"You shouldn't be here too..."

Albert hid Lauvini slightly behind him and became alert.

"I said that Lawini will never betray me, and she has been by my side just now. She has no chance to tip off the enemy. If you have doubts, you should first doubt yourself!"

"Your Highness misunderstood."

Aiken glanced at Lawini, who was pretending to be calm, and said:

"Now is not the time for our internal strife. What I mean is that if our intelligence is not leaked, it can only mean that the power used by the other party is much stronger than we imagined, and even...strong enough to take care of all three at the same time. direction."

As soon as he finished speaking, the carriage suddenly shook violently, and several more beastly beasts appeared out of nowhere, pounced on the carriage, and used their claws and fangs to launch a desperate attack on the carriage.

"Damn it, how many more of these monsters are there?"

Aiken cursed angrily and shouted:

"Don't hold back! Protect His Highness! Anyone who gets close will die!"

The figures of the people in black robes guarding the carriage flashed past, and the splendid magic light illuminated the dark alley, and the beast-turned-human beings turned into flying pieces of meat.

But the magic light seemed to be some kind of guide in the darkness. Along with the sharp sound of breaking through the air, magic-breaking arrows shot out one after another, constantly nailing the carriage. As more and more attacks were resisted, the carriage The flowing formations are getting darker and darker, almost on the verge of collapse.

"Damn it, there's someone watching in the dark!"

Aiken also ordered his men to try their best to block the demon-breaking arrows. If the defense of the carriage failed, Albert would be in even greater danger.

"That does not work."

During the fierce battle, Aiken was always paying attention to his surroundings, watching his subordinates continue to consume magic power and fighting spirit as they dealt with the number of beast shifters that seemed to have not decreased at all. They even bothered to resist the demon-breaking arrows and were wary of those who might secretly attack at any time. other people.

If this continues, they will all die here within a few minutes.

"The other party is driving these beast shifters just to consume and hold us back. If we continue to struggle like this, we will definitely die here!"

"What should we do?"

Albert finally looked a little flustered and asked.

"Gotta get rid of them."

Aiken said:

"After passing the street in front, there is one of the backup plans arranged by Mr. Bruce. It is a tunnel. Through the tunnel, you can go directly to the place only one block away from the destination!"


Albert's eyes lit up, and then he asked: "But why not dig directly to the destination?"

"not enough time!"

Elken replied:

"In fact, Mr. Bruce probably didn't expect that we would eventually be forced to use that method. However, now is not the time to care about that. We have bigger problems to face!"

"what is the problem?"

"That's how to enter the tunnel! If we can't get rid of these people, there is no possibility of us entering. There is no way that a carriage can pass through that tunnel!"


Albert also fell silent.

Although he is just an ordinary person, with his wisdom, he has a very clear understanding of the crisis situation at this moment. Naturally, he also understands that if he cannot temporarily get rid of the pursuers, let alone enter the tunnel, as long as the carriage stops for a moment, it will definitely You will be completely dragged down by those rabid dog-like beast-shifters, as if you are stuck in a quagmire, and can no longer move forward!

However, what should we do with the opponent's dragnet and people like us...

"I'll go."

At this time, Lavini, who had been behind Albert, suddenly broke the silence, took a long breath, and said:

"Let me be the bait."

"What, Winnie, you..."

Albert's expression changed and he grabbed Lao Weini's arm: "You don't have to..."


Lavini interrupted Albert, her pretty face was as white as snow, and she tried to calm down, but she could still feel the tremor in her tone:

"This is the only way. As Mr. Aiken said, if you want to get rid of them, someone must lure these people away, at least partly to share the pressure. And I am the maid beside His Highness. If I act as the bait, No matter what, the other party must take my bait.”

"I won't let you go!"

Albert said sharply:

"You know what this means. If you go to be a bait, what's the difference between that and death? Those people won't let you go!"

"I'm also a warrior, so I don't get into trouble that easily."

Lavini grabbed Albert's palm, pulled it away from her arm little by little, looked into Albert's eyes, and smiled softly:

"What's more, as long as His Highness can be safe, all my efforts will be worth it."

"But then..."

"Your Highness, let me go."

Lawni begged again:

"You still have things you need to do, don't you? You can't fall here."


Albert's lips moved and he stared straight at her. He was stunned for a long time. He wanted to say something, but couldn't. In the end, he could only lean against the wall of the carriage slumped.

He also understood that what Lawini said was indeed the best way.

"Obviously...we clearly agreed."

"Don't worry, Your Highness, I will be back, trust me."

Lawini repeated the promise they had made, and then quickly looked at Erken:

"Mr. Aiken, where is the location of that tunnel?"

Aiken took a deep look at Lavini and said thoughtfully: "About five hundred meters away, the backyard of Frankie's Tavern leads to the basement of Dolan's shop. It is very hidden there. We will escape from there."

