the sound, as if she was listening to something.

Then, the little girl let out a long howl, and more scaled limbs emerged from her body, and then expanded rapidly, pushing the black flame to spread to the edge, creating a gap in the black flame in a short time, and she instantly abandoned those monster limbs, flashed her dragon wings, and got out of the gap.

"Are you going to... escape?"

Mu En reacted instantly, and his expression sank.

At this point, how could I let you leave?

Not being able to fly is a common flaw among warriors and reckless men. Mu En held the hilt tightly, aimed the two knives at the little girl in the air, and threw them violently.

The pure white blade cut through the space and almost instantly reached the little girl.

The little girl's attention was attracted by the blade, and her body shook, subconsciously dodging.

And it seemed that she had just discarded too many monster limbs at once, so her movements at this moment seemed a little stiff. When Mu En urged her to full speed again, he actually succeeded in getting close to her.

Mu En hugged her and said fiercely:

"Leave it to me...!"

The dark flames rose from his body again. Mu En forcibly controlled the struggling little girl and looked at her.

In Mu En's dark pupils, a star-like fire ignited, and at the same time, some fire appeared in the pale and dead eyes of the little girl.

It was the black flame that began to burn the little girl's soul.

The burning of the soul level, the little girl could no longer cut off her tail to survive, and her small body uttered a shrill and painful whine, but as the residue of the soul after burning, or some fragments of the soul, flowed into Mu En's consciousness along the black flames...

Kill kill kill kill kill kill...

Die die die die die...

Blood blood blood blood blood blood...

It hurts so much so much so much so much...

The endless murderous intent, endless desire, endless pain and wail, mixed in those soul fragments, like a fierce poison, corroded Mu En's spirit that was already on the verge of collapse.

The sun was high, the pages of the book were turning, and the fierce poison was soon eliminated, but Mu En was shaken by this sudden invasion, and instinctively retracted the black flame outside his body.

"That is..."

Mu En was stunned for a moment, and his consciousness regained clarity.

Then, he saw that perhaps because he had taken away some of the essence, one of the little girl's eyes was no longer pale and dead. She looked at him with confused and tender eyes, and a drop of warm tears flowed out.


Her lips moved, as if she was saying something.


But before Mu En could hear clearly, the little girl in his arms suddenly exploded, split into countless pieces of flesh and blood, and sank into the darkness of the lower city, disappearing.

"Damn... What kind of Heavenly Demon Disintegration Escape Method is this..."

Mu En shook his hands in the void, fell from a high altitude, and fell to the ground.

He looked at his hand that was not holding anything, and smiled miserably.

"I was forced to attack the soul of a poor girl and failed. I really... do I need to practice more..."

152, step by step

"This is the mansion of Marquis Dion."

The black carriage stopped silently in front of a gorgeous manor house. Wei Er stuck her head out of the window, looked around, and confirmed.

"Marquis Dion..."

In the carriage, Cecilia was still staring at the paper with names recorded one by one, muttering to herself, and there were already several names on it, which had been crossed out just now.

There are not many left, but they are all hard bones to chew.

Dion, an old aristocratic surname of the empire, was a prosperous and powerful family that held most of the power of the empire with its own strength hundreds of years ago. At that time, Duke Frederick Dion, the then prime minister of the empire, united the nobles and supported spokesmen to insert his hands into various fields of the empire. His glory even overshadowed the royal family. His power and reputation were unimaginable.

It was only during the subsequent imperial turmoil and foreign wars that the emerging aristocracy led by the Campbell family suddenly emerged. In addition, the royal family was also wary of the increasingly bloated old-school aristocrats, and began to consciously suppress them. After a bloody transfer of power. After the reshuffle, the Dion family gradually declined and was swept into the dust of history.

However, even today, although the family is far less glorious than in the past, the Marquis's status is still unshakable, and he still maintains a great influence on the political situation of the empire secretly.

"It is said that Frederic Dion's head was chopped off by the first Campbell himself."

Celcia curled up the corners of her mouth and instructed Weier:

"Go to Tongming."

