A sudden sharp sound of breaking through the air suddenly interrupted Aiken's words.

His face changed, and he quickly rushed towards Albert who was standing still.

Blood splattered, and Aiken let out an uncontrollable groan of pain.

Albert's lips trembled, and he was stunned for a while before lowering his head. Aiken, who was shot through the shoulder by a magic arrow, appeared in his field of vision.

"Are you... okay?"

"Damn, I'm fine for now."

Aiken looked ferocious, broke the arrow, staggered to his feet, and shouted:

"Everyone be alert, enemy attack!"

Without Aiken's reminder, the well-trained black-robed people had already reacted at the moment of the change, and surrounded Albert to take a defensive posture.

But the crisis of the situation was beyond their imagination.

As the silence around was broken, a little fire illuminated the surroundings, and everyone saw countless pairs of dark green pupils and scarlet bloodthirsty mouths.

A large number of beastmen had surrounded this place, and in the farther place, a figure vaguely passed by and approached quickly.

"Why... why, isn't it said that this place is very hidden and won't be discovered?" Albert murmured in a low voice.

"I don't know either. The other party seems to have been waiting for us here for a long time... but now is not the time to care about this."

Aiken shouted again:

"Break through, protect His Highness to break through!"

The fighting started again.

The black-robed people held weapons and fought with those fierce beasts.

Every time the cold light flashed, there was always foul-smelling blood splattering and broken bodies falling.

Everyone was in a defensive posture, repelling the local attack while slowly moving towards the edge.

But this time, the black-robed people's defense was obviously much more difficult.

Losing the powerful protection of the special carriage, and having to consider not affecting the eldest prince who was an ordinary person, just as Mu En had expected before, in this state, it was difficult for everyone to exert their full strength, let alone protect Albert to break through.

"This won't work, no..."

Albert's eyes reflected the scene of the black-robed people fighting hard, sometimes someone was outnumbered and could not hold on, and was drowned in the beast tide.

He suddenly gritted his teeth:

"No, you have to push the front out, you can't be squeezed in this area, otherwise you will die sooner or later!"

"But your highness..."

"Don't worry about me, I'm a prince, I also have ways to protect myself."

Albert took out a jade ornament, and a bright light bloomed, forming a faint defensive barrier.

The bloodthirsty monster hit the defensive barrier, and the ferocious fangs were revealed in the torn mouth. Albert's expression was tense, and he struggled to maintain the expensive magic device, but his steps were still strong.

Aiken and his subordinates looked at each other, and their spirits were lifted. They began to attack with all their strength and pushed towards the periphery.

But...even if there is no need to worry about Albert for the time being, the difference in numbers still makes people feel desperate.

The few people are like small boats in a storm, and they may capsize at any time in this cold night...




Accompanied by the continuous sound of flesh and blood piercing, one beast after another suddenly fell slowly in front of everyone.

Their only faces that resembled humans were still stagnant with the distortion and hideousness of the flesh. The dark holes on their foreheads were filled with blood and some disgusting red and white things. It seemed that at the last moment of their lives, they did not know that death was coming.

"This... this is..."

Aiken's eyes lit up, as if he understood something, and he excitedly joined the slaughter of the beastmen.

Soon, the beastmen who entered the courtyard were temporarily cleared, and a familiar figure finally appeared in front of everyone.

It was a figure wearing a black dress, with a slightly tall hat on his head, covering most of his face. He held a magic-breaking spear that he picked up casually in his hand, and at this moment, the originally black spear had been completely dyed red.

"It seems that I came in time, everyone... and Your Highness, are you okay?"

The figure pushed the tall hat, revealing the deep-lined Slavic face.


"My Lord!"

Everyone was excited. Although they had expected it long ago, they were completely relieved after seeing that face.

"Are you... okay?"

Albert was keenly aware that Mu En was in a bad state at the moment. His complexion was obviously pale, and his eyes were bloodshot as if he had just stayed up all night for several nights.

"It's okay for now, but I'm a little exhausted."

Mu En rubbed his temples and looked around:

"So, who can tell me... why you were surrounded by these guys, and at the exit of the hidden tunnel I carefully prepared? According to common sense, this location should not be leaked to the enemy."

"We are not very clear about this..."

Aiken organized his words and told Mu En what happened just now in the shortest possible words.

"So that's it... Did the maid choose to sacrifice herself?"

Mu En touched his chin and pondered for a while: "But are you sure she sacrificed herself, not taking the opportunity to escape?"

"Are you still suspicious of Lawvini?"

Albert said angrily:

"Didn't Eken just say that the addresses he told Winnie were all false? Since the addresses Winnie knew were all false, then she betrayed us? Shouldn't you doubt your own people first? You know, this real address is only for you..."

