
The man still wanted to make a few excuses, but under Celcia's gaze that almost froze him, he didn't even have the courage to lie, so he could only answer hesitantly:

"According to convention, he should be with one of his lovers at this time..."

"That is to say..."

Celcia interrupted him:

"When such a big thing happened in Belland, that Earl Charles was still having a tryst with his lover?"

"Your Highness, please calm down. Lord Charles probably did not expect that the matter would be so serious. Moreover, he has already done his best from the perspective of Uptown..."

"three minutes."

"Huh? What?"

"I said, three minutes."

Celecia stared at the man and said word by word without emotion:

"In three minutes, if the responsible Earl doesn't show up here with medicine, food, people to maintain order, and himself...then I will throw him, together with you, into the river to feed fish."

The man's expression changed and he said with a smile: "Your Highness, this kind of joke is not good..."

"Do you think... I'm joking?"

Celecia suddenly took a step closer, and the cold wind and snow came, instantly making the man's teeth chatter with the cold.

"You still have two minutes and fifty seconds."

"I...I'm going right now!"

The man did not dare to hesitate any longer, quickly got on his horse and disappeared through the wide streets of the uptown area.

Celecia turned her head again and stared at the guards who were still in a daze with cold eyes:

"Why are you still standing there? Release the bridge!"

"Yes...yes!" the gatekeepers responded loudly, and quickly pushed down the mechanism that lowered the bridge deck.

Accompanied by the roaring sound of machinery running, the bridge connecting the upper and lower urban areas finally closed again.

The people who had survived the disaster staggered and ran quickly from the other side of the bridge, as if they were walking in a dream, with the fear and despair still on their faces.

It wasn't until they really saw the silver-white girl walking in front of them that they suddenly realized that they had survived.

But before they had time to thank the Princess, whom everyone knew, great sadness enveloped these people, because they couldn't help but remember that there were many people who did not survive during this commotion.

"Your Highness..."

"Your Highness Celcia..."

"Why, why are we going through this...Did we do something wrong?"

"Woo... My children turned into monsters. My wife died in the monster's mouth to protect me. Why, why did it become like this?"

Celcia walked towards these people.

She looked at the pain, numbness, and sadness on these people's faces, and watched them kneeling in front of her, grabbing the corners of her skirt with their blood-stained hands, asking questions that she couldn't answer, and gradually clenching their slender fists, Nails embedded in flesh.

The beautiful face still shows no change at all, like ice that has not melted for thousands of years.

However, the hot blood fell drop by drop from the fingers, turning into blooming crystal flowers in the air.

"Feel sorry."

She could only whisper like this, because any words she spoke now were extremely pale.

After passing them, Celcia looked at the ice sculptures again. On those ferocious faces, traces of human beings could be vaguely seen.

However, most of the things related to humans have been replaced by beasts with horrific shapes. Even the closest relatives may not recognize their appearance at this moment.

"Beast blood."

Celcia murmured softly.

His eyes turned to the messy neighborhood.

Tonight, I don’t know how many people were injured. Although it may not be worth mentioning compared to the huge base in the entire Xiacheng District, this number is definitely not too small.

"Li Council."

Continuing to move forward, a carriage and horses passed by her, but because they were traveling too fast, the people in the carriage did not seem to notice Celecia's identity.

Celecia glanced out of the corner of her eye and caught the prominent family crest on the carriage.

"Old nobility."

Soon, she stood on a high place and looked at the extremely deep night and darkness.

Under her orders and the command of other people who reacted, the lost order was finally reestablished. The guards who had disappeared all night patrolled the streets again, but she waited for a long time and did not see any of them among them. To the one who should appear most.

If it was as he suspected, then as the winner, wouldn't this be the best time to show off himself?

Or is it that, after clearing the obstacles, he no longer despises this kind of disguise?

"Albert...'Brother Royal'."

"Your Highness."

On the side, Weier, who looked worried, sent a letter:

"New news has arrived."

Celecia took the envelope, glanced at it quickly, and then handed it back to Weier.

"Sure enough, just as I expected."


