"Of course I'm here to see my father's body."

Before Celcia could speak, Albert, who needed help just now, had strode to Aldrich III's couch, grabbed his skinny palm, and said in a heavy tone:

"If something like that happened, I believe my father would also have a hard time. I'm sorry, I'm late."

"That thing...ah, you mean that idiot Andrew...ahem."

Aldrich coughed hard and said:

"Indeed, although I don't like him, he is my son after all. If his son dies suddenly, what father will not be sad?"

"Father... my condolences."

Albert looked in pain: "This is all my fault. If I hadn't been so useless and powerless, then Andrew might not have died."

"Really...if you weren't so...powerless...cough cough cough cough"

Aldrich III coughed violently again, and it took him a while to calm down. From his pale and dry face, everyone could see how weak the supreme man who once ruled the empire was now.

"So, you just came to visit me?"

Aldrich III tilted his head slightly and looked at Celecia on the side.

Celecia did not compete with Albert for the position next to the bed. At this moment, she summoned the maid, handed her the medicinal materials in her hand, and gave her instructions on how to prepare the medicine.

When she heard this, she said without looking back:

"I am indeed here just to visit my father, but Brother Albert...may not necessarily be the case."

"Are you doubting my concern for my father?"

Albert raised his head suddenly and said angrily.

"No, no, no, of course I will not doubt the sincerity of the emperor. However, brother Albert, your current status... is very different from before. I believe you have worked hard to see my father. It’s not just for this little thing,” Celcia said meaningfully.

"To be honest, it's beyond my expectation that the emperor can delay his arrival until now."

"Nonsense, visiting my father is the top priority. How can you say..."

"Okay, Albert."

Aldrich III spoke, and although his voice was hoarse, it still revealed a hint of majesty:

"If you have anything to say, just say it. You are my only son now. Are you still afraid that I will eat you?"

"No...Father, you have to believe me, I have absolutely no special ideas."

Albert said with sincerity:

"It's just that the empire is in troubled times now, and what happened before, Andrew died, and the empire's political situation is in turmoil, so I want to come and advise you... I also ask you to establish the regent position to fill the place of Andrew The vacancy of responsibility!”

"That's it..."

Aldrich III said calmly: "Is this the purpose of your coming?"


Albert's face changed slightly: "Father, trust me. I don't think you have any special ideas. I believe that your father's health will be able to get better as soon as possible and he can regain control of the empire!"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense like this."

Aldrich III raised his hand with difficulty to stop Albert from continuing:

"I don't mean to blame you, cough... Yes, we are all a family. How could I doubt you for such a trivial matter? You are right. I am now weak and difficult to manage government affairs. The empire does need it. Someone who takes charge stands up."

"As for that candidate..."

Aldrich III glanced at Celecia, who seemed to have nothing to do with him, and then at Andrew, who had his head lowered and a respectful expression in front of him, and a strange smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"In the current situation, there is actually no choice for the regent. The only choice is..."

In the palace, in the imperial conference hall, the high throne is still empty.

In this mammoth palace, the gorgeous dome depicts exquisite murals. These masterpieces by famous masters in history are even more dazzling under the projection of the magic stone.

The sculptures on both sides are majestic and majestic, and the figures standing with swords are lifelike, as if they will come to life at any time.

These sculptures are all famous figures in the empire. They are the founding heroes and pioneering generals who have left strong traces in history. They once followed the original emperor and laid the huge foundation of the current empire at the end of the chaos.

Under the gaze of these characters, everyone who enters this hall should have endless heroism and courage, and use their own wisdom and force to clear all obstacles on the way forward for the empire.

However, for some reason, these ministers who dared to slam the table in front of the emperor and make a red-faced argument about something all looked solemn and terrifyingly silent at the moment.

It was as if... some kind of extremely terrifying enemy that they had to prepare for was not outside the empire, not in the demon abyss, but... right here.

"Hey, I said..."

The silence was finally broken. In the leader's position, a bear-shaped creature wearing a pink funny leather jacket skillfully scratched its buttocks, then crossed its hands under the bear's mouth. A deep shadow was outlined on its profile, and it said in a dissatisfied tone:

"You are all so serious and still don't say a word. This makes it difficult for me as the new imperial regent."

163. Come to apologize

The gorgeous palace illuminates everyone with its enchanting brilliance.

But at this moment, these big bosses who stand at the top of the empire and may be calm and composed even in the face of natural disasters, are looking as nervous as when they first became fathers, with tight and gloomy faces, even Cold sweat began to break out.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong with you? You look like you're facing a powerful enemy. Am I, this cute little bear, so scary in your eyes?"

Pink Bear felt that he had been subjected to inhumane cold violence as soon as he took office, so he slapped the table in dissatisfaction and said:

"Now is the time when the empire is in turmoil, and we must work together to tide over the difficulties. If you are so slack, how should you explain to all parties and the countless people in the empire?"

