"Father's body."

Sharp's face still had a hint of offended anger, and behind him was a thick and gorgeous coffin.

Celecia walked over and through the crystal coffin lid, she could see the skinny old man sleeping with his eyes closed surrounded by flowers.

Memories flipped, and Celecia quickly recalled the face of Marquis Dion in her mind. She compared it carefully and confirmed that the person lying in the coffin was the Marquis Dion she wanted to visit during this trip.

It turns out...he is really dead.

Did you think too much before?

"Feel sorry."

Celcia had no expression on her face, stretched out her hand to touch the coffin, and her words were apologetic.

Even if she is a princess, offending a deceased person, or a once noble marquis, is still something that needs to be repented of.

"Does Your Highness still suspect that Father is cheating his death?" Sharp sneered.

"With the facts in hand, I naturally wouldn't dare."

Celcia thought about the body of Marquis Dion and bowed respectfully:

"I'm sorry for the offense this time. Please forgive me."

After paying homage in front of the coffin, Celcia said goodbye directly:

"I will have someone deliver an apology to the mansion later, so please forgive me and say goodbye first."

"Your Highness, won't you stay a little longer?"

Sharp made a loud sound and said:

"I see that you like drinking coffee very much. My father also liked drinking coffee when he was alive. He also collected a lot of high-quality coffee beans. Why don't you stay and taste it?"

"Time is tight, I have other things to do, thank you for your kindness."

Celcia didn't pay attention to Sharp's weirdness and walked out without any hesitation.

Since there is no harvest this time, I can only go to the next one...

"President, President..."

Just as he was thinking about it, Weier, who had run away to nowhere just now, suddenly came to Celecia and handed her a letter.

"That guy sent it here."


Celcia raised an eyebrow.

That guy?

At this time, he should be playing happily with Brother Andrew in the Lower City. Is there still time to hand him something?

Out of curiosity, Celcia opened the letter and flipped through it quickly, then her expression suddenly became solemn.

There was nothing complicated in the letter, not even a greeting. It just asked her to help find a person...or rather, a monster.

It comes with a photo, which looks very blurry. You can imagine the shaking and dim situation in which the photo-taking magic device left this photo.

However, you can still vaguely see that the so-called monster is a little girl with huge monster limbs sewn on her body, which looks terrifying.

"I see, is this the only test subject taken away from the research institute? With the powerful beast blood, the little girl can sew the limbs of monsters without any side effects. She sews...sews...the institute ...Beast blood...fusion..."

Celecia's habitually tapping fingers suddenly paused. As if she noticed something, she suddenly turned her head and looked at Sharp, who came to see him off out of courtesy.

"Master Sharp, there is one more question I would like to ask."

Celcia's expression at this moment was extremely serious, giving Sharp no room to refuse.

"About your past..."

"For now, let's call it a day."

In the increasingly dark streets, Mu En was covered in blood and her body was shaking. She held on to the wall and finally stabilized her body.

"This time, I really squandered it completely, not a drop is left."

Looking at the short-limbed corpses scattered around, Mu En couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He had just finished fighting that little girl, and then came to deal with these beast shifters and the assassins who assassinated Albert. Even though he always thought he was very durable, at this point, he still had to use his magic fighting spirit or the props on his body. , to the point where they are all used up.

It had been a long time since he had felt so weak.

Mu En crushed the coordinates in his hand and staggered away before the next wave of enemies arrived.

While walking, Mu En reviewed the entire night's duel in his mind.

This is not only a duel between individual strengths, but also a confrontation between two major forces.

In addition to these confrontations on the surface, there were countless bloody fights, which took place in the darkest place in the city. Both sides used their best methods.

But in general, Prince Andrew had the upper hand.

There is nothing that can be done about this. After all, even if Mu En has the support of the entire Duke's Palace, the other party is the prince after all, and the power he can use must definitely exceed Mu En.

"But...I tried my best."

Mu En finally put all these things behind him for the time being and was too lazy to think about it. He looked up at the still dark and deep sky and smiled to himself:

"For the rest, can we just look at the sky? My Goddess, for the sake of Liya, please protect me."

"But... haha, I am in a rare state of embarrassment when I am forced to look at the sky. If I calculate carefully, the odds of winning are quite high. After all, there is only the last block left. Even if I climb, Albert Climb it too."

"Speaking of which, the eldest prince never forgot about Lawni until the end. Should I say he was affectionate or stupid?"


Mu En, who was talking to himself to relieve the mental tear in his head, suddenly paused and looked not far away.