Until now, Weier, who was still confused about many aspects, opened the letter, read it quickly, and then her eyes suddenly widened:

"His Royal Highness Andrew... died? Died in the monster riot? His Highness Albert was also seriously injured? But he happened to be saved by Marquis Angus? How could this happen?"

Wei'er felt that her brain capacity was somewhat insufficient, but if something like this happened, it meant...

"It's over."

She asked: "This battle for the throne is over, right? President?"

"Is it over...?"

Celecia lowered her head and looked at her palm.

Under deliberate suppression, the wound on the palm of his hand was still unhealed, and bright red blood was flowing out from it.

The blood was very bright and looked no different from ordinary people's blood.

But the silver hair floated past her eyes, and the blood seemed a little special.

Because, many people have forgotten, or what many people don’t care about is...

The blood in her body was the same as that of the second prince Andrew who died, and the eldest prince Albert who was becoming the center of the empire overnight.

That is the purest, the blood of the imperial family.


Celecia shook her hands suddenly.

She raised her head and looked directly into the deepest darkness before dawn. The scenes she had just seen flashed through her mind. Under the calm ice lake, there was something like lava that surged angrily.

She murmured softly:

"it's not finished yet."

158. Doubt

"Your Highness, are you okay?"

In the temporary safe residence, the dusty Marquis Angus, who had just finished handling many chores, watched as several maids took away the medicine bowls and blood-stained clothes.

"How are you feeling?"

"Thank you for your concern. It seems that I have saved my life."

Albert "forced" a smile.

At the top of the room, the expensive top-grade magic stone was emitting a gentle radiance, making the entire room warm as spring.

Albert's upper body was naked and still covered with bandages. It could be seen that the attack he suffered just now did indeed cause him serious injuries, but under the treatment of the most top doctors in Belland, that point The injury is not serious.

Even his face now has a touch of rosy color. It seems that the medicinal materials offered by the nobles are also very effective.

"It's okay."

Angus took off his top hat, revealing his frosty white temples:

"Can I sit?"

"Your Majesty, please do as you please."

"Thank you."

He sat across from Albert and took out a pen and paper.

"Then...your highness, please describe what happened tonight again. The more detailed the better."

"Lord Marquis, this is..."

"Don't get me wrong, I have no intention of doubting His Highness. After all, many people have witnessed what happened before, but..."

Angus sighed, his tired face looking a little older:

"As the initiator of this charity dinner, although the dinner was not successfully held, this incident served as a trigger and led to such a terrible thing happening. No matter what, I have to take some responsibility. "

"How could it be? This matter has nothing to do with Lord Marquis..."

"Your Highness, stop talking."

Angus raised his hand to stop Albert's words and said with a wry smile:

"Please be considerate of me, an old man, and describe what happened tonight in detail so that I can think about...how to report this matter to Your Majesty."

Although Your Majesty must have known it for a long time...

"Oh well."

Albert had no reason to refuse Marquis Angus's request. He knew that if his "father" ordered a thorough investigation, he would definitely be "interrogated".

Besides, he was the victim tonight.

At this time, there is no need for the victim to be afraid and panicked.

"About tonight, let's start from the very beginning..."

Albert narrated again, and Angus patiently recounted.

In the quiet room, the only sounds left were Albert's steady narration, the rustling of the quill on the paper, and the ticking of the clock on the wall.

"Finally...it's what you see."

A trace of sadness appeared on Albert's face:

"That little monster somehow lost control and killed Andrew."

"...Your Highness, my condolences."

Angus stopped the quill in his hand and comforted:

"It's not your fault and no one can blame you."


"Is there anything else you would like to add, Your Highness?"

"No, I have said everything that needs to be said, but if Marquis Angus wants to know more details..."

Albert suddenly changed his words and curved his lips slightly, "You can ask the Campbell family. The Campbell family helped me a lot tonight. With your relationship with the Campbell family, they will definitely tell you everything. "


Angus paused slightly, then nodded: "I will ask."

He closed the notebook, stood up, and bowed slightly:

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