The hustle and bustle has passed, the disputes have passed, the killing has passed, the death has passed...but this city, and even the entire Belland, is still shrouded in the boundless night.

The darkness is as heavy as ink, making people breathless.

"what are you doing here?"

I don't know how long I stayed here, and I didn't pay attention to the vibration of the sound transmission stone. It wasn't until... that familiar, cold voice sounded behind Mu En, and his statue-like body trembled slightly.

"I'm...thinking about life."

That voice didn't make Mu En feel any more relaxed. Instead, it made him pull his shoulders even lower.

"Your failed life worth mentioning?"

"...So be it."

"What did you think about?"

The familiar light fragrance came, and the silver figure also sat down next to Mu En.

Mu En did not raise her head or look at her, but smiled bitterly:

"Since this is a life of failure, what's the value of thinking about the outcome?"


There was silence.

In the distance, some lights lit up and were quickly swallowed up by darkness.

After an unknown amount of time, Celcia glanced at the embarrassed man beside her with her peripheral vision, and then continued to ask:

"So, you've given up?"

"Give up? Not yet. I won't give up completely because of this setback. I'm just thinking about backup plans."

"Backup plan?"

"Well, let's practice for a few more decades until we are invincible in the world. Then we can go directly to the palace and slap that old guy to death with one palm."

"Sounds... like something from a wonky fantasy novel sold at a street stall."

"It's quite unreliable."

Mu En smiled self-deprecatingly:

"But after thinking about it, this seems to be the only way. After all, that old guy is now the eldest prince of the empire. Now that Andrew is dead, he is already the confirmed future emperor. If I really don't care about anything now If you take action against him, it will only drag the entire Campbell family into the abyss."

The failure of one person is nothing, but he is not alone. There is the huge Campbell family behind him. Many of the most loyal subordinates of the Campbell family have died needlessly in this cold night.

He could no longer continue with this irrational sacrifice.

"So, in the final analysis, you might as well give up."

"It's not like giving up, it's just based on realistic considerations."

"This isn't like you."

"Yes, it's not like that. I can fight tooth and nail against the evil god, but this time the enemy is fighting you with power and calculation. The power is inferior to others, and the calculation has been tricked. What can I do. "

Mu En stretched out his hand, but no matter how much he stretched it, he could not completely grasp this endless darkness in his palm.

"...Your appearance makes me want to step on you." Celcia paused and said suddenly.

"Then step on it."

Mu En replied.

"Not resisting? Pervert?"

"...If I don't want to resist, I might feel better if I get stepped on a few times by you."

"Then turn your head."

"Why, do you want to step on your face? If I step on your face, it would be better if I lay on the ground actively..."

"Cut the nonsense."

Just as Mu En was about to make a move, Celcia grabbed him by the collar and forcefully forced him to turn his head.

Mu En was helpless, thinking that being stepped on by a beautiful girl at this time might not be such a bad thing... But what caught him off guard was that what greeted him was not the girl's angry feet, but...


The small lips were cold and soft, and the girl's fragrance combined with the electric shock-like senses flooded into her mind, making Mu En completely wake up in an instant.

His eyes widened in surprise, but before he could react further, the other party had already pushed him away.

"You feel better?"

Staring at him with cold eyes, it was clear that he had done something extraordinary, but the icy lake deep in those eyes was still calm.

"What are you..."

Mu En, who had been stunned for a long time, opened his mouth and reacted, but he was still a little sluggish and said:

"Are you comforting me?"

Regarding this question, Mu En thought that the always arrogant Celecia would respond directly with cold words, but she did not expect that she nodded lightly and replied:

"Yes, I'm comforting you."


"As I said just now, I can't bear to see you like this."

Celcia lightly flipped her hair and said coldly:

"Also, it's just that I lost one game first. With this appearance, as my fiancé, I am very embarrassed."

"Just lose one game first..."

Mu En was stunned for a while, and then his brain, which was sluggish due to too much mental exertion, finally realized the profound meaning contained in these simple words.