"Very good, then please send a person of similar stature to His Highness to follow me, and find an opportunity to let me off the carriage. I will try to lure as many enemies away as possible, but whether I can break out of the encirclement next depends on you. ”

Aiken pondered for a moment and nodded: "This is indeed the best way. Don't worry, I will escort His Highness to the location safely. I won't hesitate to risk my life."


Lavini smiled softly, then turned back and looked sadly at Albert, who was staring at her angrily:

"Your Highness, can I hug you again?"


"If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your consent."

Lavini leaned forward, wrapped her arms around Albert's neck, and rubbed his cheek lovingly.

However, time was tight, so she could only taste the warmth briefly. Finally, she stood up, adjusted his collar skillfully, and said softly:

"Your Highness, I believe in you, you will succeed, definitely."


All of Albert's anger disappeared, leaving only pain. His fists suddenly clenched, and the veins on the back of his hands kept beating, but in the end he was still unable to give the order for her to stay.

154. Betrayer

Wordlessly, Lavini put on a black robe, carried a man in black robes who was about the same size as Albert on her back, and took advantage of the opportunity when others around her temporarily pushed back the enemy, in a dark corner. Quickly get off the carriage.

This time, she didn't look back and quickly shuttled through the shadows.

The cold wind blew in the night, and her hood swayed, sometimes revealing a smooth chin and perky breasts.

Deep in the night, a whisper sounded.

"It's a woman and she wants to escape."

"She should be the maid next to the eldest prince. The one behind her is the eldest prince? They have similar body shapes."

"It's impossible to say for sure. It may be a deliberate inducement."

"We must not let him go if we deliberately seduce him. Even if there is a one-in-a-thousandth chance, we must not let the eldest prince have the possibility of escaping. Send someone to chase him."


The figure swayed and chased after Lavini. Aiken, who was driving the carriage, remained calm, but he could clearly feel that the pressure around him was suddenly relieved a lot.


He took a deep breath, caught the moment when several beast shifters pounced on him at the same time, and shouted:

"Do it!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a deafening explosion instantly drowned out all the noise deep in the streets. Several alchemy bombs and magic scrolls that had been prepared were activated at the same time, and the blazing fire suddenly made half of the city as bright as day.

The raging heat pushed away all obstacles, and the dazzling fire obscured the vision. Taking advantage of this only opportunity, Aiken waved the reins, like a dancer dancing on the tip of a knife, driving the carriage, rushing left and right, relying on the excellent performance of the carriage , walked away from the gap just opened.

"This is it."

After temporarily getting rid of the enemy, the group switched to walking and quickly reached their destination.

“Domino Restaurant…”

Albert looked at the sign above his head, his face suddenly gloomy:

"This isn't the Frankie's Tavern you were talking about!"

"I lied to that woman."

Aiken said expressionlessly:

"Frankie's Tavern is down the street, there's nothing there, it's just a place I went to have a drink once."

"Asshole! You still don't believe Lawini, she has obviously made that kind of sacrifice!"

Albert punched Eken, but he raised his hand to catch it easily:

"I'm very sorry, Your Highness, but this is not because of distrust, but for your safety. Even if I chose to sacrifice my subordinates at that time, I still would not tell him the correct location."


Albert was like a furious beast, staring at Erken, his lips moving, as if he wanted to curse something, but his good upbringing ultimately prevented him from saying that curse word.

In the end, he could only put down his hands in despair, and lowered his head as if several bones had been pulled out of his whole body.

"I understand, let's go."

"Thank you for your understanding, Your Highness. Please be careful, it's very dark ahead."

The tunnel is dark and damp, and you can feel a little soft when you step on the soil. It is obvious that it has only been opened recently.

Aiken led the way with a lantern, Albert was protected in the middle, and others followed behind him.

Soon, the tunnel came to an end. Erken jumped lightly, pushed open a layer of wood, and cautiously looked around before turning around and reaching out to pull Albert.

Albert seemed a little disgusted, but because his weak body could not even go up to this height, he finally took Erken's hand and was pulled up by him.

After a few people walked out of this quiet courtyard, Albert looked up and found that this was indeed not the so-called Dolan's store.

"Your Highness, please see, as long as you walk there, you can reach the banquet venue arranged by Marquis Angus today. There are already nobles arriving at this time. As long as Your Highness comes in contact with them, they will not dare to act rashly again."

Following Eken's guidance, Albert saw the vaguely lit outline of a building not far away, and even seemed to have heard the faint sound of music and conversation, and the tight string in his heart could not help but relax a lot.

But when he thought of Lawini, whose life or death was unknown, the bitterness on her face replaced the excitement of being out of danger.

"Heh... I did escape, I escaped by sacrificing a woman..."

"Your Highness, I'm sorry."

Looking at Albert's appearance, Aiken sighed and comforted him:

"Miss Lawrence may not be in trouble. After the other party finds out that it's not you, they will most likely capture Miss Lawrence alive. So only if you are safe, there will be no mediation..."


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