"Haha, what are you talking about? What's going on?"

Surrounded by several fallen lycanthropes, a mutilated corpse lay there quietly.

The large black robe had been torn and tattered, so Mu En recognized it at a glance...it was Lawini.

Mu En came closer and took a closer look, and found that she was even more miserable than he thought. Half of her body was covered with gnawing marks, and her internal organs were flowing out from the cracks. There seemed to be no possibility of saving her.

"It turned out to be like this. Did he abandon him after being used? Should I say, is this self-inflicted? He obviously has a prince who cares about me so much, but he still betrays him."

Mu En sighed, picked up a slightly larger black cloth and wanted to put it on Lawini.


"Huh? Not completely dead yet?"

When leaning over, Mu En saw that Lao Weini's lips moved slightly, as if she wanted to say something, so she moved her head slightly...

"Your Highness, we are just ahead."

In the hidden path, Aiken supported Albert and walked hurriedly.

After some covert sneaking, they moved forward quickly on this path carefully chosen by Mu En, without encountering any dangers or obstacles along the way.

And now, even Albert's ordinary senses can clearly see the spacious avenue at the end of this road, and the gorgeous carriages parked there behind the avenue...

That was the venue where Marquis Angus held a charity banquet. It was the destination of their trip and the place of victory.

Presumably Marquis Angus is waiting for them anxiously somewhere over there at this moment, and as long as they meet him, even the wanton Andrew will definitely have no choice but to give up and admit defeat.

It seemed that after thinking of this and experiencing a series of blows, Albert's eyes finally became brighter with a gloomy expression.


"Finally, finally, finally..."

"After losing so many things, after sacrificing so many people, and after a hard night's escape..."

"I'm finally going to win this game. I'm finally going to be the winner and trample that stupid brother under my feet... I think that's what you're thinking in your heart right now."

Suddenly, dazzling lights came on.

The road in front of him was cut off by a huge shadow.

Albert turned his head dully and saw a gorgeous chair at the end of the dazzling light source.

And on the seat was a sneering, familiar face.

The second prince, Andrew.


"Why am I here?"

Andrew grabbed Albert's words and laughed:

"I knew you were going to ask this... This is really a stupid question. Now, my dear brother, don't you understand?"

Andrew slowly clenched his palms and said with a ferocious smile:

"From the beginning to the end, no matter how you jump around, you have always been in the palm of my hand. Understand, my lord, you have no possibility of escaping. This has been like this from the beginning."

"From the beginning……"

Albert felt as if he had been struck by lightning, his expression extremely ugly: "Impossible, even if you get the support of the Council, your power cannot be so strong. Why...why..."

"But I'm right in front of you, right?"

Andrew walked down from the gorgeous chair with his hands behind his back, walked in step by step, walked slowly towards Albert, and admired his dejected look at the moment with interest.

"Your Highness, I will hold them off for you, you go first!"

Aiken suddenly roared and rushed towards Andrew.


The sharp claws penetrated his chest.

His face suddenly turned pale and stiff, and he turned his head with difficulty, discovering that the terrifying claw of a ferocious beast actually came from... a little girl.

"well done."

Andrew looked in admiration: "It is indeed a weapon made by the council. It's all thanks to you tonight."

The little girl didn't react at all, she just flicked the beast's claws, and Erken's voiceless body was thrown into the corner like a broken sandbag.

"Congratulations, Your Highness."

The robin landed on the little girl's head, stretched out its wings, and clapped eagerly:

"From now on, no one will be an obstacle to you."

"Haha, yes, no one will be an obstacle to me anymore."

Andrew opened his arms and let the blood-smelling night wind pave the way, intoxicated...enjoying this victory.

What should have been his own, but a guy suddenly appeared to snatch it from him. This anger was finally fully vented tonight.

After tonight, he will no longer have any obstacles to ascend to the top of the empire's power and ascend to... that throne.

"I still don't understand...why you know my location."

Albert gritted his teeth unwillingly and said: "If you really have this power, there is no need to be afraid of me."

"Oh, it seems you really want to be a wise man."

Andrew's smile became more exaggerated. The more unwilling and sad Albert became, the happier he became.

"Then let me tell you, dear brother, there is someone of mine by your side from beginning to end. As for who that person is...well, I don't think I have asked this yet."

Andrew clapped his hands:

"Robin, come and tell my brother who that person is. It just so happens that I also want to get to know my great hero. I will definitely reward you handsomely for what happened tonight!"


Robin was like a performer standing in the center of the stage, saying word by word:

"Our insider is actually..."

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