Meira flipped through the document casually again, then threw it away casually, looked at the thoughtful Mu En, and said meaningfully:

"For the sake of you being my lovely disciple, let me remind you again. If someone really does something stupid like transplanting a brain and it succeeds, then it must be a transplant based on soul transfer."

"Soul transfer..."

"That's right, and the connection between the soul... and the original body is not so easy to cut off, especially when the original body is still in a good state."

Meera smiled strangely:

"Do you understand what this means?"


Mu En's mind changed rapidly and she began to quickly understand the meaning of Teacher Meira's words.

If the Speaker really had a brain transplant, that means that his original physical body is actually still intact. This can be confirmed from Celcia. As for...


Meila suddenly clapped her hands, interrupting Mu En's meditation:

"You can think about small problems like that later. There are more important things to do now."

"Something more important?"

Mu En was stunned: "What else can be better than..."

"Qiang Qiang, look at this!"

Meila suddenly stepped aside and showed Moon what she had been tinkering with just now.

Mu En stretched her neck to look over, and then her expression suddenly froze, and a bad premonition began to beat rapidly in her little heart.

Because... what Teacher Mela showed him at this moment was a very exquisite, very expensive, and very classy... pot.

"Since you finally came back, the most important thing is to train your body as usual. Although the body is not as important as the soul, it is indispensable to you."

Meera held out her thumb,

"Don't worry, this time the pot...oh no, the bath, after my all-round improvements, can increase the absorption of the medicinal effect by a full 30%!"

"Thirty percent... maybe the side effect is to cook me alive."

Seeing the dazzling magic light flowing around the base, as if it were a cauldron mounted on a planetary engine, Mu En's mouth twitched:

"Can I say no?"


Meera retracted her thumb, with a crunching sound, her fingers instantly closed, and said with a smile:

"What do you think? My lovely disciple~"


"The connection between the soul and the original body...?"

Looking at the letter that had just been sent in her hand, ignoring the messy handwriting that seemed to be written by a dying person, Celecia also fell into deep thought.

But she didn't think for long before she waved and called Weier.

"You go right away..."

Celecia tilted her head and whispered in Weier's ear.

"Oh...I understand, I'll go...huh?"

Wei'er was nodding in agreement when her round eyes suddenly widened:

"Is this good for the president? Isn't it a bit ungrateful?"

"The other party has already used this method, but you still ask if you have martial ethics?"

Celcia's face was expressionless: "Go, or not, if not, I will let others..."

"Go, of course!"

Wei'er held her head high and said sternly: "As long as it's the president's order, I have no problem at all with going up mountains of swords and seas of fire!"

"That's good, you decide the timing yourself, safety first."


Wei'er performed a nondescript military salute and quickly went out to prepare.

After watching Weier's back disappear, Celecia turned her head again and looked in another direction, completely opposite to the Lower City.

"Okay, next... I will go again to meet my father who has been silent until now."

162. Regent

"His Royal Highness, have you recovered from your injuries?"

"Excuse me, Your Excellency Count Boogard. The injury is no longer serious."

In the palace, Albert, who had regained his calm and calm appearance, nodded and greeted Count Boogard, whom he met by chance, with the support of his maid.

Count Boogard is the current head of the Boogard family, and he is also the father of the genius illegitimate daughter Ariel, whom Albert has heard about. Although the position of earl can be easily grasped in Belland, this The old man, who now has gray hair on his temples, also holds a high position in the power center of the empire by virtue of his skill, so even Albert needs polite greetings.

"Your Excellency Bugarde is walking in a hurry because he wants to..."

"There is a very important meeting that I need to attend right away."

Count Boogard forced a helpless smile on his old face:

"In this special period of the empire, an old guy like me doesn't have to work overtime a few times."

"I see, thank you for your hard work, Your Excellency."

Albert nodded clearly, and then took the initiative to get out of the way:

"In that case, I won't disturb your lordship, please."

"Thank you, but Your Highness has a distinguished status and there is no need to be too kind to an old man like me. I am flattered by your doing this."

"This is not a favor, it's just what I should do."

Albert curled his lips: "Besides, you may not know, we will be working together soon."


Count Boogard smiled equally meaningfully:

"Then I look forward to it very much."

After Count Boogard left, Albert looked away from his back, rubbed the corners of his mouth, regained his sad expression, and said to the maid who was supporting him:

"Let's go, let's go see my...His Majesty the Father."

The palace is spacious and quiet. Although there are many palace maids and guards, during some special periods, you often don't see anyone for a long time.

Albert met the unexpected silver figure outside the door.


Albert stopped and was only slightly stunned before returning to his usual peaceful smile:

"You also come to visit my father?"


Celecia turned her head with an expression on her face: "Brother Albert, too?"

"We have come this far, and there is no second option."

Albert walked to Celecia, turned to look at the two tall knights guarding the door of the room, his eyes swept across the luxurious door, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and then he said quietly road:

"I want to meet my father in person, please pass the news on my behalf."

Under the thick visor, a line of sight swept across Albert's body, and then quickly disappeared.

"Hold on."

Everything is calm.

When no one spoke, the atmosphere seemed a little strange.

"Do I have something on me? Celcia?"

Finally, Albert coughed twice, turned around and asked.

From just now, Celcia has been staring at him with cold eyes, not hiding her intention of sizing up.

"No, Brother Albert is very clean, but..."

Celecia tilted her head slightly and looked beside him:

"It hasn't been long since I last saw you. The maid next to the emperor has changed again."

The maid who supported Albert had a delicate appearance and looked underage. She was also expressionless, like a puppet. She even showed no reaction to Celecia.

"About this... I am also helpless."

Albert shook his head in pain: "Laoweny died for me in the turmoil not long ago, which really makes me feel heartbroken to this day. Unfortunately, people cannot be resurrected, even if it is for her, I have to pay tribute to her. Read it before."


Celecia turned her head again, looked at the still closed door, and said in a calm tone:

"Brother really value love and justice."

"I have a deep relationship with Lawini, so I naturally value her."

"I believe that the Miss Lavini you are talking about will also be happy if she knows your intentions."

"Thank you, but everyone has passed away, what else can I ask for? It can only be better for those who are still alive."

"Hearing Brother Huang's words really makes me feel a lot more at ease."

"Haha, look what Celcia said, you and I are brothers and sisters, how can we talk about peace of mind? Is there anything else I can do to you?"

" and sister."



There was another moment of silence.

Fortunately, the weird atmosphere did not brew again this time. As the huge ax and halberd rose, a deep voice came from the huge armor in front of the two people.

"Your Majesty has an order, please come in."

The two said in unison:




The two looked at each other in surprise, Albert shrugged, and Celcia remained expressionless.

However, this was not too surprising. Although this situation was not expected by them, they still walked into the room almost side by side.


The two of them bent down at the same time and saluted respectfully to the old man on the couch who had become much thinner.

"It's Celcia...and Albert."

Aldrich III opened his cloudy eyes and his voice was hoarse:

"What's up?"


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