"Then I'll take my leave first. I'll arrange for someone to take Your Highness back to the palace in a while. Before that, please have a good rest."

"Thank you so much, I..."

Albert wanted to get up to see him off, but was held down by Marquis Angus:

"Your Highness, rest assured and recuperate."

After saying goodbye, Marquis Angus walked out of the room without stopping.

Outside the door, many nobles who wanted to see Albert were waiting, but they were temporarily stopped by him on the grounds that the eldest prince needed to recuperate, and the door was closed.

All the noise was blocked, and everything was completely silent.

Albert, who had a peaceful smile just now, suddenly had a gloomy face, and his side face outlined a deep outline under the shining of the magic stone.

"This old thing."

He stared at the door and whispered to himself:

"Are you suspicious so soon?"



After dealing with a group of nobles, Angus came to a remote courtyard alone.

The body of the deceased Prince Andrew was temporarily placed here. Without the order of His Majesty, no one dared to check his body, so it could only be sealed with magic temporarily.

However, the second prince, who was so powerful during his lifetime, did not even have a noble to visit his remains after his death. Although it was only separated by a wall, this courtyard was completely different from Albert's side.

"It's very realistic."

Angus sighed and looked at the shadow on the side:

"Why, everyone avoids this place, but you, the former enemy, are reluctant to let him die?"

"No, I'm quite happy that he died."

A figure in a black dress walked out of the shadow, his steps were a little shaky, and the originally elegant top hat had fallen somewhere. The close-fitting dress was also covered with blood and scars, looking quite embarrassed.

"It's just... I want to know how he died. The death of the second prince was not in my plan."

"But plans always fail to keep up with changes, don't they?"

Angus looked at the tired and pale face that had removed all the disguises at this moment, hesitated for a moment, stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder gently:

"You've lost weight."

"Not thin, but firm."

Mu En smiled: "Grandpa, do you want to see my muscles now? This has been tested by the contemporary saint, and even she has praised it..."

"Don't be stubborn, child."

Angus looked at him with pity, and suddenly said:

"It's not your fault tonight. You have done a good job. Your father will be proud of you."

"...But I have been busy all night, but I don't even know the truth of the matter."

Mu En lowered his head, and the forced smile turned into bitterness that was difficult to conceal. At this point, how could he not react? From beginning to end, he was fooled by the so-called harmless eldest prince?

After sacrificing so much, but still dancing in the palm of someone else's hand, how can this feeling be good?

"Grandpa, I want to see Andrew's body."

"What's the point of seeing him when he's dead?"

"No matter if it's useful or not, you have to take a look."


Angus sighed helplessly, lowered the brim of his hat, and walked out of the courtyard: "Although at this time, it is reasonable that no one should be allowed to touch His Highness Andrew's body, but... I'm old, and there will always be times when my eyes are blurry and I didn't notice someone sneaking in."

"... Thank you."

Watching the old man leave, Mu En whispered a thank you.



159. The sun will eventually rise

A closed compartment without even a window, so dark that even nocturnal animals can hardly see clearly.

With a crisp snap of fingers, the swaying starlight floated up, finally illuminating this dead silence where even breathing could not be heard.

The room was very cold. Mu En saw faint magic patterns wandering on the floor, but these magic arrays were not for protection, but to maintain low temperature, so that the body lying quietly under the white cloth in the middle of the room would not decay for the time being.

Mu En walked forward, and after lifting the white cloth, a strong smell of blood suddenly hit his face.

He frowned slightly.

Because in addition to this strong smell, the first thing that caught his eye was a stiff and resentful face.

That face, which Mu En had seen once before, was arrogant and confident. At this moment, it had become extremely pale and distorted, like... a clay statue that was accidentally dropped on the ground before it was burned dry and solidified.

Black and red bloodstains extended along the table, and under the tattered clothes were hideous bleeding wounds.

It seemed that after the death of this pitiful second prince, no one had simply dealt with his body, leaving it so ugly to be placed here.

Either unwilling or dared not.

"But... this is better."

Mu En whispered to himself, and at the same time put his hand on Andrew's forehead:

"I hope that this way, you can leave more information."

The spirit was still aching.

But after a slight recovery, Mu En gritted his teeth and finally activated a little more black flame.

