After all, during the Silent Moon incident, he would temporarily leave Belland due to "fear of heat". At this time, he no longer had the courage to speak harshly to his brother.

"Spare...spare me. The throne can be given to you. Please spare me..."

Andrew begged for mercy in a hoarse voice, and transparent liquid mixed with blood flowed down:

" are brothers. For the sake of us being brothers, spare my life, spare me..."

"You are indeed hopelessly stupid."

Albert interrupted Andrew and smiled sarcastically, "Don't you understand yet? I... am not your brother."


Andrew was stunned. He stared blankly at the man in front of him who had a face similar to his own. Thinking of the conversation he had just had with the robin, he finally came to his senses:

"Could it be that you..."

"Yes, it's what you imagined. Although it sounds hard to believe, it is the truth... But don't worry, Your Highness Andrew."

Albert leaned down and whispered in his ear:

"I will send you off to meet your dear brother soon. I hope you can get along well down there, but before that, please use your last remaining energy."

Andrew's eyes widened. Under the threat of death and the shock of knowing the truth, the intense fear made him subconsciously scream out.

However, Albert, who was close to him, suddenly flew out at this moment.

It was the little girl behind Andrew who suddenly took action and slapped Albert on the chest.


Andrew looked at this scene incomprehensibly again, wondering why the little girl rebelled again, but before he could react, a figure came quickly from the other end of the road.

"Your Highness!"

The tall, thin old man wearing a close-fitting luxurious dress moved quickly and quickly caught Albert in mid-air.

Following the old man, there was a tidal wave of noise and panicked shouts. Knights in silver armor and some nobles with strong cultivation rushed from the direction of the venue and quickly surrounded the place.

They looked at the scene taking place at this moment, their expressions were horrified at the same time, and they could not understand why the two princes, as the future heirs of the empire, were facing the desperate situation of death here at the same time.

"Your Highness, are you okay?"

"'s okay, I can't die."

Albert's mouth was stained with blood and he said weakly:

"Thank you, Lord Angus."

"I'm late."

Marquis Angus looked solemn as he looked up at Andrew, who was now dying, and the hideous-looking little girl behind him.

"So, what's going on here now."

"I, I'm not sure either."

Albert wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said with a bitter smile:

"Andrew wanted to kill me, but the monster under him seemed to suddenly lose control and began to attack regardless of the enemy or ourselves. Andrew was unsuspecting, so..."

Speaking of this, Albert's face showed heavy sadness.

It seemed like what happened just now had indeed dealt him a heavy blow.

"out of control?"

Angus frowned and quickly scanned the surroundings with his peripheral vision.

He saw the messy scene in the streets and alleys, and saw Erken lying on the ground. His eyes glanced at some extremely difficult-to-find marks in his black robe, and a hint of anger appeared in his eyes.

Those people were sent by that boy to protect His Highness Albert. They seemed to have died at the hands of this monster. This means... What His Highness Albert said is true?

His Highness Andrew, is he really going to suffer the consequences at this time?


After hearing Albert's words, Andrew suddenly struggled violently. He seemed to want to say something, but along with another burst of pain, the sharp claws that penetrated his body casually turned, directly knocking out his lungs without leaving a trace. All crushed.

He couldn't even take in air, so he could only make weird and meaningless sounds in his throat.

Andrew's vision dimmed quickly. The moment before his consciousness disappeared, he saw Albert struggling to get up and shouting to the surroundings:

"Leave me alone, hurry up, save him, save Andrew!"

"Your Highness, but..."

"But what, he is my brother! Do you want me to watch my brother die in front of me? Even if he wants to kill me, he is still my brother!"

Albert was extremely anxious and angry. He grabbed the man next to him to persuade him by the collar. He looked... really like an elder brother who was worried about his younger brother regardless of past grudges.

That young face was full of sincerity, with no flaw visible. Of course, neither the nobles who came quickly nor the knights who had already killed the little girl would doubt this man who had just woken up a month ago. Come on, the eldest prince is so weak and pitiful that he doesn't even have his own power, and he has just been hunted down all night.

"Your Highness is benevolent and righteous."

More people rushed towards the little girl, trying to save Andrew for whatever reason.

But at this moment, it is naturally too late.

Andrew glared at Albert bitterly, his body gradually becoming cold in extreme pain.