"Your Highness, calm down."

Mu En raised her hand and patted Albert's shoulder: "When it comes to Miss Lavini, you seem to be particularly easily excited."

"I'm not excited, I'm just angry!"

Albert took a deep breath: "Laovini has done so much for me, but why don't you let her go? Do you really have to die for me completely before you..."

"It's not that I won't let her go, it's just that at this time... huh?"

Mu En, who was about to say something, suddenly focused his eyes and looked at the position of Albert's neck: "Your Highness, can you tell me what is on your collar?"


Albert was stunned and wiped his collar casually.

Then, his movements stiffened, because he suddenly touched a small, cold round object under the folds of his collar, but this thing... was definitely not a button.

"This...what is this?"

Albert took off the round object, which was slightly smaller than a button and was obviously made of metal, and placed it in the palm of his hand.

He seemed to have noticed something, and his lips began to tremble slightly.

Mu En reached out and took it, explored it, and suddenly sneered:

"What else could it be? It's just a small, exquisitely crafted magic locator."


155. Good evening, sir.

"Magic locator...how could it be, how could it be...Weini...how could you..."

After listening to Mu En's explanation, Albert immediately stayed where he was, his face even paler than when he was facing a desperate situation just now.

The magic locator, just like its name, does not have any special function. It just continuously emits a magical aura that can be detected in a specific way, making it convenient for the decorator to accurately determine the target location at any time.

"Now, Your Highness, you should understand that we have not wronged anyone. If we have the opportunity to hide this thing in your collar, I think... besides her, there will be no other person."

Albert trembled, as if he was remembering something, his lips moved, but he could no longer find any words to refute.

He was not a fool. With such clear evidence right in front of him, what else could he say?

"So... was it the time for the hug?"

Aiken murmured, and then bowed his head in front of Mu En with a look of shame:

"I'm very sorry, Lord Bruce. Even though you have warned me, I still made this mistake. If I had discovered it in advance, I wouldn't have..."

"It has nothing to do with you, no one would have thought that Lawini would use such means."

Mu En waved his hand and said:

"However, it's really lucky. If I hadn't arrived in time, if I hadn't discovered this thing, then I would have really lost everything this time."

"Then what should we do next?"

Aiken's tone was solemn: "Since the other party knows our location, what will greet us next will definitely be a crazy siege. With our current manpower..."

He glanced around and saw that there were not many men available at the moment. He was wounded, and Lord Bruce was obviously very tired. Such a team would definitely not be able to go far in the face of Prince Andrew's tidal wave of attacks.

"I'll think of a way..."

Mu En held her chin, lost in thought.

Time passed by, and everyone knew that this place was not safe. Mu En also speeded up his thinking as much as possible. Even at this time, he activated the alchemy core in order to have more time to think.

Soon, his eyes fell on the magic locator in his hand.


A flash of light flashed in Mu En's eyes: "We can use this."

"Use this..."

Aiken also thought of something, and his expression changed slightly: "My lord, what you mean is..."

"We have been operating under the eyes of the other party, which may make the other party believe in the coordinates too much, so this time, I will be the bait."


Aiken immediately retorted, "This is too dangerous."

"This is the only way. When the cards of both sides have been revealed almost equally, it is the player's operation that determines the outcome."

Mu En played with the coordinates in his hand, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said softly: "The opponent is the dominant side. If you are too confident in the cards in your hand, you may ignore this. This is our chance of victory."

After the plan was formulated, everything started going in an orderly manner.

Before the second wave of enemies approached, Aiken used alchemy bombs to confuse his vision, and then under the cover of night, he took Albert away from another hidden road prepared by Mu En.

At the end of that road, Marquis Angus, whom he had contacted in advance, would come to meet them. It could be said that from the moment they successfully escaped early, most of the hope of victory was already in sight.

Mu En, on the other hand, led the others to stay, follow the original path, carry the coordinates, and act as bait.

"In order to prevent some lycanthropes with sensitive sense of smell from getting in the way, just to be on the safe side..."

There were no outsiders here, so Mu En took out Elizabeth and stroked it on her palm.

Blood flows.

The faint smell of blood drifted into the night with the breeze.

Mu En closed her tired eyes, calmed down the restless mental energy in her mind, and waited silently.

Soon, in the silence, the low roar of the beast was heard.

Just as Mu En expected, his blood was mixed with unknown things, which was extremely attractive to these bloodthirsty beast-turned-humans.

Further away, the shuttle figures were approaching. They had no doubt that the location provided by the coordinates was about to impose cruel sanctions on the poor eldest prince.

"This is……"

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