The document contained a detailed description of the little girl that Mu En had faced before. After various subsequent intelligence compilation and analysis, it was even more detailed than the one Celcia received.

"So that's it, is it the blood of an ancestral beast?"

Meera touched her chin and thought: " can reach this level. Is this...original blood?"

"Origin blood? What is that?"

"Origin blood, of course, is the origin of animal blood."

Meira looked like she was looking at a stupid boy: "Do you still think this is some kind of awesome and coaxing title?"

"...No, this already sounds awesome." Mu En's mouth twitched.

"That's it for me."

Meira casually threw the document in her hand back to Mu En, her petite body floated up, and then she snapped her fingers.

Above the sea of ​​flowers, the sky dimmed instantly, and a huge curtain slowly unfolded in front of Mu En.

Just like the movie in the previous life, clear pictures began to emerge above the curtain.

"A long time ago, the so-called orcs were once a powerful race."

The picture is very young, and it looks like some kind of cartoon specially made for children, the kind that will not be reported by parents if it is released.

But as Mu En gradually understood the meaning of those pictures, those cute cartoon half-animal, half-human images with three heads were no longer so cute in his eyes.

As depicted in the picture, the orcs were once powerful and ferocious. They could fight flying dragons and hunt deep sea beasts. They also had culture and wisdom that was not inferior to humans. They were an extremely terrifying race.

"However, even such a powerful race cannot withstand a... disaster that is enough to destroy the world." Meera sighed.

In the picture, a huge shadow suddenly appeared, covering almost the entire orc group.

The orcs fought desperately against an existence in the shadows, but in the end it was all in vain. Each of the cute three-headed cartoon characters either died or were directly involved in the huge shadow, as if they were being swept away by it. Devour.

"Is this... the great turmoil that swept the entire continent a thousand years ago?"

Mu En's eyes flashed slightly and she blurted out.

"Oh? It seems like you know more than I thought. Yes, it was the big turmoil."

Meira unexpectedly glanced at Mu En, put her hands behind her hands, and turned to stare at the screen again, sighing:

"Although the orcs are powerful, the human magical civilization that had developed to its peak at that time was almost completely cut off in that turmoil. The orcs naturally could not survive the disaster. Their population was not large, and they were almost completely destroyed in the disaster. Directly extinct, the remaining bits of fire cannot even reach the minimum number to maintain the continued reproduction of a race, so they can only be forced to integrate into human society and allow the blood to be diluted from generation to generation. "

"I see, this is the origin of today's beast bloodline... Huh? Wait, integration?"

Mu En pointed at the orcs in the picture, although they were cartoons, but they were still far from the orcs in his impression. They had thick hair, hard scales, and various clear animalistic features, and said dumbly:

"Can this be integrated? Can it still reproduce?"

"Well, there will always be people with special quirks. Don't you have a say in this?"

"It's not that I don't have Teacher Meira, don't talk nonsense."

Mu En retorted seriously: "Don't make me sound like a pervert with some special hobby."



"you sure?"

"Senior, testify!"


Meera chuckled lightly and continued:

"But speaking of it, it is said that there is still a relatively pure tribe of orcs in the extremely cold land in the north."

"Like the one in the picture?"

"No, no matter how pure they are, they still have blood that has been bred with humans for countless generations. It is said that the only animal-like characteristics that remain on their bodies are..."

Meira stretched out her hand and made several gestures on her head:

"Ears...or a tail or something."

"This... the beast-eared girl?"

Mu En's eyes widened: "Is this something that actually exists in the world?"

"Huh? You still said that your boy is not a pervert?"

Meira smiled half-heartedly: "What, do you want to go there?"


Mu En coughed dryly and said: "Let's forget about this kind of thing. I don't need to disturb others, and I'm not a pervert. Beast-eared girls and other things are completely out of my strike zone."

That's right, I don't like girls with animal ears, but...

Some pictures began to appear unconsciously in Mu En's mind, such as the senior with cat ears, Liya with rabbit ears, and An with the dog-ear collar...

No, nosebleeds are coming...

161. The weight of the soul

"Ahem, having said that, I'm not here to talk about this, I'm here to talk about business."

After stopping his increasingly dangerous imagination, Mu En returned to the topic:

"The so-called origin blood..."

"The so-called origin blood is the blood of the ancestors of the orcs, the legendary source of all beasts."

Meera snapped her fingers again.

The picture on the curtain changed again, but this time even Mu En couldn't see the specific image of the existence reflected in the picture.

Because it was just a huge and ferocious black shadow, vague and indescribable, but the terrible pressure still hit him.

"I have never seen the so-called primordial beast, because when the orcs were prosperous, it could be called an illusory legend. Whether the primordial beast existed or not, many scholars of that era had their own opinions. debate.

However, the return of animalistic blood to the level of source blood is indeed something that has a very small probability of happening among the orcs. The powerful source blood will give the orcs power and potential that far exceeds that of ordinary members of the same race. Almost every source blood Those who returned to their ancestors were all fully cultivated by the orc clan and became one of the few strong men on the mainland. This was one of the reasons why the orc clan was rare in number at that time but always strong. "


Mu En frowned and said thoughtfully:

"That little girl looks like... she should be considered a human being."

