
The butler hesitated and looked around.

Celcia's eyes turned cold and she was about to press for questioning when a steady voice came from above:

"That was my father's favorite collection."

Celcia looked up and saw a well-dressed middle-aged man slowly walking down the stairs. He walked up to Celcia, held his chest respectfully and saluted:

"Good evening, Your Highness Celcia."

"Your honor, Master Sharp."

Célicia returned the favor and recognized this person as the eldest son of Marquis Dion, Sharpe Dion. He had also studied at Santa Maria College, but he had graduated many years ago. The two had met several times and were considered old acquaintances.

"You said this is your father's favorite collection, but what about it now?" After some greetings, Celecia continued to ask on the topic just now.

"Now... I don't know either. It is said that it was stolen by a thief who came to the house and disappeared."

"Stealing? It's interesting. There are actually thieves who dare to steal things in the Marquis's mansion, and they steal such big things."

A flash of ridicule flashed in Celcia's eyes, and she glanced at the wall with her peripheral vision. Judging from the shadow outline left behind, she estimated that the collection was at least half a person tall, and probably... it should also be a head specimen of some kind of beast.

An extremely rare beast.

"So, what exactly was this originally?"

"have no idea."

Seemingly knowing that his reason was not very tenable, Sharp smiled awkwardly:

"I don't know the specifics. After all, my father usually lives in this mansion. I rarely come back and I only have a general impression of the things here, so I can't answer your highness's question perfectly."

"...It's okay, I'm just asking."

Celcia's eyes flickered.

After the two chatted for a while, they finally got to the point.

"So, His Highness doesn't hesitate to visit in the dark. Is there something wrong?"

Sharp said with great attitude:

"If you need any help, the Dion family will do whatever they can."

"It's...actually nothing."

Celcia took the coffee brought by the servant, shook it, and put it back:

"It's very simple. I want to meet Marquis Dion."


Sharp's expression suddenly froze: "Meeting father...Didn't Arnold tell His Highness? Father...it's not convenient to see guests now."

"I said that, so I'm even more curious now."

Celcia stared into Sharp's eyes and said in a soothing tone:

"What is it that makes Marquis Dion reach this point where he just sends you out to deal with it and still refuses to come out to see me in person? He really looks down on me...or, in other words, looks down on the emperor..."

"Your Highness, be careful what you say!"

Sharp immediately straightened his back: "The Dion family has absolutely no idea in this regard!"

"Then why don't you see me? Are you sick? Of course I have to come and visit on behalf of the royal family, or... what he is doing now... is it really shameful?"

"No, Your Highness, you really misunderstood!"

Sharp was sweating profusely, his previous calmness was gone, and he seemed to not know how to answer.

But Celcia had no intention of letting him go. As the atmosphere became colder, she seemed to become more and more impatient.

"Don't answer? Then I will have to get the matter this time..."

"I...I said!"

Sharp looked helpless, and finally gave up struggling, and sat down on the sofa dejectedly:

"I can say it, but His Highness must promise me not to leak any information about this matter."


Celecia raised her eyebrows, thought for a moment, and agreed, "Okay. Weier, you go out first."

"...Oh." Weier puffed her cheeks and stared at the housekeeper beside her, and the two left together.

In the spacious ballroom, the nearest wall is at least 20 meters away, so there will be no possibility of any partition walls having ears. Celecia waited quietly for Sharp to speak.


Sharp wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a wry smile:

"Father, he passed away due to illness not long ago."




Celecia was startled, her pupils narrowed.

Even she didn't expect that after asking for a long time, she would get such an answer.

"What do you mean? You said that Marquis Dion...is dead?"

Celecia stood up suddenly and said with a cold expression:

"How is this possible? A marquis has passed away. I haven't received any news about such a big event, and even the entire aristocratic social circle has not heard anything at all?"

"Your Highness, calm down and listen to me first."

Sharp quickly comforted Celcia and said:

"There is no movement, of course, because since my father passed away, I have tried my best to hide this matter. It is normal for His Highness not to know."

"Keep it a secret..."

Celcia frowned in thought.

Marquis Dion has been out of the political circles of the empire a few years ago and has gradually faded out of the public eye. He has always been reclusive and rarely entertained other nobles. He also did not attend the ball held by the second prince not long ago. .