"No... it's already difficult to explain to you to sit in this position, okay?"

After a long silence, Count Boogard finally found it difficult to control his facial expressions, his cheeks twitched, and he spoke first:

"I don't understand what prompted His Majesty to let you...Pink Bear be the regent."

Pink Bear.


Everyone present here are some of the top figures in the empire, so they naturally know what this mysterious creature wearing a leather jacket is in front of them.

Therefore, the two things were suddenly connected. In their opinion, it was undoubtedly more ridiculous than the cruel demons on the opposite side suddenly turning into charming and gentle beautiful girls.

But it happened that this extremely ridiculous thing happened.

Therefore, when the pink bear walked to this position with a step that he did not recognize, everyone took a breath of air-conditioning and sighed in unison:

Empire is afraid of pills.

"Is there a problem?"

Hearing this, the pink bear suddenly became unhappy. His bear eyes widened and he yelled angrily:

"You think I'm handsome, extraordinarily handsome, extremely smart, as wise as a fool, aloof from the crowd... And, what, what... Handsome, why do you think I can't be the regent? Why? Why can't I be the regent? Ah? Why? What?"

The pink bear slapped the table loudly. Every time he slapped it, the antique conference table, which recorded countless major events in the empire, trembled violently, and the corners of everyone's eyes also continued to tremble.


You, Pink Bear, can't even come up with five words to praise yourself!

Count Boogard took a deep breath again:

"Your Majesty Pink Bear, we have no intention of arguing with you. Since His Majesty asked you to be the regent, we have no right to refuse. After all, the royal blood in you is genuine, but... we hope you can use this with caution. Privilege, after all, everything you say and do now is related to..."

"Don't call me Pink Bear, call me Duke Oranriel Leopold." Pink Bear suddenly said.


Bugard and everyone were stunned, thinking that they heard wrongly.

But Pink Bear knocked his legs on the long table, raised his head and hummed:

"I said, call me Duke."

"Your Majesty the Duke..."

Count Boogard frowned and thought for a while, then said confusedly: "When did you get the title of Duke? Why have I never heard of it?"

Pink Bear, or Olanliel Leopold, although wearing a funny leather suit all day long is not a good thing, he is indeed the real uncle of His Majesty the current emperor. In terms of status, being awarded the title of Duke is nothing. Something beyond comprehension.

However, it stands to reason that such a big matter cannot be hidden so deeply. Could it be that this was a private matter in the former emperor's era, so they didn't know about it?


Pink Bear picked his nose and said casually:

"I just named myself."

"Huh? What did you say?"

"I said, I just named myself."

Pink Bear said matter-of-factly: "As the regent who is temporarily in charge of the empire, I must have a befitting identity. I am just a Duke. What's wrong with proclaiming myself one?"

"A mere... position of Duke..."

After working hard for most of his life, "Count" Bugard finally squeezed into the seat of the Imperial Council. When he heard this, his eyes suddenly darkened and he almost lost his breath.

However, before he could say anything, there was a commotion in his ears.

"No... it's not good, His Excellency Marquis Modor fainted!"

"Quick, call the doctor!"

"Get out of the way, I know how to heal!"

"No, the rapid fire attacks the heart, and the healing technique is useless!"

The originally solemn imperial meeting became extremely chaotic.

However, the pink bear had no consciousness of messing up the meeting, and was still thinking happily while holding the bear's head.

"Oh, after being suppressed by that brat Aldrich for so long, I finally have the freedom to do whatever I want. With this power, what should I do?"

"Should we first beat up those dead lolita guys in the kingdom, or should we issue a decree to collect photos of the top beautiful girls in the empire?"

"Oh my, I'm so troubled."


When everyone heard this, their eyes went dark again, and those words naturally appeared in their minds:

Empire, really pill.

"Let Olanliel...great-uncle be the regent?"

In front of the bed, Albert raised his head sluggishly and said in an almost unbelievable tone:

"This... this is too much of a joke, Pink... Father, you are not unaware of the temper of our great-uncle Oranril. Letting him be the regent... isn't this pushing the empire into the fire pit?"

"Don't worry, ahem... my uncle is indeed not a decent person, but he can still distinguish right from wrong."

Aldrich III clenched his fist and coughed a few times, then continued:

"With his temper, he would abuse public power for personal gain, beat up the people in the Kingdom Consulate, or ask them to help him collect photos of beautiful women. Compared to I don't think the behavior of some of the empire's parasites can be called... pushing the empire into the fire pit."



Aldrich III suddenly looked at Albert meaningfully and asked:

"Do you have any better ideas?"


Albert's anxious expression suddenly stagnated. He seemed to realize something, and quickly restrained his emotions and lowered his head:

"No, since it is my father's arrangement, I have no objection."

"Very good, then you go first, I want to rest."

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