The file was opened, and it recorded the ferocious and terrifying appearance of the little girl at that time. However, excluding the beast bodies that were artificially sewn together, she was still an ordinary little girl, not to mention the beast-like features. She doesn't even have animal ears or a tail.

"This is the problem."

Meera glanced at the photo with her calm peripheral vision, crossed her arms and said:

"The animal blood in her body has returned to her ancestors to the point of origin blood, but I think before that, her body had not been strengthened much by the weak and pitiful animal blood in her body. Nowadays, the animal blood is thin, and most of them have animal nature. A person with this bloodline may never awaken to this bloodline in her lifetime, so her sudden awakening is fatal to her weak body. "


"Yes, while the source blood is constantly transforming her body, the animal nature in the source blood will continue to erode her spirit. The weak body and soul simply cannot withstand such drastic transformation. She should have recovered soon. A painful death in this conflict."

Meera touched her chin, "But... the body is strengthened with the limbs of monsters sewn from outside, and the erosion of the original blood on the body is slowed down by continuous dilution and shunting. The guy who did this is a bit of a genius. The idea is quite good. of.

...It just looks a little cruel. Suturing so many monster limbs, this little girl's sanity must have been almost eaten away. "

"...Yes, it seems that there is no reason left."

Mu En secretly clenched her fists and took a deep breath.

The image of fighting the little girl reappeared in his mind, making him feel a little heavy.


Meila seemed to see through Mu En at a glance, raising her eyebrows and saying:

"Does it seem like we lost badly this time? Well...if it's source blood, it's not a surprise that we lose."

"I won't lose next time."


"I will never lose."

"Oh, I originally wanted to touch my head to comfort my poor disciple, but it seems I don't have to do that now."

Meera snapped her fingers again, the curtain disappeared, and the entire sea of ​​flowers became bright again.

"But... about the origin blood, you probably want to ask more than this."

"That's right."

Mu En nodded, his expression serious:

"Although it is also about the origin blood, another issue is more important."


"Actually, it's not a special problem, it's just...since the origin blood can sew so many monster limbs on that little girl without any side effects, then this kind of blood...

Is it also possible to randomly sew and transplant body parts or organs between different people? "

"Of course, you should have discovered that the orcs can completely integrate into humans. Beast blood itself is a bloodline with a particularly strong fusion ability, not to mention the source blood."

Meila flashed behind Mu En, tapped her fingers on the alchemy core of his body, and chuckled:

"If we had discovered earlier that there is still the existence of ancestral blood in this world, maybe you wouldn't have had to go all the way to the Holy City when you had a rejection reaction. Well, you can't go to the Holy City. The purpose is not just to eliminate rejection.”

"... Do you admit that what I experienced in Canterville had something to do with you?"

When Mu En heard this, the veins on his forehead suddenly jumped.

"Oh? What are you talking about? I have never left here from the beginning to the end."

The old loli stuck out her tongue and pretended to be dumbfounded.

"Who believes this kind of thing...forget it...let's get down to business first."

Mu En brought the topic back again and continued to ask:

"So since this can be done, that means... brain transplantation, which sounds incredible, can also be done."

"Brain transplant?"

Meera blinked:

"I see. It sounds incredible, but in fact the Life Church has already failed at this kind of technology."

"Life Church? Are you fooling around?"

Mu En's eyes suddenly widened and she said in shock:

"Are those guys secretly conducting this kind of human experiment? So that's the case. I'm just saying that the pope, that old man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, doesn't look like a good person at first glance. Could it be that he lived so long because..."

"Calm down, although I agree that that old boy is not a good thing, the Church of Life is not so out of style. Have you forgotten the god they serve?"

"Goddess of Life?"

Mu En was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses.

**The fusion characteristics of the source blood itself are just a lower-level replacement of part of the power of the goddess of life. There is no reason why the goddess of life cannot do what the source blood can do.

"Yes, with the god who controls life, the church's understanding of human life naturally exceeds that of any person or organization. After all, as long as you are willing to pay enough, you can even reshape your body with a complete soul. It's not difficult to replace a part of the human body. As for the church, they did not make this technology public. First, this technology may make some people crazy, such as the guy who can make you ask such a question. Second, compared with the huge faith power consumed, the results obtained are completely disproportionate to the effort."

"Is that so."

Mu En nodded in understanding.

Being able to replace organs at will naturally drive some people crazy.

On the other hand, if you want to eliminate the rejection reaction of the alchemy core, you have to undergo a baptism of holy light. I believe that even if the Church of Life is big and powerful, the baptism of holy light is not something you can do whenever you want.

"As for what you just said, that replacing the brain can make you live as long as the old man like the Pope, that's impossible."

"Huh? Why?"

"The reason is simple. You have killed so many evil believers with strong vitality. Haven't you discovered it yet? For humans, or for higher life forms with spiritual intelligence, what is more important than the body is..."


Mu En murmured.

"That's right, the soul, that is the barrier that even the Church of Life cannot break through."

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