"Could it be that you..."

"Whatever you think."

Celecia stretched, revealing her beautiful curves, then stood up and walked swiftly towards the depths of the city.

But after taking a few steps, she turned back:

"This is also a road of no return, and it may drag the entire Campbell family into the abyss, not to mention your ridiculously stable backup, so..."

Her eyes turned slightly, and her tone was always questioning, but her words revealed a certain coldness and dominance that could not be denied.

"Are you coming, Mr. Moon Campbell?"

After the long darkness, comes the morning light.

Mu En saw the dazzling light rising in the distance, and then projected into the icy lake-like eyes, outlining a beautiful, breathtaking, absolutely unforgettable... moving arc of light.

In an instant, all confusion dissipated here, because at this moment, he saw... the sun that would eventually rise.

"Of course, the noble Princess Celcia Leopold."

Mu En's heart felt hot, like sunshine dispelling all the gloom. He smiled and stroked his chest and said, "With you lighting the way forward, I will fight without fear and be invincible."

"So, what you just said about stepping on me counts? If you are willing to wear very moist black stockings, I can't..."

"Shut up."


The two of them walked side by side into Belland's shadow that had not yet dissipated.

Behind him is the new sun that is about to rise and shine on this huge empire.

160. Orc bloodline

"Dear teacher, do you want me to rub your shoulders? The strength is very comfortable."


"Dear teacher, do you want me to soak your feet? It will keep your eyes open and protect your kidneys."


"Dear teacher, would you like a lollipop? Strawberry flavored one."


"Dear teacher..."

"Shut up."

Meira stopped what she was doing, looked up at her disciple who started going crazy as soon as he came back, and said with a look of disgust:

"Have you finally damaged your brain after being out for so long? Or have you finally been exploited by some woman and gone insane? Then I suggest you go out and go find the psychiatric teacher at the college. I can't cure you here. This disease."

"Teacher Meira, can't you say this with sincerity and understand the filial piety I want to express to you at this moment?"

Mu En held a handful of lollipops in her hand and said with a sincere smile:

"So, do you want to eat it? In addition to strawberry flavor, I also have apple flavor, orange flavor, heather flavor..."

"Oh, the heather smell you're talking about is the kind that won't grow back after it's broken?"

Meera blinked and asked "innocently".

"If that's the case, I would..."

"I'm very sorry. I just made it up. It doesn't taste like that at all."

Mu En immediately regained her serious expression, secretly thinking that it was only self-humiliating to make such a dirty joke with an old lolita with a four-digit age, who could drive even faster than herself.

"Teacher Meira, I'm actually here for business..."

"Say it."

Meera chose between Moon's hands for a while, and finally chose the strawberry flavor.

She casually stuffed the lollipop into her mouth, turned around and sat down, raised her white legs under her pajamas, and pressed her small feet directly against Mu En's cheek:

"What is it that gives you the courage to disturb me when I'm busy completing this very important... thing?"

"What's very important?"

Mu En suddenly became alert:

"Teacher Meira, are you going to..."

"You are overthinking. How could I cheat my most lovable disciple?"

"Look, I haven't said you were..."

"Say something quickly!"

Meera turned her little feet impatiently and interrupted:

"I'm still busy."

"It's not's nothing to attack. I, Jixi, want to ask Meila Laoxi."

Mu En, who was being pressed on the cheek, asked with a vague accent:

"Do you know about animal blood?"

"Beast blood?"

Meera raised her eyebrows:

"Beast bloodline? You want to ask me about this basic knowledge that can be found in textbooks?"

"No, no, no, I'm not asking about ordinary animal blood, but something more... more terrifying."

Mu En paused, then reached out and took out a document and handed it to Meira:

"Just like this."

"Oh? With the weak beast blood circulating now, it shouldn't be enough for you to take it seriously."

A look of interest flashed in Meira's eyes, she took the document and flipped through it quickly for a while.

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