The jumping black fire flashed out from his waist, and then sank into Andrew's brow.

This corpse will definitely need someone sent by His Majesty to check and deal with it later, so Mu En naturally didn't dare to do anything too big.

He just hoped that Andrew's remaining obsession and resentment would allow him to see more things.

The black flames swayed silently through Andrew's body, searching and devouring the fragments of Andrew's soul that might still be gone.

Mu En closed her eyes, her consciousness sank deep into the depths, and she called softly.

"The Black Book."


The black book floated up, the pages turned, and messy fonts began to appear on the blank pages.

Those words were irregular, like a mess of garbled characters. When Mu En touched them gently, the pictures came into his mind, but they were just a blur of broken light and shadow.

It was also what he expected. After all, Prince Andrew did not die in his hands, and he failed to devour his soul with black flames, so he had no hope of seeing anything useful.

But Mu En was still very patient, bit by bit, seriously, watching those useless broken pictures constantly flashing through her mind.


Mu En saw the shadow of a group of flying birds, bowing slightly in the center of the picture.

He made a sound that was difficult to distinguish, but Mu En listened carefully and could vaguely tell that what he said was...

"Good evening, Mr. Speaker."


The picture is broken.

Mu En felt a violent dizziness in her brain, and a warmth came from her nose.

He quickly held onto the countertop, subconsciously stretched out his hand and touched it lightly on the tip of his nose.

The warm blood dyed the fingers red.


The last trace of mental energy was completely drained, but Mu En ignored his already weak body, just stared at Andrew's twisted and pale face, and smiled to himself:

"Speaker... It turns out that the person I have always wanted to find out is right under my nose, and I tried my best to protect him all night... Andrew, it turns out that both of us... are clowns."


On the carriage back to the palace, Albert suddenly issued an order.

The coachman did not hesitate at this order, and the carriage stopped steadily.

Albert opened the curtain of the carriage, looked at the shadow of the alleyway not far away, and said with a smile:

"We are all friends, why hide?"


In the shadows, there was a sneer, "I didn't know that I had a friend like you who was full of lies from beginning to end."

"Lies? No, although I did hide a lot of things from you, in a big way, what I said is the truth."

Albert held his head high, as if he had completely shed his heavy disguise, and said in a strange and confident tone:

"As you can see, I am a more suitable person to sit in that position than Andrew. In terms of skill and ability, I am far better than him, am I not?"

"Far better than...?"

The voice whispered: "But in my opinion, you are no different from Andrew in some ways."

"That's it..."

When Albert heard this, he was not angry, but said rather regretfully:

"I thought that we would always be on the same team. After all, our previous cooperation was quite tacit."

"Don't say anything that disgusts me."

"I am sincere. If you join me, I believe there will be a brighter future waiting for you instead of just hiding in the shadow of the Campbell family. But...according to your personality, you will never do that. ,pity."

No voice answered in the darkness.

Albert shook his head, sat back in the carriage, and motioned to the coachman to continue moving forward.

"Don't deal with him? He could be a threat."

At some point, a small flying bird landed on the table in front of Albert, jumping around and stuffing snacks and pastries on the table into its beak.

"No, too many people's attention has been attracted tonight, now is not the time to take action."

Albert put his hands on his knees, his waist straight, but there was a hint of deep majesty in his young body.

"And... a threat? I don't think he is a threat?"

"Oh? Why?" Robin asked curiously.

"It's very simple. Do you think a...'dark' emperor who is exposed to the public is still a so-called threat?"

Albert's lips curled up and he chuckled:

"Haha, besides, after tonight, everything exposed by the entire Campbell family is clear to our eyes. Do you think that even the Campbell family can no longer resist us? He alone can only buzz in the dark corner. Can the chirping insects stir up any waves?"

"I see."

The robin also looked at the dark corner, nodded, and said sarcastically:

"Speaking highly of you, Speaker, I am just a defeated general. It is indeed not worth mentioning."

"This time, I really lost. It was a complete mess."

Mu En walked out of the darkness and looked around, looking at the messy streets and the bloodstains that had not faded away. She suddenly felt extremely confused and didn't know where to go next.

Finally, he reached a high place with numb consciousness and looked out over the entire lower town of Belland.

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