

"I didn't... betray His Highness."

"What did you say?"

Mu En's pupils shrank, and he suddenly grabbed Law Weini's bloody shoulder and shook it:

"Say it again?"

"I... know... you... suspect me... cough cough... but..."

Lao Weini, with a pale face, coughed out blood and her last breath, and said:

"I... absolutely didn't... betray His Highness... never... ever..."


Mu En whispered in surprise:

"You didn't betray, the betrayer is..."



"Yes, the betrayer is..."

"It's me."


The sharp weapon penetrated the flesh and blood.

Andrew's smile suddenly froze, and he lowered his head stupidly, looking at the hideous bone claw that pierced through him, the fishy and sweet blood gushed out of his throat, and he murmured in disbelief:

"What... what?"


Why did the weapon of the Council suddenly attack me?

And what did he mean?

"I said, the insider, the betrayer, the one who provided you with the location information from the beginning to the end... is me."

Albert smiled.

It was different from the peaceful smile he showed at the banquet.

It was different from the gentle smile in front of Lawini.

It was also different from the handsome smile he showed to Mu En.

It was a deep, obscure, complex, meaningful, and even a little scary smile.

It was like... a grinning old fox.

"Let me ask you, Sharp. I remember you were once the tutor of the eldest prince."

Sharp was stunned and replied:

"So what?"

"What did you teach Brother Albert?"

"Why are you asking these questions?"

"Stop talking nonsense and answer me directly."


Sharp was displeased again by Cecilia's rudeness, but due to Cecilia's identity, he could only answer truthfully:

"As for the normal royal courses, I think they are no different from what you have learned."

"How did Brother Albert learn?"

"How do I know? His It's not like you don't understand the situation. I can only say that I have taught you everything I should have taught you. "


Cecilia touched her chin and pondered for a while:

"Then the last question, have you ever taught my brother how to make coffee?"

"Make coffee?"

Sharp looked strange: "Your Highness, are you kidding me? Who would teach a prince how to make coffee for no reason? Does the prince need to make coffee himself?"


Cecilia closed her eyes, and all the information that Mu En told her after the banquet appeared in her mind, without missing a word.

After carefully recalling it, she took a deep breath: "Very good, I know."

After saying that, Cecilia turned around and left without stopping.

"Hey, hey, hey? What's wrong?"

Weier, who was still confused, jogged all the way and barely caught up with Cecilia's pace: "What happened, President?"

"Do you think that a person, no matter how talented he is, can suddenly awaken a skill he has never learned?" Cecilia suddenly asked.

"This... I don't think so."

Weier tapped her lips and said: "No matter how talented he is, he can't know everything when he is born."

"That's the problem."

Cecilia's expression was more serious than ever before:

"We have to hurry up, I hope it's not too late, my big brother Albert, there is a problem!"



"This is the new research data sent by Mr. Robin, Mr. Yaleul."

The new assistant twisted his slender waist and handed a stack of documents to Yaleul's desk.

Yerul, who was still drowsy, heard the words of new data, and sat up directly, patted the assistant on the buttocks, and then grabbed the documents to read.

"Okay, okay, very good, everything is normal, a month has passed, and everything is still normal!"

Yale became more and more excited, and finally even danced with joy:

"This shows that there is no problem with my research, no problem, this is a feasible way!"

"Why are you so excited, you old bastard."

The assistant rolled his eyes at Yale angrily.

"Humph, you don't understand. Do you know what this is? Do you know how much effort I put into this?"

Yale proudly swung the document in his hand and said loudly:

"Do you know what kind of tsunami this thing will cause in the outside world if it is exposed?"

"So powerful?"

Yale's words made his assistant interested, so he immediately came over and rubbed Yale's arm with his roundness:

"Don't keep me in suspense. Tell me, Mr. Yale."

"Okay, okay, since you are my assistant, I will tell you..."

Yale looked relieved and replied:

"Once, I was expelled from the Royal Academy because of this research, but I did not give up and continued to conduct research in secret."

"However, at that time, my research failed repeatedly, because I found that the human body would instinctively reject things that do not belong to itself."

Yale pointed to himself and continued:

"To solve this problem, I have thought of countless ways, and even thought of asking for help from the evil god, but the evil god's price is too high. I want to live a few more years and don't want to sell my soul..."

"Just when I was about to give up... that little girl appeared."

"Yes, it's the beast blood in her body!"

Yelul jumped onto the table and shouted excitedly: "The powerful effect of beast blood can perfectly neutralize this repulsion. I can even sew different creatures together, not to mention the small human internal organs..."

"And from this, my final research results were born, and it may even open the taboo of the door to immortality that no one has ever opened..."

"Yes, that is, based on the soul transfer "Transplanted..."




"Good evening, Your Highness."

The robin respectfully touched his chest and saluted: "As this idiot just said, from now on, there will be no obstacles on your way forward."

"Yes, it's a wonderful night."

Albert straightened his slightly messy collar and smiled:

"But, at this time, is it a bit strange to call me Your Highness, robin?"

"That's right."

The robin smiled and bowed again:

"Good evening, respected Mr. Speaker."

156. Funny curtain caller

"Why... why..."

The ferocious claws pierced the flesh, and the bright red color stained the sight.

An unexpected backstab brought Andrew the pain and fear he had never experienced before.

Clearly, half a minute ago, he was the most proud man in the world. He was about to eliminate his only opponent and ascend to the most honorable position in this country... But in just a moment, he fell from a high altitude to the bottom of the valley, and everything about him disappeared with the gradually dissipated vitality in his body.


Andrew looked at the robin in pain and anger, and asked with difficulty:

"Why...why did you betray me? And...what do you mean by what you just said? Why did you call him...speaker?"

"Oh, I almost forgot about you."

After talking for a few words, the man and the bird turned around, and the robin tilted his head in contempt. Instead of answering, he asked Albert next to him:

"What should we do with him? Kill him directly?"

"No hurry, play the whole play, count the time, the audience should also appear." Albert glanced at the end of the road and smiled.


The robin nodded: "In that case, it is not convenient for me to stay here, so I will go and deal with other things first. I still have to keep an eye on Yellul. That old man is restless."

"Go ahead."

"Be careful."

The robin moved quickly and flapped its wings, disappearing into the deep night.

Albert slowly approached Andrew, staring at him leisurely from left to right.

"You...what do you want?"

Andrew coughed up blood, his expression becoming more and more terrified.

Although he was usually very powerful, in fact...he didn't have much courage.

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