Just die.

The second prince, who was once very close to that position, never even felt the temperature of that chair, and died like this in an ordinary cold night.

Even in the end, he could only become the most amusing clown in this drama, and after his death, he had to take on countless insults and blame.

And the little girl behind him, after killing several people crazily, turned into countless pieces again and disappeared into the darkness. A large group of nobles and guards did not even leave the corner of her clothes.

I don’t know if it’s really because the little girl is so scary, or because Andrew’s death made some people realize something.

But when people die, the wheel of time will not stop.

Everyone still looked at this scene in disbelief, looking at each other in silence, but their expressions kept changing at this moment.

Everyone knew that after tonight, the whole of Belrand, no, it should be said that the whole empire... will change!

157, Deep Dark

"Help... Help..."

"Who will save me..."

"Ah, monster, don't come over..."

The night is still deep.

But the screams of fear and the strong smell of blood have broken the quiet tone of this city.

There were burning flames everywhere, screaming and fleeing people, flowing blood, and...monsters wandering in the darkness.

The monsters were hideous and terrifying, with bloodthirsty eyes. I don't know how many innocent people have become their food.

People had nowhere to escape, and finally they could only instinctively escape to the peaceful and quiet place on the other side of the river with charming lights.

"Please, lower the bridge..."

"I don't want to die yet, I don't want to die..."

"The monsters are coming, the monsters are coming! Bridge! Lower the bridge quickly."

The crowd at the bridgehead was getting bigger and bigger, and naturally attracted more beastmen to follow. The powerless people gathered here and humbly prayed to the guards on the other side of the bridge.

However, what responded to them was a face that was slightly pale because of fear, but still indifferent.

"The bridge cannot be lowered."

The man on horseback shouted to his subordinates:

"This is an order from above. We must not let those monsters and those rioters enter the upper city!"


A guard looked at the other side of the bridge and hesitated to say something, but the sharp whip had already landed on him, leaving a clear blood mark on his body.

"Do you want to disobey the order?"

The man roared:

"Or do you want to become one of those untouchables?"


The guard trembled, and finally lowered his head, not daring to say a word.

So the bridge symbolizing hope was finally suspended high and never fell. People gradually fell into despair in fear and cursing.

The hungry beastmen approached with a low roar, and the cries became more miserable. Some people were so scared that they didn't even have the strength to cry. They collapsed to the ground and prayed to the goddess in their hearts.

"Goddess, me, save my child..."

The prayer did not wait for the goddess' response, but the woman holding the swaddling clothes suddenly felt a chill on her cheek.

She opened her eyes and saw the vast snowflakes falling from the sky.

It's snowing? This season?

She reached out her hand blankly and caught a few snowflakes.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the snowflakes melted in her palms, which made her feel very warm.


The irrational beastmen would not stop because of the moving snow scene. They finally couldn't suppress their desire for blood food and rushed towards the crowd with a roar.

It seemed that a bloody feast was about to reappear here, and the magnificent scenery of hell was about to unfold here...



The cold voice instantly suppressed countless screams of fear.

The snowflakes fell, bringing reassuring warmth to ordinary people, but bringing...fearful extreme cold to the beastmen.



Frost freezes.

The pale frost flowers covered the entire street in just a moment.

The crowd was still screaming in fear, but the dozens of hideous beasts had already stopped just a hair's breadth away from them.

It was as if time had stopped.

After a long time, the people who had never felt the coming of death and pain opened their eyes and saw one after another lifelike ice sculptures.

The baby in the cradle was so excited that he danced with joy, and because of this novel "trick", he showed an innocent smile.

"This... this is..."

The frightened people looked around and finally saw a silver figure on the other side of the bridge.

"What's going on?"

Cecilia got out of the carriage, her beautiful face gloomy as snow, staring at the man in front of her:

"Why don't you lower the bridge? Why do you have to watch those people die tragically under the sharp teeth of the monster?"


The man no longer had the high and mighty attitude just now, wiping the sweat from his forehead, with a flattering face:

"Your Highness, this is an order from above, the purpose is to protect the stability and security of the upper city, it is really a helpless move, I am just following orders."

"Whose order?"


"I'm asking you whose order." Cecilia's tone was cold.

"It''s Earl Charles who is responsible for maintaining public order in the upper city."

"Where are the others?"

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