"In whose name?" Weier blinked.

"In the name of the third princess of the empire, Celcia Leopold."


Wei'er jumped out of the carriage with a bang.

Soon, with a clear bell ringing, the exquisitely decorated yet grand door opened. Under the leadership of an elderly gentleman, a group of servants bent down and waited respectfully on both sides of the door.

"No, I didn't know that His Highness came to visit late at night and was a little neglectful. He wanted to atone for his sins."

The old man wiped his sweat and quickly came to the carriage. Under the signal from his eyes, a servant skillfully crawled under the door.

Celecia opened the curtain and said expressionlessly:

"Change the stool, I don't have the habit of stepping on people."

"Yes...yes, I'll change it now."

The old man glared at the servant angrily, and soon, a small gold-encrusted stool was placed in front of Celecia. Celecia refused the middle-aged man's support and stepped out of the carriage lightly.

"His Royal Highness came to visit late at night to..."

The man asked tentatively.

"Who are you……"

"I...I am the butler of the mansion, Baron Arnold."

"Butler...I came to visit in person, and the Dion family sent a butler to greet me?"

Celcia glanced casually:

"In your eyes, is my status as a princess so insignificant?"

"no no……"

The butler's face suddenly turned pale: "Actually, there is something going on in the mansion right now. It is inconvenient for the Marquis to see people, but he has told me to use the highest standards of etiquette to receive His Highness."

"No one is here, how dare you say it is of the highest standard?"


"Or...what the Marquis is shameful?"

" is it possible?"

The butler's forehead was covered with cold sweat:

"My master has always abided by the law and has never violated the laws of the empire. Your Highness's words are purely conjecture."

"In that case... no matter what it is, let the owner of this mansion come to see me."

Celcia stared coldly into the housekeeper's eyes and said word by word:

"Now, immediately, immediately."


The butler's cheek twitched a few times, and finally he looked fearful and lowered his head in reply:

"I will bring the conversation to you, Your Highness."

Under the leadership of the housekeeper, Celicia and Weier came to the special reception room of the mansion. However, Celcia soon said that the reception room was too stuffy, so the housekeeper's servant took her to visit the mansion.

The housekeeper, who had already experienced Celecia's domineering nature, naturally did not dare to refuse.

"President, President."

While wandering along, Weier suddenly tugged on Celecia's sleeve and lowered her voice:

"Why do you feel more domineering today than before?"

"Have it?"

"Hmm, although you used to be cold and cold, you were rarely so domineering."

Weier held her cheek and said in fascination:

"I feel like my XP is about to be changed by you, President. Oh, no, if I fall in love..."

"Shut up."


"Perhaps in front of outsiders, I did feel a bit overwhelming today."

Celcia's cold eyes glanced at the butler not far away who nodded and bowed to introduce the various collections of the mansion to her, and sneered:

"But these cunning old foxes, if you don't give them a little pressure, they won't show their flaws."

"I see."

Weier crossed her arms and nodded solemnly, pretending that she already understood:

"As expected of the president!"


"here it is……"

After visiting for a while, everyone came to a magnificently decorated hall.

"This is also a living room, but it is not private. It is a place where the Marquis holds banquets. The overall style here was personally determined by Master Dolagher. Every piece of pattern decorated on the surrounding walls is made of fine materials. …”

Celcia ignored the housekeeper's chatter and went straight to a wall in the front of the hall.

This can be said to be the most conspicuous place in the entire hall. Two staircases extend upward from both sides. It can be imagined that when the banquet begins and the host appears from here, all eyes will involuntarily focus on this side. on the wall.

On this wall, specimens made from the heads of various rare animals are hung, as well as various extremely rare collections from the outside world, to demonstrate the identity and taste of the owner.

White elephants, white lions, skulls of monsters, head-sized luminous pearls, dragon scales, and...

"What is this position?"

Celecia suddenly raised her hand and pointed to the center of the wall.

Obviously, the most precious collection should be hung there, but it is empty. One can only vaguely see traces of what was there before.

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