If he really died not long ago, then during this period, the Dion family did have the possibility and ability to block the news.


Celcia asked:

"Why should you hide such a big thing? According to common sense, you should hold the ceremony to inherit the title now."

"You can inherit the title at any time. As for why you kept it a secret..."

Sharp's expression became increasingly bitter: "It is precisely because this matter is too big. Your Highness should know what time it is now. The successor of that position is still pending, and the empire is in a turbulent time of power reshuffle. If the death of my father occurs, The news spread..."

"You are afraid of losing the Dion family where the old Marquis is sitting, in order to become fat in the eyes of those greedy hungry wolves."

Celecia quickly figured out the reason and answered.

"Yes, this is what my father told me before he died, and I just follow it."

"Indeed, this is an impeccable reason. I chose to block the news because I was afraid of being coveted by others..."

Celecia stroked her smooth chin and thought quickly.

If Marquis Dion had already passed away, many clues, including previous conjectures, would be overturned. After all, this road is no longer accessible.

Dead people can't do anything with the Li Council.

But... Celcia thought of the collection on the wall that seemed to symbolize something but disappeared, and blurted out:

"How do I know if this is true? After all, this is just your one-sided statement, isn't it?"

Sharp's expression suddenly changed: "Your Highness, what do you mean?"

"I mean……"

Celcia narrowed her beautiful eyes and said:

"Is there a possibility that Marquis Dion is really doing something secretly, and the death due to illness in your mouth is just because the old fox noticed something due to my arrival, so he faked his death as a reason to escape?"

In the night, the sound of flapping wings sounded, and the robin landed not far from Prince Andrew.

"The action is going to speed up."

Robin's expression was serious: "I just received news from the Speaker that the situation on his side is a little urgent and we can't delay it any longer."


Andrew, who was standing high up and looking at the night with his hands behind his hands, turned around and said with a half-smile:

"The speaker of the parliament in this hall is actually forced into an emergency situation?"

"The Speaker is just a mortal, so he naturally needs help."

Robin caressed his chest respectfully: "The truly special one is you, our Highness, you are the chosen one, the only one, the noble one."

Andrew's eyes flashed with satisfaction, but he pretended to be serious: "Shut up, I won't listen to your flattery."

"You are already wise and powerful, so naturally you don't listen to flattery."

"Haha, how are you preparing?"

"Everything is ready."

"What about the agents you placed around him? I don't want anything to go wrong."

"Also on standby."

"very good!"

Andrew laughed, stretched out his hand, and held the entire lower city in his palm: "In that case, then according to the plan, let's send my naive and ridiculous brother... for the last journey!"

153. Sacrifice

"May I have your name?"

In the speeding carriage, while Albert struggled to stabilize his body, he asked the man in black robe in front.


"What's your last name?"

"Your Highness, just call me Eken."

The hood of the black robe swayed with the strong wind, occasionally revealing a calm profile. Although there was no bloodline suppression, Eken's horse-controlling skills were obviously much more proficient than Mu En's, and the unruly dragon-blood horse was still displayed in his hands. Produces extremely fast speed and extremely high flexibility.


Albert was not annoyed by Aiken's indifference. He pondered for a moment and continued to ask:

"How much longer do we need?"

"Well...it depends on whether the other party is willing to let us pass early!"

Aiken's expression suddenly became serious, and he suddenly flicked the reins. The carriage suddenly swerved at a fork in the road and entered a road that was not in the original plan. As soon as the carriage turned around, the wall on the side suddenly collapsed, and a man The beastman suddenly jumped out, but was directly squeezed into the gravel by the side-turning carriage. The formation on the carriage was activated, and it was directly crushed into a ball of flesh.

The strong stench and extremely bloody scene made Albert's face turn pale.

"Your Highness, are you okay?"


With the help of Lavini, Albert still stabilized his mind, which made Eken take a closer look at the legendary eldest prince who suddenly returned to normal.

"Did you change the path again just now?"

"There's nothing we can do about it. We can't step into each other's trap."

As he said that, Aiken's eyes flashed:

"It's very strange. We have obviously released two other disguised baits, but why doesn't the pressure on our side feel reduced at all?"

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